Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 16, 2016

33 50 84 93 96 | Invicta, the White Horse of Kent & the Jutish Kingdom

Invictus?  How about Invicta?

Invicta = 9+5+4+9+3+2+1 = 33 (Henley = 33, author of Invictus)
Invicta = 9+14+22+9+3+20+1 = 78

I think I know what is standing at the Denver Airport now.

White = 5+8+9+2+5 = 29
Horse = 8+6+9+1+5 = 29/38
of = 6+6 = 12
Kent = 2+5+5+2 = 14
White Horse of Kent = 84/93

White = 23+8+9+20+5 = 65
Horse = 8+15+18+19+5 = 65
of = 15+6 = 21
Kent = 11+5+14+20 = 50
White Horse of Kent = 201

Jutish = 1+3+2+9+1+8 = 24/33
Kingdom = 2+9+5+7+4+6+4 = 37
of = 6+6 = 12
Kent = 2+5+5+2 = 14
Jutish Kingdom of Kent = 87/96

Jutish = 10+21+20+9+19+8 = 87
Kingdom = 11+9+14+7+4+15+13 = 73
of = 15+6 = 21
Kent = 11+5+14+20 = 50
Jutish Kingdom of Kent = 231

It is time to conquer these people.


  1. Do you think there is actually a 4 square mile underground bunker underneath DIA? I remember when everyone was going crazy about 9/23 last year some people were saying Obama was headed to Denver with the Pope (which didn't happen, or at least the Pope didn't go to Denver as far as I know). Just misinformation or is there anything to this?

    1. There are all sorts of underground roadways, railways, and hideaways under most magor cities. Atlanta has a maze of industrial tunnels connecting all their big offices, hospitals, airport, etc. Hell, the airport alone has a cities worth of underground space.

    2. Where abouts Atlanta do you live? I'm over in Gwinnett.

  2. Invicta also means "invincible" in Latin. Makes me think of Invicta watches.
    Invincible = 54, 99

    They are made in switzerland
    Switzerland = 52,61, 151, 906 or 96

    Founded in 1837, the 37 stands out. 159 years later to 2016.
    18+37= 55

    1. Founder was Raphael Picard.
      Raphael Picard = 67,112

    2. And we all know watches have to do with time. Time has to do with the keeper of time.
      Who is the Keeper of time besides a watch?

      Saturn =93
      Swiss watch = 144
      Watch =55

  3. La chaux-de-fonds, switzerland
    La chaux-de-fonds = 137, 33rd prime
    Watch= 330
    Invicta watches = 58

  4. +Zach, as you said, Mr. Crowley lyrics(amongst others): "Won't you ride my white horse."
    Among other references.


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