Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, June 17, 2016

33 42 44 96 213 | Nimrod, the first Freemason (More 213 significance)

Nimrod, the Biblical figure is said to be the first Freemason.  Notice his name Gematria in Jewish formation, '213', like '2/13', or February 13, the 44th day of the year.

Recall that February 13 is known as 'Lupercalia'.  We have come to understand that this is an important measuring date for the masonic overlords.

The G in middle of the Freemason compass and square logo represents the word 'Grand' among other things.  Freemasons have 'Grand' lodges.

Notice Nimrod was the King of 'Shinar'.

Shinar = 1+8+9+5+1+9 = 33/42 (Genesis = 33) (G = 33)
Shinar = 19+8+9+14+1+18 = 69

Remember, February is the only month with '42' and '96' gematria.  (February 13)


  1. The only thing I used to know about Nimrod, was that it was a Greenday album...I wonder if there's any significance to that? Tfs

    1. Green Day also had a song called "86" which maybe something to look into since the 86 gray sweatshirt image of Mateen's wife

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  3. Truely impressive Zach, was actually lookin into this nimrod dude quite recently, in our western societies we recognise him as Cupid (276 Jewish gem) much like deception, he used to worship moloch (161 Jewish) (66 simple), he was originally known as Saint valentine (1160 Jewish) much like 'true love', Saint valentine (165 simple) was from a place called Saturnia (521 Jewish), (103 simple) like 'the Vatican', 'the secret' and 'enlightened'. Saturnia was later renamed Rome (165 Jewish)

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  5. Zach, this is a great find. You continue to out due yourself and I am grateful for your work

  6. Babylon is where it all started... the black magic, gematria, the roots of occult

  7. Babylon is where it all started... the black magic, gematria, the roots of occult

    1. Does that Hillary the Whore of Babylon?

    2. Whore = 33,69
      Hillary will be 69 when she takes Office.
      Clinton = 33
      HDRC = 33

    3. The lady in red -- 125 SE / 676 JE

      125 = 5 * 5 * 5
      676 = 4 * 13 * 13

    4. The Queen of Babylon is the precursor to the fall of Babylon. I would not be surprised is Queen Lizzy kicked it 69 days before the election.

    5. She will probably kick it on August 26. She'll be exactly 33,000 days old.

  8. There are a lot more details about Nimrod and his kingdom in the Book of Jasher. Jasher is referenced in the Bible in 2 Samuel 1:18; and Joshua 10:13. The Bible doesn't say much about Nimrod except the story of the Tower of Babel. In the book of Jasher, Abram (who later became Abraham) was known about by the Astrologers of Nimrod. They wanted to kill baby Abram but a substitute baby was given. Abram's father worked in the courts of Nimrod and served his idols.

    Also, all the pagan gods originate from Nimrod. His wife is Semiramis (aka Isis), who goes by many other names, and his son is Tammuz. Nimrod the Sun god, his wife the moon goddess and their son. Supposedly Nimrod died and his son was also killed by a wild boar and reincarnated.


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