Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 13, 2016

44 122 193 | San Bernardino shooting hoax and Orlando shooting hoax, 193-days apart

The headline reminds of the December 2, 2015 San Bernardino shooting hoax, also blamed on "ISIS loyalists", only after it was blamed on three white athletic males...

Freemason = 122 (Francis Bacon Method)

Notice that from December 2 to June 12 was 193-days, the 44th prime number.


  1. Irony here is that we all probably NEED body armor to protect us from these whackos.

    1. or not because no bullets were fired and nobody was killed. someone said that his friend had one of those "long bullets" stuck in his bone. anybody who knows about weapons and ammo will know that when that long bullet is fired the casing falls off or sheds and a smaller bullet strikes the target.

  2. "One Two Two" = 42 = "Freemason"
    "Forty Two" = 142 = "President Obama" = "Terrorist"
    "One Hundred Twenty Two" = 93(Reduction) = "Propaganda"

  3. "One Hundred Ninety Three" = 116(Reduction) which is an upside down 911

    "One Nine Three" = 69(Reduction) = "Message"

    "Confusion" = 193

  4. I agree with you prunella about the magnets. sometimes I think there's someone in a booth with a beam that guides the ball in the hoop.

  5. Notice the headline to the right under Hillary's picture?

    "I'll say Radical Islamism" = 221 the reflection of 122
    "Two Two One" = 42 = "Freemason"

    "I'll say Radical Islamism" also equals = 86 = Symbol = Triangle = Pyramid.

    "Eight Six" = 47, 101, 606
    "Eighty Sixed" = 63 & 135

    "Terrorism" = 135

  6. I think the rim may be a larger diameter, and the ball is smaller and lighter than they are telling us as well.

  7. Zach, I posted this on another post and on your YouTube channel. The address of the club and the phone number of the club are nothing but 1's and 9's. 1912 '19111', (407) 649-3888 47 =11 649 =1 3888 =9. Look up a movie from the 1950s called Disk 1119. Premise is a deranged killer holds hostages in a bar. Emergency code in the movie is 1119, several years before 1968 and 9-1-1.

    1. Good Work Matthew.

      Director's Name and Title of the 1950 Film.

      Dial One One One Nine Gerald Mayer" in the English Reduction system equals 144

      Dial One One One Nine Two Two Three" in the English Reduction system equals 144

      Dial One One One Nine Mateen " in the English Reduction system equals 111

      "Dial One One One Nine Mateen " in the English Ordinal system equals 228

      New York Orlando Florida" in the English Reduction system equals 111

      The name of the actor who play's the shooter in the movie. Marshal Thompson.

      Marshall Thompson Omar Mateen" in the English Reduction system equals 111

      One One One " in the English Ordinal system equals 102

      July 11th is 29 Days From Now. Omar was 29 Years Old.

      Sunday June Twelfth Monday July Eleventh" in the English Reduction system equals 144

    2. Good observation, all numbers come back to 1, and 1 symbolizes the beginning, 9 the end.

    3. The dude in Dial 1119 movie Marshall Thompson's Previous film was Devil's Doorway (1950). And The Flick he made after Dial'? The Basketball Fix (1951). The Basketball Fix hmmm how fitting.

      Devil's Doorway Dial One One One Nine The Basketball Fix" in the English Reduction system equals 211

      "Devil's Doorway The Basketball Fix" in the English Reduction system equals 122

      Devil's Doorway The Basketball Fix" in the English Ordinal system equals 329

      The Basketball Fix" in the English Reduction system equals 58 / 67

      Devil's Doorway" in the English Reduction system equals 64 / 73

      New York Orlando" in the English Reduction system equals 73

  8. NFL death tribute Bryan Robinson

    Played 14 season and dead at 41

    There's the 41 Zack!!!!

  9. COG, COOP, Orlando, Paris, June 19th
    I'm done. I'm totally freaked out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Replies
    1. No, they haven't played yet.

    2. But the consensus seems to be that Cavs will win in seven.

  11. That could very well be true tv is digital and they can make real time corrections.
    I've started taking pictures of all the telephone pole wires and cellular towers that surround me. All the background stuff I never noticed before why haven't I noticed it before?
    Where I live those electric invisable dog fences are popular. The dog wears a collar and he gets a shock if he tries to leave the yard. After enough shocks he learns to stay put. I'm thinking something like that is going on

  12. Jake.. I actually like this theory over the magnet one. Not saying the magnet one isn't possible (it definitely is).. I just think wider rims and smaller basketballs would make the shots easier.

  13. andy moss -- "witness" "friend was shot in club" andy moss -- 660, 110. "Christopher leinonen" the son of "Christine" has gematria of 227. luis burbano -- interviewed as a witness is an actor --

  14. Hilary looks pretty spiffy in that lumber-jack's shirt.

    1. all she needs is to be gnawing on some oberto beef jerky -- ya get out what ya put in.

  15. this "attack" on the gays is just oh so perfectly timed with gay pride. and Richard simmons is now a woman? don't worry, Hillary will save us all and if you say otherwise your a misogynist. a word everyone is going to know in the coming months. one or two more stories involving gays, transgennys, etc. and those trans bathrooms are gonna start to pop up in public schools, high schools and colleges quick fast.

  16. Gettin tough to be a man. Maybe I should dye my beard emerald-green?

  17. Hope you make a video on this fake bs

  18. Hope you make a video on this fake bs

  19. Now on FB, theyre reporting a student from a CATHOLIC school in PHILADELPHIA was killed in Orlando.

    Damn you people are on to something . DAMN!!!

  20. Jake Lebowski, the rim looks huge !

  21. I kinda think the answer is in the jumboTRON.

    Definition of -tron

    1:  vacuum tube <magnetron

    2:  device for the manipulation of subatomic particles <cyclotron

  22. If this is a hoax, where do the "victims" go ?

    1. The vicSims are just names and pictures on a screen. They r made up. They don't exist that's why it's so easy to disappear them. Write an ibituary complete with dry eyed "sobbing" relatives and Poof they gone. Its fictitious, a narrative, just like those pictures of planets always turn out to be artists representations. You can believe it or not like Ripley.
      You know how all these terrorists keep baffling everyone able to fool the FBI and military etc like a bunch of Bond villians. It's cause it's fiction. It's that simple when u make it up you can make all these crazy coincidences line up everytime. Look at the numbers. The patterns are there.
      Don't believe the media. They aren't your friends. Tell me, do you believe something is happening LIVE because they put that tag at the bottom of the screen to let you know? Or because everyone else around u believes it? Fucking think for yourself question why u r being told this crap. If u stay with the herd you might as well be a robot.


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