Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 2, 2016

33 58 68 | Gematria icebreakers, President George W. Bush and 9/11/2001

The next time you introduce gematria to someone, show them this.  When my books is out, you can show the other 1 million examples.

From George W. Bush's birthday to September 11 was a span of 68-days.

In 1968...

...he graduated from Yale and Skull and Bones.
...9-1-1 was made the national emergency dialing code.
...WTC Construction began.

From 1968 to 2001 was 33-years.  George W. Bush was born July 6, 1946.

7/6/1946 = 7+6+1+9+4+6 = 33

Then you can lead in to how George W. Bush sums to 58 which opens up a lot of important topics.

Also, you might want to tell them Bush was #43, and went to 'Yale', home of Skull and Bones.

Yale = 25+1+12+5 = 43


  1. Nice Bro, Need more articles with stuff like this for the obvious ones, Help get more people to open the door, that's what I've been trying to do in some my stuff, some of the deeper connections are too hard for the novice to see. It's growing, just need to get the Flat Earth crowd focused on this and we would see some crazy results with how hard they work.

    1. Obama graduated from columbia 33 years ago

  2. Paul Pierce, nicknamed "The Truth" picked Cavs in 6.

    No wonder that is his nickname

    Paul Pierce = 52, 106 (Prophecy)

    The truth speaking Prophecy in Oracle. Can't make this shit up

    1. 1st quarter ended in 52 total points..

    2. He signed a 10.6 million dollar deal. He scored 42 in the game he got the nickname from shaq.

  3. Hope u guys have better luck than me.
    Nobody listening here.

  4. Things are not looking good for the cavs

  5. So who were saying Cavs would win Game one ? RiggedGame? Of GSW wins this is ending in 6.

    Come on a 12-3 record makes too much sense

    1. The narrative will be steph had a bad game and the Warriors still won how can the cavs evendors win a game?

    2. I mean people are going to jump all over GSW with two hands full of money

    3. Sum of 89+104 = 193 the 44th Prime

      6+2+20+16 = 44

      Scripted indeed

    4. riggedgame, your saying cavs in 7?

    5. Warriors going to win this year and next year.

    6. This is a Cinderella Story. Cinderella equals 47,Ohio=47. If Cavs won the Money would have been on GSW next game and the Cavs arent winning 2 in a row. So this 12-3 Scenario made more sense

    7. Based on that record, 13-3 makes sense. Cavs won game 2 last year.

    8. Been preaching that 12-3 record for over a week...... that was one of the first connections that stood out to me...

      If the odds were better i would have bet.... i just dont have the funds right now for a large sum of money to be tied up on a online gambling site right now.

      With -220 on Golden state tonight.... you would have to put down a large chunck of money for a decent return...

      It was tough to pass up on that "12-3" connection.....

  6. Seven game series bro. But good for you Warri. Glad you were right. Give yourself a pat on the back.

    1. Who wins the next 2 riggedgame?

    2. No idea whether it will go 6 or 7 or who will win game 2. Guess we have tonwait and see. Unless you guys think you know.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey Come on you were the one giving me connections on Why Cavs would win. Keep it simple. A 12-3 record is all I said.

    The Cavs got 89 which equals "King James" which maybe ties into the Connections you were giving out?

    1. Its tough to predict but I still like Cavs to win the series. The narrative seems more noticeable now that everyone seems to be in the euphoria phase of GSW now

    2. I believe its cavs too, even if they go up 3-2, people will still bet on warriors since they just came back from 3-1. Too much money on warriors.

    3. All of you don't know shit. Cavs in 6

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Lebron is 4-2 in game two in the Finals.

    6. Today had the 44 numerology which has been the Warriors number all season. Warriors was a safe call today, but what went on in the game makes me think the series belongs to Cleveland. Check my new post.

  8. Hey check out the new google doodle for 6/3. It's for a international soccer event: "Copa América Centenario"

    COPA America Centenario -- 189/99/576

    It has the theme: "Now is the Time to Scream" -- 254/92/1705

    What!! I wonder what that slogan is telegraphing.

    It's goes from 6/3 to 6/26 for 23 days.
    The end date has 23 numerology:

    6/26/2016 - 6+2+6+2+1+6 = 23
    6/26/2016 - 6+26+20+16 = 68
    6/26/16 - 6+26+16 = 48

    Of course 6/3/2016 has 63 numerology.

    The United States is 32 seed. How unexpected.
    America - 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32

    The Google Doodle pictures 6 men 3 red and 3 blue playing in front of a crown. I guess with the 23's and the crown, this is supposed to remind us of King James?

    Here is a listing of the US's schedule:

    ca2016 = 13


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