Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

30 58 64 68 93 155 | June 8, 2016 Tel Aviv Sarona Market shooting hoax (Propaganda by the Numbers)

The location is 'Sarona Market'.

This news comes June 8, 2016, tying to Saturn, which has major ties to the ongoing Zionist agenda.  Think about the year 1968; 9-1-1, WTCs, George W. Bush, Martin Luther King., Bobby Kennedy and more.  The current President of the United States, 'Barack Obama', has name gematria of 'sixty-eight' as well, and I don't think that is any coincidence.

In 1968, Israel also invaded Lebanon at the end of the year.

When you sum 1-63, it totals 2016
6/8/2016 = 6+8+20+16 = 50 (America)
6/8/2016 = 6+8+2+0+1+6 = 23
6/8/16 = 6+8+16 = 30 (Saturn)

The Jews worship Saturn.

Knesset is Israel's Congress.

Edelstein is the current leader of Knesset.

Tel Aviv is the second most populated city in Israel, after Jerusalem.

If you missed Zionist Jew Bill Maher worshipping Saturn on 'Real Time' this past Friday, here is what you need to know.

Further, remember that Israel was drawn up as a nation September 3, 1947.

Emphasis on 9/3, or '93'.

In the CNN new coverage, they talked about the shooting taking place in the 'entertainment' district, which reminds of Steven Jewberg.

Oskar Schindler = 93
Film came out in '93 (With Jurassic Park)

Notice that Tel Aviv, Israel is known as 'The White City'.

Think about Israel and the prophecy of the Bible.

All of this is a science.  If you're new here, you might not know about the overlap of spirituality and science yet.

Notice how they also call the city 'The Bubble'.  Think about how Washington D.C., zionist owned and controlled, is on the 77th Meridian West.

Tel Aviv = 20+5+12+1+22+9+22 = 91
Tel Aviv = 2+5+3+1+4+9+4 = 28/64 (Israel = 28/64)

Dr. Gil Fire, eh?

Dr. = 4+9 = 13
Gil = 7+9+3 = 19
Fire = 6+9+9+5 = 29
Gil Fire = 61

Dr. = 4+18 = 22
Gil = 7+9+12 = 28
Fire = 6+9+18+5 = 38 (Death) (Jew)
Dr. Gil Fire = 88 (Ichilov Hospital)

He is head at 'Ichilov' Hospital.

Ichilov = 9+3+8+9+3+6+4 = 42
Hospital = 8+6+1+7+9+2+1+3 = 37/46
Ichilov Hospital = 79/88 (Dr. Gil Fire = 88)

Ichilov = 9+3+8+9+12+15+22 = 78 (Mass Shooting = 78)
Hospital = 8+15+19+16+9+20+1+12 = 100
Ichilov Hospital = 178

Sarona = 1+1+9+6+5+1 = 26/35
Market = 4+1+9+2+5+2 = 23/32
Sarona Market = 49/58/67 (Revelation = 49) (Freemasonry = 58/67)

Sarona = 19+1+18+15+14+1 = 68 (June 8)
Market = 13+1+18+11+5+20 = 68 (June 8)
Sarona Market = 136

3 dead, 6 injured....

UPDATE:  'Four Dead'

Those numbers remind me of three things.

Jew = 10+5+23 = 38
Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38

Masonic = 4+1+1/10+6+5+9+3 = 29/38
Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

The sub headline is interesting as well.

That gematria of '440' and '170' reminds me of two things.

Of course they blame it on 'Hasidic Jews' for a 'shooting'.

Hasidic = 8+1+1/10+9+4+9+3 = 35/44 (Shooting = 44/53)

In Bill Maher's "Religulous", he gets upset at a Hasidic Jew who speaks against Israel.

It is interesting that the gematria of 'Hasidic Jews' correspond with '47, the year Israel was recognized as a nation, November 29, 1947.


  1. In Bacon...

    Tel Aviv = 143 = 11 x 13

    One hundred forty three = 113

    1. I don't think Bacon is kosher.

    2. You made me choke on my Dr Pepper, I started laughing before I could swallow with that comment. You owe me a new keyboard!

    3. 6+8+16 = 30

      30th prime is "113"

  2. June 8 to November 8
    153 days until the general election.

    1. Astute observation!

      The sum of divisors in 153 = 1 + 3 + 9 + 17 + 51 + 153 = 234 (234 + 432 = 666)

      Two Thirty Four = 74 = Masonic

      Two Three Four = 66 = Thirty three

      One Hundred Fifty Three = 113

      One Thirteen = 133

      One Hundred Thirteen = 99 (99th prime is 523)

      The sum of divisors in 99 = 1 + 3 + 9 + 11 + 33 + 99 = 156

      Thirty Three = 156

      Six Six Six = 156

      One Fifty Three = 156


  3. "Terrorist Attack" = 809

    Today's date is 6/8


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