Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 2, 2016

25 27 33 52 97 | Sam Querrey upsets Novak Djokovic at Wimbledon, July 2, 2016, "97-Days" (Champion to come?)

It's easy to see why this upset happened if you know your gematria.

From today's upset to Sam's birthday is 97-days.  That will be October 7, 2016.

Can you guess the gematria of Wimbledon?

Notice the first Wimbledon was played July 9, 1877, a date that can be written 9/7, and is in the U.K.

Keep in mind that 97 is the 25th prime, corresponding with today's date as well.

7/2/16 = 7+2+16 = 25

I can't help but notice that Sam Queery is from San Francisco, a notoriously "gay city".  The name "Queerey" has me thinking this man is most definitely a manchurian athlete, that is part of a very sick joke.

Francisco = 6+9+1+5+3+9+1/10+3+6 = 43/52 (Wimbledon) (Prophecy)

His upcoming birthday numerology is interesting in light of his first name, 'Sam'.

Sam = 19+1+13 = 33 (Gay = 33)
10/7/16 = 10+7+16 = 33
7/10/16 = 7+10+16 = 33 (Date of Wimbledon Championship)

A reader made the following comments about today's match:

With regards to '31' and '13', reflections of each other, Novak lost 41-days after his 29th birthday.  41 is the 13th prime number.

His birthday fell on a date connected to 'Wimbledon' too.

5/22/16 = 5+22+16 = 43

I think Sam is our champion to come, with this "surprise" win coming on July 2, a significant date to the sport of 'tennis', over one of its very significant competitors, the man who has won the tournament the last two years.


  1. Your predications was that Novak was gonna win

    1. I didn't have a prediction, this is my first post on Wimbledon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. His last name sounds like "queer" and he is from San Francisco too*

    1. Andy Murray would be fitting to win as well being #2 and is English

    2. Yep, he's a passionate Scot and would probe take offence at being called 'English'. He represents Britain (UK), yes :)

  4. Zach, off topic but another British celebrity dies, aged 52, Caroline Ahern. There's even an article in the Daily Fail about celeb's dropping like flies this year....

    1. Prophecy = 52, thank you for heads up.

    2. You're welcome. I should've added that it was another death by cancer.

      Back on topic, could this be Djokovic's punishment for talking about match fixing earlier in the year???

  5. Does Wales have a chance to reach the Euro finals ?

    1. BBC: " Wales can beat Portugal without me" reduces to 8 / English, "King James" -8, "King Charles" -8 "Wales win(s)" -8 , "France win Euro" -8 (no s) , "the treaty of Paris"-8 (French and Indian war) 13 *

      Will we see Wales vs France in the finals? France most likely winning for the 13th "terror" shootings?

    2. 11/13/15 France played Germany , 4 days later played a UK team - England

      Can't help but think about the Indians vs the jays in Canada - both French and English roots and all the royal theming for Wales and France

    3. The French logo of the rooster is very similar to the logo of coastal Carolina and Carolina has allot of French influence in their history*

    4. The two logos combined is called a "cockatrice" - it is a mythical beast in English / England lore

    5. Please dont put any money on france. Portugal will win this tournament and France will lose in the finals. I've been saying it for a while, but tonights game confirmed it better.

      They won 5-2. 52 on a date with 46 numerology. 46- Sacrifice every stat that was shown inplay for france had the death numbers... 38/59/56.

      Ronaldo will equal platinis record in the final against france in france. Portugal will lift there first european championship.

      Deschamps will lose with 33 wins for France. Like Lowe will lose on his 137th game in charge of germany. 137 is the 33rd prime. Coleman will lose in his 38th game in charge of wales. 38 - death. Will also get his 16th loss.. Sixteen = 33.

      Its a running trend this tournament.. Hodgson got the sack ending on 33 wins for England and Marc Wimots loses in his 51st game. Fifty one = 46 (Sacrifice)

    6. Jmontz thanks for your insight man

    7. Holy jmontz, you really solidified all the research ive been trying to base my moves on. Ive hedged multiple ways already but I think im more confident about portugal win with your insight.
      If theres a way you could message your paypal contact jmontz id like to donate if you would have it. Thanks so much!

