Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 16, 2016

54 | Confession about my book writing the last week (June 9-15, 2016)

With travel to see my sister and all the news I've been keeping up with, I haven't written a single page for my book in the last seven days (that is changing right now).  Anyhow, I just opened it up to finish the shooting hoax chapter, and I am sitting right on Page 54.

The Orlando shooting, which will go in the chapter, happened on a date with '54' numerology.

6/12/2016 = 6+12+20+16 = 54

In my Civil War chapter there were so many 54 connections I left out because I didn't know how to place them.  I feel like I'm missing something huge.  I feel like this is a clue from the universe I need to find what I'm missing.

Sun = 54
Love = 54


  1. I'm no priest, so your confession is no good with me, dear.
    Meanwhile, you're fighting the good fight. I recognize that, and I would imagine others do as well. :)
    Appreciate your attention to the current topics. It's tough to be everyplace though! Hang in there, brother!
    In the same vein, Cheryl posted a new comment to the Juneteenth post that I think needs your attention. I've started some work on it, but it's going to be a big job, methinks. Your thoughts would be appreciated as well as a new post for working, perhaps. It's obviously June 19 related, but it's more than that, I think.

    1. Thank you Mir for recognizing me. You must have been a kick ass manager (if you got upper management support).
      My father died on May 23.
      Because I posted that date... and we (and I) became fixed on it.... as a big world event, I was sick. He was a great, kind man. We (all truthers) need to focus on the big and small pictures. We will prevail.

    2. Awww, thanks :)

      Sorry to hear about your father. We take care of my mom here at home, so I understand. *hugs*

    3. Thank you. And the irony isn't lost on me; that a big event would happen on Father's Day... been there, done that.
      I appreciate your kindness, and return it to you (and others).

  2. There was a TV show called "Car 54 Where Are You" back in the 50's and 60's ... My dad likes those old shows and for some reason it came to mind..............

  3. 5+4 = 9 and the Number 9 is used with the Satanic Symbols..."If a six was nine"

    According to the book "Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues" by W. W. Wescott nine holds great significance among many Masonic orders and secret societies. He said, "There is a Masonic order of Nine Elected Knights in which nine roses, nine lights, and nine knocks are used." In fact the number nine is the number of "the earth under evil influences."

    "Five Four" = 102
    "Fifty Four" = 126 = "Forty Five" [Reflections]
    "One Two Six" = 144

    Also, take note that if you create any angle from a 360 circle is always reduces to (9). For example: if we look at a 90 deg. angle, you have 45deg. = 45 deg. = (9 + 9) = 18 = (8 +1) = 9

    I feel like 54-45 is a code key of some sort. Just trying to offer some ideas.

  4. When your write out fifty four = 54.

    Think theres only a select few numbers that do this, im sure the numbers that = themselves are very significant as of yet ive not discovered why!

    The above post about the angles is extremely interesting, i feel like theres a few very significant rules that these people go by. Zach you've cracked a few of them but if we could know them all we'd know how the whole system works.

    We'll get there ive noticed all ready these people are very repetitive.

  5. Not sure if you named your book, but after reading this blog post....

    Confessions Of A TruthSeeker =310. Zachary K Hubbard =1300.

    Like Lebowski, I get a strong feeling of "9" from 54 - Fifty Four =54! Fifty Four =126...1+2+6 =9. Re-inforces that 9 feeling.

    1. 6x9 = 54

      6 the reverse of 9.

    2. Drake had a song on his album called 9, the chorus was turned the 6 upside down now its a 9 now. Drake is the biggest puppet.

    3. The Beatles (John Lennon) had a song called Revolution 9 on the White Album.

      "Revolution" = 52 & 151 & 906

      151 is the (36th) Prime

  6. This is interesting:

    "five plus four equals nine" = 107
    "five plus four equals nine" = 1722(Jewish)

    "five minus one equals four" = 107
    "five minus one equals four" = 1722(Jewish)

    "four minus five equals negative one" = 145 = "Numerology"

    "five multiplied by four equals twenty" = 432(Simple)

    432 + 234 = 666

  7. My dad has been writing a book about trans-personal psychology and universal spirituality since 2012. When he originally finished it it was 223 pages, and 22.3 KB. He also finished it on May 23rd. Like you said about the 54 saying you're missing something, I told my dad the 223 was clueing him in that he was missing critical information on the 223 club the synagogue of satan and skull and bones. My dad thinks your work is the missing link for his book, he plans on having you be one of his major sources. We didn't discover your work until this year

    1. That's great someone in your family has a clue about all this and for it to be your dad must be awesome. For him to say it's the missing link takes alot and says alot.

    2. I appreciate that, I realized its rare enough for even any individual to understand or accept things like this. Based on what Zachs said before about his mom not getting it, I realized its even more rare to have a family member grasp this shit.

    3. Does your father know that they will laugh him out of the business, if he sites any of this?

    4. He's unemployed. He knows he would have no other choice than to self publish.

  8. You can also do a volume 2.. A lot of people do that information changes and their insight grows. Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good.

  9. Lunar eclipse = 54
    Islam = 54
    French = 54
    Oracle = 54
    Car bomb = 54
    Obama is 54
    1962 was 54 years ago
    +54 is the international number for Argentina
    There are 54 cards in a deck, including 2 Jokers

    The reflection of 54
    forty five = 54
    DNA = 45
    Sagittarius = 45
    Tax = 45

    Not sure if any of that helps.

  10. The Pentateuch (Torah) is divided into fifty four (54) weekly sections, The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures; the Torah.
    (Middle English Pentateuke, from Late Latin Pentateuchus, from Greek Pentateukhos : penta- + teukhos, implement, vessel, scroll case) and also the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; The first five books of the Hebrew Bible, called the Five Books of Moses.The hebrew word "nachash", simple 54 translated to an incantation or augury -- enchantment; Omen and Divination..think youre right that the 54 is important, see also that the Number of 54 grains that can have the Chinese rosary originating from the Buddhist. And the Number of grains of the Muslim rosary are 99. Interesting, the reflection of 54 + 45 = 99, this shows that 54 and 99 (and 9/ 9+9=18/1+8=9) have spiritual and religious significance, 99 is also the number of Noah in jew G., the US Constitution was founded on the Noahide Laws and Masons should live as true Noachides.

  11. Take a break Zach- don't put more pressure on yourself, go take a nap in the sunshine, it's like recharging a battery :-) Your sis is in my prayers-everything will be okay. Just relax~the world will keep spinning :-)

  12. Take a break Zach- don't put more pressure on yourself, go take a nap in the sunshine, it's like recharging a battery :-) Your sis is in my prayers-everything will be okay. Just relax~the world will keep spinning :-)

  13. The number 54 = 66 (octal). Maybe the answer can be found by researching 'Octogon' aka Switzerland and the Templars.

    1. In Hebrew Gematria the word Octal = 70+3+400+1+30 = 504.

  14. Something dd happen in history on 5.4 maybe bank runs or something anyways there's was a lot of death, maybe even a roman holiday . The calendars are off, for example 11.3 is february 11-17

  15. Something dd happen in history on 5.4 maybe bank runs or something anyways there's was a lot of death, maybe even a roman holiday . The calendars are off, for example 11.3 is february 11-17

  16. Please tell me you're going to have a chapter in the book just on the "44" kill connection????

  17. Check out Miles Mathis essays, he has a lot of meticulous detailed history truth telling on his site that may serve as inspiration for your posts & book.

  18. Check out Miles Mathis essays, he has a lot of meticulous detailed history truth telling on his site that may serve as inspiration for your posts & book.


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