Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 6, 2016

63 | Cascadia Rising earthquake and tsunami drill begins June 7, 2016 ends June 10, in Pacific NW

I love that this article about 'Cascadia Rising' was posted on June 3 in 2016.  Remember, when you sum ever number to up to '63', it sums to '2016'.

Cascadia = 3+1+1+3+1+4+9+1 = 23; Rising = 9+9+1+9+5+7 = 40
Cascadia Rising = 63

Cascadia = 3+1+19+3+1+4+9+1 = 41; Rising = 18+9+19+9+14+7 = 76
Cascadia Rising 117 (July 11) (November 7)

Cascadia Rising, the drill, is set to take place between June 7 and June 10, 2016.

It is interesting to note that July 11 follows June 7 by 34-days, and November 7 follows June 7 by 153-days.  153 often goes with '42', and Washington is the 42nd State.  It should be noted that the word 'Tsunami' has gematria of '34'.

Will the Pacific NW get a Tsunami on 7/11 to go with Japan's 3/11/11 Tsunami?  I'll remember not to be at the beach on that date, just in case.

The word 'basketball' has gematria of '85', and this drill is going on during the time of the NBA Finals.  I can't help but think of the suspicious earthquake in Oklahoma on February 13, that was seemingly connected to the Oklahoma City Thunder's season.  That team is originally from Seattle, near where this drill is occurring.

For those not familiar with Seattle and Interstate-5, there is a massive bridge that connects the north end of Seattle to the city.  It is near the University of Washington campus.  If that bridge collapsed, the region would be 1000000000000000% fucked.

That said, since I have been in kindergarten, they've been having us prepare for "THE BIG ONE".  All of us up here have been told a million times over that this region is due for possibly the biggest earthquake there ever was, so perhaps this drill indicates the time is near.

Keep in mind that in 2007, nine years ago, Portland simulated the biggest nuclear blast going off in an urban environment.  Thankfully, we haven't seen any real blasts in the time of or since.

Jeff Young did a special show late last night, into early this morning, on Cascadia Rising.


  1. "for the disaster that will come" 308(O)/119(P)

  2. "for the disaster that will come"...
    Eng Gem at 1964/119,
    Eng Gem (gematrix) 1848, which has 32 divisors.
    Just so I'm talking in consistent terms: What do we call the difference between "English Gematria" at ridingthebeast vs "English Gematria" at Gematrix?

  3. I love how the disaster is not a question of if but when.

    1. Absolutely a stand-out statement.

    2. Well what do you think will be the cause of such an earthquake? Is there any truth to CERN being able to cause earthquakes? I know shills like Dahboo and BPEarthwatch push that theory hard.

    3. I get the feeling CERN is mostly smoke and mirrors, but I dunno. I have no doubt that man can def influence seismic activity. Fraking A.

    4. I think the underground nuclear weapons testing program that went on for decades is what is at play. I think they planted bombs along fault lines or something to that effect. Don't forget the nuclear weapons program started in Washington State, Hanford.

    5. I feel like the Fukushima radiation leak is a hoax too. Don't get me wrong, there's totally pollution problems, all over the Earth, but the Fukushima shit just has "fear porn" written all over it. Some people legit think the end of the world is coming because of radiation. Anything Alex 33 Jones pushes hard, I just don't believe. Iodine is good for you, but it just seems like a scare tactic to build his back account.

  4. June Seventh" in the English Ordinal system equals 143

    June Seventh" in the English Reduction system equals 44

    143+44= .. 187 ..

    Northwest MeagQuake" in the English Reduction system equals 79 / 88

    Northwest MeagQuake" in the English Ordinal system equals 223

    June Seventh Earthquake" in the English Reduction system equals 88

    June Seventh Washington " in the English Reduction system equals 93

    June Seventh Washington " in the English Ordinal system equals 273

    Washington Earthquake" in the English Reduction system equals 93

    Washington Earthquake" in the English Ordinal system equals 237

    Washington Tsunami" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

    Washington Tsunami" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    The Big One Washington Earthquake" in the English Ordinal system equals 322

    The Order plays HARRP" in the English Reduction system equals 101

    The Order plays HARRP" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

    The Big One" in the English Ordinal system equals 85

    Skull and Bones Earthquake" in the English Reduction system equals 85

    Earthquake Eighty Five" in the English Ordinal system equals 223

    Earthquake Eighty Five" in the English Reduction system equals 106

    223-106+ .. 117 ..

    1. HAARP = 44 (simple)/ 150 (Jewish)
      High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

    2. Yes, HAARP = 44 and Earthquake = 44

    3. Correction**

      The Order Plays HAARP" in the English Ordinal system equals 210

      The Order Plays HAARP" in the English Reduction system equals 93

      210-93= .. 117..

      Live EarthQuake Drill" in the English Reduction system equals 93

      "Live EarthQuake Drill" in the English Ordinal system equals 210

      The Drill starts 6-7-2016

      Six Seven" in the English Reduction system equals 36

      "Six Seven" in the English Ordinal system equals 117

      June Tenth" in the English Reduction system equals 36

      June Tenth" in the English Ordinal system equals 117

      July Eleventh " in the English Reduction system equals 51

      July Eleventh Earthquake Washington" in the English Reduction system equals 144

      Earthquake Conspiracy Washington" in the English Reduction system equals 144

      7+11+16= 34
      7+11+20+16= 54
      7+11+(2+0+1+6)= 27
      7+1+1+(2+0+1+6)= 18

      34+54+27+18= .. 133 ..

      One One Seven" in the English Ordinal system equals .. 133 ..

      Now Look at the Life Lesson # of 7+11+(2+0+1+6)= .. 27 ..

      Twenty Seven" in the English Reduction system equals 46

      Two Seven" in the English Ordinal system equals 123

      Two Seven" in the English Reduction system equals 33

      Thirty Three Conspiracy" in the English Reduction system equals .. 117 ..

  5. Has anybody figured out why this 117 number keeps coming up?
    Cascadia Rising 117
    UCLA shooter
    Mainak Sarkar in Simple Gematria Equals: 117
    Sign behind him in this picture 117
    Greenhouse in Simple Gematria Equals: 117
    The Bilderberg meeting is June 9th thru 12th
    Maybe something in Europe?
    June 11 is the 163rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 203 days remaining.
    German in Jewish Gematria Equals: 163
    Barack Hussein Obama in Simple Gematria Equals: 163
    Thirty Third Degree in Simple Gematria Equals: 203
    Johann Adam Weishaupt in Simple Gematria Equals: 203

  6. July Eleventh Washington Quake" in the English Reduction system equals 119

    From the DATE OF July 11TH until the night before the election Nov. 7TH is a span of 119 days.

    One Hundred Nineteen Days" in the English Reduction system equals 108 / 117

    Maybe instead of a Fake Assassination they use the Created Earthquake to Cancel The Election. Maybe say the President was killed in the Quake.

    Obama Earthquake" in the English Ordinal system equals 139

    Obama Earthquake" in the English Reduction system equals 58

    1. Coca85,
      It seems a single assassination would not delay an election. It might change the candidate lineup, however. Only an event affecting a large percentage of the electorate, like an unprecedented natural or unnatural disaster preventing large numbers of voters from casting their ballot, would be grounds for a delay of the general election.

  7. Flag day 2016 will probably be a particularly revealing day to scour the headlines for the gematria and numbers.

  8. Reid you said something quite true. I'd like to share some info w/ you privately - reach out if you want to talk more about this subject -

  9. Now there is this trending article of Kim Cattrall calling her insomnia like a "tsunami" today.


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