    8. I hedged wales to the finals and wales to win a while back just in case theres some holy upset of portugal

    9. All I really needed was the Ronaldo/Orlando spellings. One loses, the other wins. But Jmontz drops mad connects.

    10. What is the ronaldo/orlando connection? Orlando loses with nearby shooting and ronaldo wins?

    11. Bang on jmontz .. even the corner count from last night had the aul kill... each had 4 corners ( 44 ) :) . Iceland's fairytale comes to an end :) . 'Fairytale' = 97 ( Reflection of Ronaldo )

    12. This goes really deep for Ronaldo. Notice he's 31 like Lebron was.. The final comes 156th days after his birthday.

      Thirty three = 156
      One hundred and Fifty Six = 110
      Portugal = 110

      Finals on a date with 33 numerology. In ronaldo's 133rd game for portugal. He will equal michele Platini's record of 9 goals in European championships in the final. Michele Platini = 131 so fitting the records matched or broken in the championship game, he's also french and ronaldo will break or match it against france in france.

      Ronaldo Also won his 3rd champions league (Lebrons 3rd ring) 43 days before the final. 43 = Champion. He won that on his 133rd appearance in European club competitions the final will then be his 133rd appearance for portugal.

      Im trying to find out what significance Wales losing will have, the only reason wales are this deep into the tourny is as Zach has said we will see the kinging of Charles later in the year.

      Charles is currently the Prince of Wales - Ronaldo is often called the Prince of Portugal and Cristiano means Savior or Son of the Sun.

      Then you have all the Prince Nelson parallels with portugal and ronaldo that i wont go into.

      And just to end it Messi has retired from international football after winning nothing, hes only 29 as well. These two are hailed the best players ever to play the sport, surely one of them has to win a major international competition?

      Whoever asked for my Paypal i really appreciate it but there's no need, i make enough money betting on these outcomes. I just like to help others and also receive information in return - Some people have made great connections over the past few months that have greatly helped me as well.

      Working together gives the best chance of success.

    13. Often times when you see two words with the same gematria rolling thru the media at the same time there is a as above/so below thing going on. One suffers while the other rises up. Not only do Orlando and Ronaldo have matching gemat, they are anagrams of the same letters. It happens quite often.

    14. Also, Orlando City(the soccer squad) has been in heavy talks with Ronaldo to play for them. There is a pretty big rumor that Ro could end up in Orlando by 2018. The owner of the team is obsessed with him. Just another Ronaldo-Orlando connect.

      There is also a pretty famous guitar maker named Ronaldo Orlandoni, but it is hard finding a lot of info on him.

    15. Thats interesting, i will look out for that more often. Thankyou for the insight.

    16. I dont have much to offer numerology wise but just from a betting psychology perspective I expect heavy favorites in France which would confirm your sound theories jmontz. Portugal and cr7 goin off against wales will build the hypetrain as well leading to a powerhouse matchup in the finals. Your theory of sacrifice makes a lot of sense and of we see france as faves then its def good to go

    17. jmontz thank you so much!!! You're the best. Gematria is new for me but like you said if we work together we will have much higher chances to win. Thanks for sharing

    18. I believe the wales v Portugal game will also end in a draw at FT, i dont think Portugal will impress either but more scrap through as they have done all tournament. That would also take them to 6/6 draws in all there games - Then game 7 i think they will win in normal time, 7 is the number of completion and Ronaldo who wears 7 will be the match winner equally or perhaps going past Platinis record. He definitely equals the record but i have a good feeling he scores twice and breaks it.

      They built the Hype through Wales and the other side of the draw being stacked with the top teams. Portugal have failed to impress once all tourny.

      All the money will be on France come the final, i also expect to see slightly higher then usual odds for france to win. A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money.

    19. There is only one thing I don't understand. How can Ronaldo equally Platini's record? He only scored 2 goals

    20. Jmontz you got a good eye gematria like some of the other guys here, info much appreciated. I have an ok eye for story lines, and Ronaldo wearing 7 stands out for me for a few reasons, some of them mentioned. One thing comes to mind is brexit coming 7 years 7 months 7 weeks and 7 days after the 777 point drop in the stock market on sep. 29-2008. Year of the monkey this year signifying upsets, as we have seen so far. Ronaldo probably holding back, and turning up come final game. As usual Vegas will benefit from Portugals poor performance, they will be underdogs for sure. It's all about building stars right?!

    21. Indeed, Maestro platini's record is 9 goals in European Championships thats not in a single tournament but in all 4? He played in i think.

      This will also be Ronaldo's 4th European Championships and he currently has scored 8 goals in them. 2 more would take him to 10 and break the record.

    22. Good thinking. Do you think Cilic can upset Federer tomorrow? He won against Nishikori and now play against him. Just like when he won on the 2014 US Open (back then he first met Federer then Nishikori) Can be a remake? Same thing with Serena and Kerber in the Wimbledon finals. A possible remake of the 2016 Australian Open with a win for Serena this time?

