Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 11, 2016

17 33 38 39 42 44 119 122 123 | Shooting of 21-year old Allen McQueen in the bronx

The blood splattered onto little Taylor on Taylor Ave?  You can tell this is a story meant to get at people's emotions and provoke.  The 'daughter' detail seems tailored for New York.

7/26/1788 = 7+2+6+1+7+8+8 = 39

The father's name also pops.  Keep in mind Mc sums to '33' in Jewish Gematria.

Allen = 1+3+3+5+5 = 17 (Kill)
McQueen = 4+3+8+3+5+5+5 = 33
Allen McQueen = 50 (America)

Allen = 1+12+12+5+14 = 44 (Kill)
McQueen = 13+3+17+21+5+5+14 = 78
Allen McQueen = 122 (Freemason)

With regards to his age of '21', we know how they like to stamp 42 on black men.

NYC = 42
Freemason = 42
G = 42

As for the name Taylor, it has gematria of '28' and '91'.

Taylor = 2+1+7+3+6+9 = 28
Taylor = 20+1+25+12+15+18 = 91

Taylor Ave. connects to 'death'.

It also has a connection to 'all seeing eye' and 'star of david'.

Conspiracy = 123

The detail about 'The Diva' is no coincidence.

Arielle Corkery?  I just want to laugh, not decode.

168 people?

Beginning with the letter G????

G = 33
G = 42
Freemason = 42


  1. Someone commented on your "St. Joseph ..." video that Bush & Obama were going to be in TX ... "23" is all over these recent stories ... 23 = W ... as in the name of the movie ("W") about Bush Jr.

    You posted about the 23's in the Draymond Green story. Even the Seth Rich story that follows this one specifies someone saying the shots accursed at 4:29 ... 4 + 19 = 23 (!).

    This story refers to McQueen's "23 arrests" & Arielle -- the "23 year old" mother of six (!) living at the homeless shelter.

    All the references to "TAYLOR" remind me of ZACHARY TAYLOR -- 12th president, who died JULY 9, 1850.

    "Mc" is a SCOTTISH designation for "clan of" ... so MCQUEEN would mean CLAN OF THE QUEEN.

    G is the 7th English letter ... In Hebrew the 7th letter is "Z". G was the letter on the "SHOOTER'S" license plate ... On their "BENZ". BENZ is synonymous with BEN-ZION ... G + BENZ = "Z - BEN-ZION". "Z" is also the German-English (aka Ashkenazi) pronunciation for "THE" ... aka ... "The Ben-Zion".

    This JULY 12 -- the reflection of 21. JULY 21 is the beginning of the "ZEB'S International Conference" in Atlanta ... the ZBT -- Zeta Beta Tau -- world's only ZIONIST Fraternity. This is their ** 1 1 7 th ** conference.

    Look at this Wiki Page: ** LIST OF ZETA BETA TAU BROTHERS ** -- it's an astounding list of who controls the media ... & everything else!!

    This just might wind up being an "interesting" day ... ;D :D

    1. Wow, thanks for the insight +That Mfsyy!

  2. The Taylor Crew? Why does this remind me of the van Buren Boys, another gang of dangerous Manhattan street thugs:

  3. little Taylor cried for a couple of seconds, then there was silence -- 633/255/3333

    The guy shot a man with a baby Who does that Who shoots man holding a baby -- 676/253/5740

    Jennifer McQueen -- 159/78/1138

    Woodrow Hines -- 168/69/2186 (matches the number of dead)

    69 - Saturn number, back to back.

  4. "Woodrow Hines" = 168
    "New York City" = 168

    "Mercedes Benz" = 119 [911 Reflection]
    "Star of David" = 119
    "All Seeing Eye" = 119
    "King James Bible" = 119
    "Squirrel" = 119

  5. Wow Zach this hits close to home, literally, I don't live far from Taylor Ave. Crazy that even the local news is scripted.

  6. NEW ONE;
    nickname GROUCHO = 42

  7. Diva. Queen. Taylor. Maybe Taylor Swift joins the 27 club? Her birthday is 12-13.

    1. Maybe she and Hiddleston die together in a plane crash. They have a nice 308 days from his birthday to hers or 44 weeks.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I've noticed a lot of Taylor Swift news lately. Mostly about here being the highest payed celebrity.

      Here is a story from Forbes, assuming you have a computer powerful enough to load the sites javascript adds.

      It's funny, the article starts out almost sounding like a numerology decode:

      "Taylor Swift has a certain attachment to the number 1989–it’s the year of her birth, the title of her latest multiplatinum album and the name of her record-smashing tour. She may soon have a new favorite: 170 million."

      so 1989 and 170 are key numbers, lol.

    4. I agree. We need to remember this thread in the upcoming days/months, just in case! I'd love if Blogger searches included comments, but they don't. :/

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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