Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Blog Readers pick Exaggerator for Belmont Stake


  1. Out of 13 horses, 5 are GRAY -- which is extremely unusual. Technically you could say 5 1/8 of them are gray ... Seeking The Soul is a great grandson of Native Dancer, who was gray (so he carries the gene) ... watch for 5 1/8 to show up in the results somewhere.

    Post time is 6:37 pm (ET) on the 11th -- that's also 18:37 (military time).

    (1 + 8) = 9; (3 + 7) = 10; (date) = 11 ... 9, 10, 11 [Don't anyone tell ME they don't use Gematria when setting up these races!) ;D

  2. Only one horse is from NY, (#1 Governor Malibu) and the rest are from Kentucky. Something to consider.

    1. I like Trojan Nation and Governor Malibu as alternatives to Exaggerator.

    2. Nothing wrong with Creator either. He's running #13. If he wins it will kind of bring the 'Nyquist Frequency' theory together, since 13 won the first race.

    3. I know I mentioned a few horses, but damn, can a brother get some props?!? Haha just kidding.

    4. Mad Props . Its funny cuz Creator stood out in all those names too. Props to you

  3. I'm watching the live television broadcast and, I swear, Gettysburg is 47:1.
    As in, "Four score and seven years ago".

  4. If he wins he would be 2 of 3 in the prestiges races this year 2016...2 out of 3 is %66.6666666666 or 0.666 in decimal

  5. Race time about 20 minutes. Not one of the NBC broadcasters picked the favorite Exaggerator to win.

  6. From Re: Suddenbreakingnews (#4) -- they "Recently discovered he's not a gelding, but a ridgling." He's the son of MINESHAFT (recall the movie "The 33"?), who's mother is UCHITEL (recall Rachel UCHITEL -- the 1st of Tiger Woods' girlfriends to go public?) ... this is the ONLY horse whose female ancestry is mentioned at all. The owner, Sonny Henderson, races his horses at Roswell & Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico and at El Paso, Texas -- generally thought of as Quarter Horse tracks, & definitely NOT where you'd find "big contenders" in thoroughbred racing.

    A "RIDGLING" (also called a "RIG" !!) is a male horse who has retained one or both testicles up inside his abdomen (meaning they never "dropped" as he reached puberty). This strange statement caught my attention for several reasons: 1) Racing horses are routinely vet-checked, & if they've been gelded (castrated) it's officially listed on the Registration Papers -- along with the date it was done. "RIGS" are banned from most breed registries because it's often an inherited trait -- one they don't want passed on because it usually requires abdominal surgery. I would've thought that technically this "discovery" could have resulted in his being Disqualified from the race (because his paperwork is apparently flawed ...). 2) It certainly means this horse cannot be used for breeding -- so there'll be no future in stud fees. 3) It's inconceivable that a horse would reach the level of such a high-profile race without this being known before now ... besides being vet-checked almost daily, their papers are (supposed to be) scrutinized EVERYWHERE they go. This implies that somewhere along the line someone lied about the reason for his lack of testicles -- which is possible (especially if they never dreamed he'd be entered in anything other than low-grade races) -- but also means SOMEBODY'S going to be facing an expensive lawsuit. 4) Racing colts are virtually NEVER castrated until long after they've had a chance to prove themselves on the track. Their greatest "value" lies in years of Stud Fees if they win big -- so they want to be sure. 5) Gelding at a young age only occurs if their behavior is out of control, or they feel certain that he'll NEVER be fast enough to have any stud value.

    Of course, maybe that was stuck in there as a hint that the race was "RIGGED" ...
    ;D. :D

  7. Lol exaggerator end up being 11th place numerology at its best these fools are sickos

  8. Thanks for the race updates, since I wasn't able to see it. WinStar Farm paid $440,000 for him at the 2014 Keeneland Yearling Sale. Owned by Excel Communications founder Kenny Troutt, who waited a few months to name him because he was waiting for the name CREATOR to be available again (the Jockey Club decides on naming rights). Figures the winner would have a name that ended with -OR ... O = 15 + R = 18 = 33! ;D

  9. The bios of the horses indicated a really lackluster bunch for such a prestigious race. Some had never won a race yet, & several had raced less than 5 times. Makes you wonder how they decide "who's qualified" -- it's definitely not decided the way it used to be. Maybe they HAD to pick a crop of slow horses in order to be sure the "right" one would win. Noticed GRAY HORSES took both 1st & 2nd -- but there was nearly a 50% chance of that anyway, lol! ;D

  10. Make that the TOP THREE horses are GRAY. This has to be some kind of unprecedented record -- they aren't THAT common in the thoroughbred world. Why do I feel like this has some connection to that Freddie Gray b.s.? Or is this maybe about G-RAY(s) ... Gamma Rays? ;D

    1. Revelation 6:8
      "and behold, a pale horse"
      It seemed like the race was stacked in their favor. I never seen so many of them in one race.