    23. Jmontz, Platini scored those 9 goals in 1 Euro, he only played in 1. But yeah, Ronaldo will probably get to 10 (I think he will equal Platini against Wales already, then media has one more headline to talk about for the final), because then he would also have 10 goals in 21 games and 10+21=31. I'm thinking that maybe on the women's side it will be Williams' sisters final and Venus winning even maybe? She has 7 titles overall, 5 coming in Wimbledon.

    24. ... 31 being Ronaldo's current age.

    25. And also, Portugal played their last warm-up game before these Euros against Estonia (my home-country) and won 7-0. You talked about 7 being the number of completion.

    26. I don't know if it's going to be Venus that defeat Serena but something's telling me that Serena won't make it.

    27. So that normal time draw against Wales would make sense in the 7-theory, with 6 normal time draws in-between those 2 wins against Estonia and France in the final. But right now Portugal has scored 6 goals in 5 games, do You think they will score 7 before final or not? Maybe it will be 0-0 against Wales in normal-time and then Portugal will score their 7-th in extra-time ... or they can very possibly win on penalties against Wales after 0-0 also and then win 1-0 in the final from Ronaldo's goal that would be his 9th in Euros and Portugal's 7th in this tournament.

    28. Here's the Estonia-Portugal game protocol on 8th of June, Ronaldo scored 2 goals on 36' and 45' minute and was substituted off at half-time.

    29. 2pac you got Portugal winning in extra time cuz they gotta show signs of struggle to able to manage a upset per say against France or whoever they face in the final, you got France vs Portugal matchup? You have Germany v France finishing n regulation? Who wins

    30. 2pac who you have winning the men's & women's Wimbledon? Does Querrey run the table & win it all? They have him winning tomorrow?

  6. September 25 leaves 97 days left in the year
    September twenty fifth=97

  7. Last night Team Penske got its 97th victory.

  8. Hi Zachary, Just found your site last week and have been on it non stop. You do great honest work. I was thinking on a old post you made about triple crown winner. You thought this yr would be back to back like the previous time. Sorry I don't have any numerology to back this but just a thought. Could the back to back refer to Obama going for a 3rd term?

    1. If I remember correctly, Zachary tied Prez Obama to the American pharaoh, who win the triple crown last year. I could be wrong, but I believe that's the general consensus that he will have his 3rd term. His visit to the pyramids was heavily covered, multiple locals said that Obama looked like king Tut, Egyptian pharaoh lol. Can't make this shit up.

    2. Thanks Truthseeker86, New to the site and just going through everything.

  9. Going back to this match i think your correct on sam wining the whole thing i think he beat Murray in the final as well...

    Notice Sams first game was on 27/6/16 = 49 (Revelation) - Things that happen on 49 and 52 numerology are ridiculously important. Sam came back from 2 sets down to win 3-2. He won in 66 Games which has a connection to 33 the date the finals on.

    He currently has 227 career loses, which if he goes on to win will keep him on 227 loses - 227 = Pi, cycles and circles...

    Just checked out the guy he beats numbers.

    Lukáš Rosol - 123/33.

    Set up for the sacrifice on a day of prophecy.

    1. This is also the 130th edition of Wimbledon - 13 again.

      Been going for 139 years - 34th prime number. Sam beats Novak in his 34th game of 2016. If he goes on to win his record will read 24-14 YTD.

      38 games = Death - Murray = 33 to be sacrificed in the final? Maybe.

      Current H2H 6-1 For murray 6-2 if he loses

      Sixty two - 38

    2. Portugal will win Euros on the same day. Portugal = 38.

      Will look into the UFC later in the week but something tells me one of the championship games will have 38 connections as well.

    3. JMontz,

      Curious if you believe there's a running connection on the Cleveland Indians losing streak now? Or is it irrelevant now that the wins are over.

      I know your focused on the bigger things, just picking your brain more, your brilliant at this. Very well done.

    4. Not looked at the streak pal if im honest but i believe every single event is interrelated.

      I know Zach believes its all a scripted reality controlled by the masons and i think hes partly right. The people in charge know the secrets of how the universe works and manipulate it - But i think it goes far deeper than that the universe works on a coding system, the gamblings only the start for me, it allows me to make lots of money and money buys us time. Time to figure out the rest of the mystery.

      Used numerology on your own life events and you will see how its all connected - I have myself and i dont believe im important enough for the masons to script stuff around me. Its the law of the universe and im excited to learn much more.

