Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, June 10, 2016

33 174 | 'Brexit' on June 23, 2016 (NWO Agenda)

The article also shows heavy emphasis on 'Remain'.

Remain = 9+5+4+1+9+5 = 33

The reason this is taking place on June 23 is clear.


  1. Considering that "Remain" sums to "33" the short way in Pythagorean, & it is shown capitalized 3 times in the text -- & only once for "Leave" -- I'd say the fix is in for them to "Remain". (After all, it's not like they'd REALLY allow the Ignorant Masses to determine such an "important economic issue"). It'll be like the Scottish Referendum -- a lot of hype for distraction & to reinforce false notions that the voice of the populace matters ... But nothing will change. You can be sure though, that there will be a HUGE amount of the Commoners' money being wagered on the outcome (just as they did with the Scottish vote) -- screwing them over in every way possible.

    Since America ALWAYS winds up following The British Model, I wonder how long it will be before we're being conned into voting on policy issues too -- with people shelling out their few remaining bucks to wager on a predetermined outcome? The rigged sports are perfect conditioning for THAT future scenario.

    Too bad NO ONE ever gets to "vote" on things like WAR, VACCINATIONS & TAXATION ... Fuck yeah, we're sure "Free" people, aren't we?! ;D :D

    1. Great conniptions friend, excellent eyes.

    2. Haha -- maybe you meant "connections" ... But "conniptions" IS better -- lol! Cause it really did throw me into a conniption fit ... Lol, lol ... Thanks for the chuckles!! ;D. ;D

  2. Thanks for this Zach. As a Brit this is on my mind right now. Please do some more on this topic as and when you can please. Cheers :)

  3. I live in Britain too. I can guarantee you this seems like the start of the NWO I also heard that in 6 years time in 2022 They are going to announce the new roman Empire in Jerusalem.

  4. I live in Britain too. I can guarantee you this seems like the start of the NWO I also heard that in 6 years time in 2022 They are going to announce the new roman Empire in Jerusalem.

  5. That tech dome in the UK with rfid technology is scary



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