    2. Behold a pale horse
      Gematria Jewish 409
      Gematria Reduction 74
      Gematria Summerian 876
      Gematria Ordinal 146
      Gematria English 479

    3. Well this is creepy ... Finish Time was 2:28 ... 228. "KIMBO SLICE" in Jewish Gematria is 228. "DEATH" sat upon a Pale Horse ... In English Gematria, "Death" is 228 ... In Jewish = 118, Pythagorean (long) = 38 /11/2. (Short) = 20/2. Halfway into the race, at 3/4 mile, the Time was: 1:13.38.

      GRAY = 488 Jewish 4 + 8 + 8 = 20 ... Same as Pyth. (short) for Death. ;D :D

  11. All I know the people who pick Exaggerator got their pockets picked. But good. Coming down the stretch as he gained speed the jockey pulled back on the reins and he faded back to finish totally out of the money. 11th place.

  12. LOL I lost $500.00 on Exaggerator D:

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. "Earthquake" = 48

    "Creator" = 48

    (6+1+1 = 8)

    6/11/2016 = 17 = 8

    "Creator" = 80

    1. "2016 Belmont Stakes: Creator wins the 148th 'Test of Champions"

      How did nobody catch this?

    2. "Pittsburgh" = 840

      "Pittsburgh Penguins" = 1470

    3. The jockey's name Irad Ortiz Jr. equals 148 in Simple English Gematria.

    4. Wow.... nice. Should have checked that haha...

      Was 13-1 odds also..
      ... i need to start paying attention to horse racing a little more.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. AHA! In Judaism, something must occur THREE TIMES for it to be considered "Real & Of This Earth". In Jewish Gem., GRAY = 488

    488 (gray) x 3 (winners) = 1464 ... The same as "THE SEPHER YETZIRAH".

    The Sepher Yetzirah is the KABBALISTIC BOOK OF CREATION -- aka -- THE PRINCIPLES OF FORMATION. It is one of Kabbalistic Judaism's oldest & most sacred texts ... discussing The Creation & CREATOR, as well as explaining in detail The Tree Of Life, & how LETTERS & LANGUAGE CORRESPOND TO THE COSMOS & EVERYTHING IN IT. (Google it -- even the wiki page is interesting!)

    Worth noting: The RIGHT EYE corresponds to the influence of SATURN (or "Shabbathai" in ancient Hebrew), & the LEFT EYE corresponds to the influence of JUPITER.

    Also: Systems of THREE are very significant (recall the cop telling Zach "it's more about the 3"?)

    And: DRAGON Rules over the World (matter & heavenly bodies). SPHERE Rules Time. HEART Rules over the Human Body. This is summed up in a single sentence: "The Dragon is like to a King On His Throne, the Sphere like a King Traveling In His Country, and the HEART like a KING AT WAR."

    In Jew. Gem., WAR CRY = 1464 ... just like "THE SEPHER YETZIRAH".

    All of this is NO "coincidence". Now it makes perfect sense why horse #4's bio -- on the official Belmont Stakes website -- mentioned a "recent discovery" that he was a "RIG" (ridgling) ... they were telling THOSE WITH THE KNOWLEDGE TO UNDERSTAND what to expect -- that the race was RIGGED.

    This also has significant ties to the BLACK & WHITE theme in the ongoing Freddie GRAY trials ... the 3rd began on Thursday 6/9 (mirror of 96) in Baltimore, MD -- home of The Preakness ... which "Exaggerator" won. CAESAR GOODSON -- driver of the police van -- is charged with "DEPRAVED-HEART MURDER" ... a curiously old-world term for Second Degree Murder & Manslaughter.

    The race may be officially over, but it's getting more interesting by the minute!! ;D :D

  16. First a Creator, then Destiny, then Lani in third. Lani means Heaven of course.

    1. Hmm ... C ... D ... L. (Pyth. Short) = 3 .. 4 .. 3 = C D C. Uh Oh. I sense another "SUMMER OF PESTILENCE & DISEASE" on the horizon ... No doubt "RIDING IN ON 3 PALE HORSES". Shit. Better pop open a cold one & kick back for The Show -- It's Almost "ZIKA TIME"!

      Pythagorean: ZIKA = 47 / 11 (long) ;

      20 (short): 8+9+2+1 = (8+2) + (9+1) = 10 + 10

      Bacon: (long) = (52+35) + (37+27) = 57 + 64 = 121

      ** ("medium" - keeping the 37 as 10, instead of reducing it further to 1)

      7 + 8 + *10 + 9 = 34 >> Also produces: 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 (!)

      (short): 7 + 8 + 1 + 9 = 25 ; OR -- ("Nontraditional", Judaic / Masonic):

      The "Center" is: (8+1) = 9 ; The (Outer) "Pillars" are: (7+9) = 16 == 9 1 6

      Pillars of 9 & 6 .. 9 6 ... "Guarding The Center" of 1 (One). Oy Vey!!

      Time for Trust Fund Babies to call their brokers & order heavy investment in corporations with "Mosquito Protection Products"!

