Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

33 42 74 | NYC's West 33rd Street temporarily renamed 'Muhammad Ali Way', June 7, 2016

What a tribute!  Remember, New York rests on the 74th Meridian West.  Also, his birth name was 'Cassius Clay'.

Muhammad = 13+21+8+1+13+13+1+4 = 74 (Dead at 74)

Cassius = 3+1+1+1+9+3+1 = 19; Clay = 3+3+1+7 = 14
Cassius Clay = 33

Race = 9+1+3+5 = 18; War = 5+1+9 = 15; Race War = 33

Of course 'NYC' also has the 'Muhammad Ali' connection.

NYC = 14+25+3 = 42
Muhammad Ali = 4+3+8+1+4+4+1+4+1+3+9 = 42


  1. West Thirty Third = 226/82/91

    West Thirty Third Street = 313/106/124

    Thirty Third Street= 246/93/102

    Thirty Third = 159/69

  2. Temporary Rename" in the English Ordinal system equals 187

    Temporary Rename" in the English Reduction system equals 79

    West Thirty Third Muhammad Ali Way" in the English Reduction system equals 137

    West Thirty Third Muhammad Ali" in the English Ordinal system equals 322

    Wednesday June Eighth Twenty Sixteen" in the English Ordinal system equals 410

    Wednesday June Eighth Twenty Sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 149

    Bonesmen Message Received" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

    Skull and Bones Cassius Clay" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    Cassius Clay Hoax Death" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    Skull and Bones Muhammad Ali" in the English Reduction system equals 83

    Cassius Clay Bonesmen " in the English Reduction system equals 66 / 93

    Muhammad Ali Cassius Clay Bonesmen" in the English Reduction system equals 108 / 144


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