Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, June 18, 2016

RFG Chosen One, making it about race, while rocking the compass and square

I want to help out this kid.  I feel bad for him and this video he has made.  He is obviously controlled by the gang.  And look at the comment from heeroyyuyel, a reminder about the reality of freemasonry, a lot of black men participating, against their own cause.  Let me remind you it was a black man in a big white truck who pulled up behind me at a gas station to try and recruit me to his lodge, just moments before I was pulled over by the police and given a ticket for doing nothing wrong.  And let me also remind you, it was a black man who arrested me in my front yard after being harassed by my neighbor who burglarized my house and then filed a restraining order against me.

The gang is real.


  1. I can hear his Pops now, "Be sure and where my favoritw T-shirt, son." I feel your pain, Z, but I can't feel sorry for ignorance.

  2. That guy is another retard along with warri --- both sound like dumbasses reading off their little notes. They steal real info and twist it - fucking jokes. Him and warri should be homo buds

  3. Is there black Zionists or are these people like RFG under intense manipulation? Or is one the result of the other? Still trying to learn more about this.

  4. Can someone gematria ufc fight tonight. Rory the Red king macdonald. Vs stephen wonderboy thompson

  5. Philly Orlando shooting survivor Patience Carter now fighting off conspiracy theorists


    1. Patience Carter -- 138/66/492
      138 = 2 * 3 * 23
      492 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 41

      Lebron James? Is that you?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Please stop this crap, we have to fight the real enemy.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Straight from the source like someone on the inside told you so. Or do you mean the source like God, cause that's pretty awesome dude. Can you see if he can get me one of those Capital G shirts, lil g?

    4. This whole situation is out of control, someone please be the bigger person.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. With CAPS, you gotta use Bacon Method of course.

      BIGOT=181=Black Democratic Number, Barack Hussein Obama, My Name is Phillip

      NO IDEA=203= Thirty Third Degree.

      Just remember, bruh, most masons prefer jelly in their ass over syrup.

    7. Ignorant Bigot -- 151/70/495

      151 is the 36th prime
      1->36 = 2016
      495 = 45 * 11

    8. Phillip, I'm just trying to help the guy out. I didn't attack him, I just said I didn't appreciate him taking my info and crediting a true shill channel, Polarization Nation. I have a right to call out people for their dishonesty. RFG is just throwing names my way with no real defense of his actions. Do you see me being mean? I have a soft spot for black people since that is who I grew up with.

    9. This dude even claimed to be a mason. Lol.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Did you watch the video? I didn't say OKC would win. I said based on season long tributes, Golden State was still the favorite, but don't be surprised if OKC wins based on the deaths they incurred during the season. Here we're uncovering the facts and teaching skills. What skills are you teaching your viewers? And don't pretend like you don't know the value of what I'm teaching. You're making a biased argument to try and discredit me, but biased arguments don't hold water in the end. You'll learn that soon enough. Based on what is happening to the video you made about me, you should already be learning.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. RFG, Do you consider yourself a square man? Why don't you answer questions asked to you? If people moved because of your vision just call them sheep, I left mainland long time ago when I saw this coming, everyone knows the collapse of America is coming. If someone needed you to tell them to leave this country they are hopeless anyways. But on the flip side are you going to give up your homeland(where you incarnated), why would you not load up and tell them come get it.
      And how many T-shirts have you really sold, that I am just curious about?

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. RFG, Why do you seem so angry?

  7. The Red King---101, 606
    Rory-76, 610(J)
    MacDonald-67, 402
    Rory MacDonald---143, 858
    Rory The Red King MacDonald--244, 1031(J)

    So obviously, the Red King is King James, with the 67s and 76s I am seeing 13s. He is 18-3, which is kind of a scary number, but not so bad. More importantly, he has that 1031 Sum for his whole moniker, and 131 is usually a champions sign.

    Wonderboy---121(Keep that in mind)
    Stephen--87, 308(J) Uh-oh.
    Thompson--120, 428
    Stephen Thompson---207, 736(J)=Conspiracy
    Stephen Wonderboy Thompson---328

    Most importantly with Stephen(which is also 33 reduced), is that he is 12-1, like Wonderboy(121), and with a loss he would be 12-2, like Golden State. Since The Red King matches up with Lebro and the Cavs(My new bandname btw), I would have to guess that Stevie is Golden State. I mean, his name is Stephen, no matter how you pronounce it where you from, it's the same name.

    With that quick run in mind...

    The Red King is your winner tonight, imho.

    1. I don't follow UFC anymore, but the fact that Rory lost his last fight in an epic battle to end up 18-3(which can be like 38-Death), is a good thing. And that 12-2 is Stephen loses matching Golden State is too good.

    2. Looks like Stephen thompson won ... Foreshadowing for warriors?

    3. He was 12-1 * made it 13-1 today

  8. Here is my response to you Z. It keeps on disappearing off his page. Zach don't waste your time on this retard. He said he never talked about gematria but he mentioned it in his sb 50 isis agenda. What a fool and he even was subbed to your channel and how is gematria bs? You predicted mets spring training and this nba finals with cavs winning and you possibly got sb 51 nailed down. This guy rfg aka retard for god is a joke. Lol called you a parasite. Smh look at the guys logo. Looks fishy to me. What does that remind you of? He also sells stuff like alex jones the zio shill. This dude even got exposed by bro sanchez. What a idiot.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Zach, I just watched your "Channels to Avoid" video and it's statistics (as of June 18, 8:10 PM EST) are:
    26 down votes
    (and now can I hear a drum roll, please?)

    That is the answer to your and Dan's lack of views. View numbers are as scripted as any thing else. YouTube blech!

  11. Haven't watched any RFG -- never will. But from his pics, I wouldn't call him a "kid". Not with that MILITARY HAIRCUT ... IDF &/or Psy-Ops Corp might be a better description. Also noticed that his rampant misspellings are DELIBERATE -- not phonetic or from poor typing skills. He's TRYING to feed the notion that Black People Are Hopelessly Illiterate ... so that people will assume he's either proof of their racist beliefs -- or pity him. This puke doesn't give a shit whichever side we fall on ... he's out to stir up hostility & division.

    Clearly -- his PRIMARY MISSION is to DISCREDIT THIS WORK. Period. Don't forget that when Rahm Emmanuel was rampaging for the IRGUN -- he ALSO "looked like a kid". It's an important & highly sought-after "Trait" that ALL covert-type operations place a VERY high value on ... They blend in well; They are easily forgiven for perceived mistakes; & It preys on our innate instinct to Protect & Want To Educate the youngest around us.

    Block this IMPOSTER & Erase him from your memory ... Let him Vanish in the same way that "Bartley Gerber" (or whatever that joker called himself) eventually did. If he pops up with a New Identity -- you'll recognize his "style" ... sooner or later it will rear it's ugly head. When this OPERATIVE is no longer deemed "Effective", he'll get reassigned ... & be sent off to wage this brand of terror against some other HONEST soul. ;D ;D

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