      Buddism believe when you die your reincarnated to live life again mainly to try and find the answers - i believe theres life after death and working it out may allow you to move onto the next stage. Whatever that is, getting deep here haha im sure we all have our own interpretations.

      For now ill keep focusing on the events!

    5. Do you have your own blog?

    6. No i dont and i dont plan to haha.

  10. Jmontz who do u like in the baseball?

    1. Zachs your man for that, im from the UK so my knowledge on american sports is pretty bad. NBA i know a bit about but baseball i know nothing.

      Once Wimbledon/Euros/UFC200 is over i will have a look. World series stars October i believe?

      Think Zachs early picks were cubs v Astro's? Have a look at them teams and see what you can find.

  11. Jmontz you got Sam Querrey winning the Wimbledon & Portugal winning it all?

    1. Yes Querrey v Murray final, Portugal v France. Ronaldo to break the record.

    2. Jmontz thanks for the reply so I see it's the theme of the upsets

    3. Jmontz so you have predictions on the entire UFC 200 card main event card?
      Heavyweight Brock Lesnar vs. Mark Hunt
      Women's Bantamweight Miesha Tate (c) vs. Amanda Nunes [b]
      Featherweight José Aldo vs. Frankie Edgar [c]
      Heavyweight Cain Velasquez vs. Travis Browne

    4. No ive not looked into this one yet, however i will be looking closely at the Aldo v Edgar and Lesnar v Hunt fights.

    5. Cool I'll stay in tuned as well on UFC 200 if anything happens that stand out

  12. Milos RaonicMilos Raonic - team stats
    Matches: 73
    Stats for last matches
    Won: 52 Lost: 21
    Win ratio: 71.23%

    Sam QuerreySam Querrey - team stats
    Matches: 55
    Stats for last matches
    Won: 30 Lost: 25
    Win ratio: 54.55%

    Does these numbers have any significance?

    1. Very much so.

      73 = Sacrifice
      The 52 wins- 52 = Prophecy
      Raonic = 33

      Raonic will be sacrificed for Querrey on a date connecting to prophecy.. 49.

      Querrey came from 2 sets down in his first match to beat someone with a 33 name as well on a date connecting to prophecy.

      If them stats are correct then if Sam wins wimbledon it will be his 33rd win on a date with 33 numerology possibly against Murray = 33

    2. Jmontz yea those numbers stood out

    3. These two have played three times in the past and Querrey has won two of those meetings. The most recent match was in the 2013 Pacific Coast Championships, a match Raonic won in straight sets.
      Querrey as an underdog has been nice this tournament and there’s probably value given the way he’s played lately. However, Raonic is the better player overall and has far more experience in these type of matches.
      Have to side with Raonic in four sets, but I wouldn’t be shocked if Querrey wins another one.

    4. Sam Querrey is coming off a straight sets win over Nicolas Mahut that took two hours. In the victory, Querrey won 48 of 50 first serve points and racked up 53 winners and 15 unforced errors. Querrey has been the cinderella of the tournament, especially after upsetting Novak Djokovic in the third round. Querrey is currently having his breakout grand slam performance and has downright dominated his service game to get to this point. Querrey looks to make his first career grand slam semifinal. Querrey has won eight of his last 11 matches on grass.

    5. Milos Raonic and Sam Querrey square off in the quarterfinals of the 2016 Wimbledon.
      Milos Raonic is coming off a five set win over David Goffin that took three hours to finish. In the victory, Raonic won 73 of 92 first set points and racked up 53 winners and 44 unforced errors. Raonic managed to bounce back after dropping the first two sets of his last match. Raonic proved he can get the job done despite having a truckload of unforced errors, and he still won 79 percent of his first serve points. The only question with Raonic at this point is the fatigue after playing such a grueling match. Raonic looks to make his third career grand slam semifinal. Raonic has won eight of his last nine matches on grass.

      Jmontz he won 73 of 92. Sacrifice = 73

    6. Jmontz....i saw a headline on sam querry the giant killer would that have any relation to new york giants?

    7. Jake Jones you might be on to something cuz that makes sense being that they predicting Giants vs colts super bowl

  13. At Wimbledon, Querrey faced Novak Djokovic in the 3rd round while his opponent was holding all four majors. Despite being listed as high as a 30-1 underdog, Querrey upset the world No. 1 player in four sets to snap Djokovic's streak of reaching at least the quarterfinals in every Grand Slam since the 2009 French Open, and his streak of 30 consecutive Grand Slam match wins. It was also Querrey's first win over a No. 1 ranked player. He then continued his successful run by defeating Nicolas Mahut to become the first American to reach the quarterfinals at a Grand Slam since the 2011 U.S. Open.