      No need for panic though ... as my Great-Grandfather -- The Old-School Country Doctor -- would've said: "Hells Bells ... I KNOW YELLOW FEVER WHEN I SEE IT ... Damnit!! Stay out of swampy places & light a smudge pot on your porch come sundown ... you'll be JUST FINE!! Now leave me alone & don't come back unless you're dyin'." Ah ... The Good Old Days, lol! ;D ;D

  17. Great post. It's funny that you mentioned what the cop said to Zach because his statement stuck with me too.

  18. Replies
    1. Aw crap, that's right ... Have to check on the date. If they plan on bringing out The Bonnie Young Prince, I guess that means there'll be bloodshed aplenty somewhere. It suddenly occurs to me that when the Young Royals grow old enough to discover The Evil Acts Committed To Ritually "Honor" Them (which probably wasn't an issue before The Internet ...) -- do you think "The Men In Black Suits" (as the queen referred to them) -- threaten to do WORSE harm to the populace, if the Young Royal should ever try to "break away from the fold"? Just wondering ... ;D

    2. Esoterique in the first race at 2:30

    3. I'm having trouble locating any lists of who's running & when ... Any suggestions for a decent site? I did find Esoterique's pedigree though -- the Great Grand Dam (sire's side) is MIRA Adonde -- perhaps a feminine "reflection" (lol) of the 2nd part of the fake name used in the Orlando hoax? Omar MIR ... MIRA Adonde (appropriate -- considering it's the Dam's side). Maybe ESOTERIQUE will come in 2nd? Interesting name, isn't it? ;D

  19. Thanks! I think many of us must have similar ways of processing info, & maybe that's why we understand & accept all of this more easily than the others. (And boy do I feel GLAD to be in THIS crowd, lol! ;D) Isn't it funny too, how WE don't immediately doubt EVERYTHING we're unfamiliar with ... that certain things seem to resonate Truth to us? Our world truly IS amazing -- if we could just be left alone to experience it that way! Thanks for taking time to mention that -- it's always like a huge infusion of positive energy is sent my way whenever there's a connection like that (there's nobody around here that thinks like us ... making some days feel like I'm not so much adrift in a sea of stupidity, as I am cast away on a distant planet, lol!) ;D :D

  20. You might want to read my response under Zach's post about Mitt Romney & "Trickle Down Racism" (from Fri, I think) -- specifically the info concerning SHABBATHAI ZEVI (of the 1600s) & his followers, the SABBATEANS -- a very secretive Kabbalistic sect who've mastered the art of falsely professing other religions (as a cover to hide behind) & whose very tenets promote covert infiltration & sowing dissent. From their origination, they've hidden behind the cloak of being a "Jewish subsect", but in reality one of their goals is to completely wipe out all traces of ORTHODOX Judaism.

    After analyzing their "beliefs" though, there can be little doubt that they are, in fact, Satanists. Traditional rabbis understand this, but throughout history they've fluctuated between trying to warn the world & at other times trying to destroy evidence of their existence (in an ineffectual attempt to erase their ancient ties to the Jews). It doesn't help that -- due to their skillful infiltration -- many Jewish leaders (& those of other religions as well) have often secretly been Sabbateans themselves.

    "REDEMPTION THROUGH SIN & TRANSGRESSION" is their motto -- which displays both their Satanic bent & their adept use of "paradox" to confuse those around them. They literally take the religious beliefs they've falsely aligned with & work towards convincing the legitimate adherents to "FLIP THEM UPSIDE DOWN" in order to ILLUMINATE themselves with "A HIGHER LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE".

    The chaos we're in today can be traced directly to the RESURGENCE of this sect in THE 1700s, (no) thanks to JACOB FRANK & his followers "THE FRANKISTS". (Adam Weishaupt & his Illuminati were followers ...) Academics (who are most likely closet SABBATEANS themselves) tend to profess that the cult "died out" -- but Orthodox rabbis (& many others who recognize their signature tactics) have indicated that currently there are MILLIONS of them all over the world ... hiding behind MULTIPLE IDENTITIES -- such as Zionist, Freemason, Jesuit, etc., etc.

    This is the Common Denominator we've been searching for! And -- as we knew it would be -- it HAS been "hiding in plain sight". Despite studying history & religions for MANY years, it was an enormous "Revelation" when I finally understood how perfectly they tied into all the "loose threads". There's plenty of info out there about them ... but first you have to be aware of their existence!

    My apologies for the long post (umm ... you can skip MOST of that other post now, haha! But there IS a REALLY "enlightening" quote from their text, & info on the BEST source for learning more about them.) Not wanting to spawn any "red herrings", I've spent a great deal of time studying up on them & ... MUCH LIKE THE GEMATRIA THEY PRACTICE ... while this info may be new to US, the proof of their existence (& impact) is irrefutable.

    As you've probably guessed by now, THE SEPHER YETZIRAH is one of the Sabbateans primary "holy texts", & they've played a large role in ALTERING IT to suit THEIR AGENDA. BTW, Many Thanks for the input about the PALE HORSES -- it was exactly the prompt I needed to connect more of these dots! ;D. :D


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