  14. You see Sam Querrey winning the Wimbledon, Because everyone was betting GS & Cavs won it, so everyone is gonna put money on Murray or Federer to win not many people would bet on Querrey with big money because the payout is so huge I can bet 500$ on SQ AND win 16k so they gonna make more money on the favorite because the payout so small you gonna have bet a lot to even benefit on choosing the favorite Murray or Federer so folks gonna put tons of cash on the favorite

  15. They really trying to push this agenda so does this mean it's meant for a player named Querrey (Queer) to win the Wimbledon by them trying to let transgendered people compete in the Olympics. Two British athletes born male are on the verge of making history by competing in women’s events at next month’s Olympic Games, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.If selected, the unnamed pair will become the world’s first transgender Olympians at Rio.But worryingly for British sports fans, they have revealed they are so fearful of being exposed and ridiculed under the Olympic spotlight, they would ‘probably drop back’ if they found themselves in a medal-winning position.Their inclusion in Team GB will be hailed as a remarkable human rights victory – but it will also ignite controversy, with critics arguing that male-to-female competitors have an unfair biological advantage in terms of size, muscle mass and lung capacity.

  16. Replies
    1. You still think Sam can win?

    2. And Cilic is bout to beat Roger prolly

    3. Well Sam is losing by 2 sets, it's over for him. Never going to bet again. The NFL and NBA are the only leagues to make money from

    4. El la, doesn't You have to win 3 sets in tennis. :D Don't give up already, it's not over until it's over. Querrey won his first match from down 0-2.

    5. I think that both Querrey and Federer will come back from down 0-2.

    6. I know but i'm watching the match since the beginning and querrey is really bad. Raonic looks like he is going to win easily unfortunetly. Sam makes too much mistakes.

    7. Who knows maybe he was just suppose to Win one big game like island or wales...

    8. That's what i think geses, Querrey clearly doesn't have the skills to win it all

    9. You're right so who you think win it all now if Sam losses & Roger ? Murray or Raonic?

    10. Yup his role was to knock Djokovic off & that's it

    11. 2pac you're right I lost 450$ on Iceland lol but I'm hoping I can win that back today Portugal vs Wales

    12. I hope france will qualify tmr otherwise I lost all I won with cavs 😁😆

    13. Federer already got 1 set, now Querrey has to do it also, it looks very tough to do for him, I tell that.

    14. Same here won off the Cavs but tried Iceland vs France and lost 450$ hopefully I can win that back Querrey pay out wouldn't have been nice that was to good to be true I'm thinking Portugal wins & I may bet on France & Portugal final

    15. 2pac to sell the upset like Cavs vs GS game 7 came down to the wire

    16. If Querrey or Roger tie it up they winning I might bet once it's tied on both bovada allows you to bet while a game is n progress

    17. Querrey is gona break in this game now, I think.

    18. 2pac you're right bro Sam still gotta chance

    19. And Querrey broke the service game of Raonic, now the momentum will shift and he will go on and will win, that's what I believe (ok, I got 400€ on this match, that's why I also believe). Federer might also lose, but I think Querrey will win it. Federer, that I'm not sure ...

    20. 2pac you think I should bet on this Sam upset

    21. Here we go!! #Believeland LOL

    22. He got 400€ on that game, he can Hardly be neutral 😂
      I got 100€ on that too 😅

    23. That game is so weird man :D

    24. Yea I gotta chance to make some money still if I bet now

    25. Weird, how it's going momentum changing

    26. Bet small hungryEnt, payouts should be awesome by now

    27. Anyone saw the ace that won the set for Querrey was mesured at 133 mph

    28. In-game odds were like 22 to 1 at one point, I put money before the match had started, so I had odds of like 3.5 to 1, so the profit will be 1000€ if Querrey pulls it off. During my broadcast they talker about Portugal-Wales game also, Your's also?

    29. Geses if I bet 100 I'll win 600

    30. Querry winning it all rises to 1:67 :D

    31. 2pac you gonna cash in cuz you bet when the odds was crazy

    32. How much you think I should put Geses on Sam cuz it's looking like he's gonna win with the shift of momentum

    33. Bro I really dont know depending on your bankroll.

    34. He still needs a break and it doesnt look like its easy for him to win his own

    35. Geses yea I agree he needs a break or gift

    36. It's hard on Querrey's on service games, yeah, the reason for that is for people to not bet on him, I think.

    37. That's what I was just thinking too, but man this game is killing me!

    38. Federer-Cilic into the tiebreaker at 4th set. Let's see, that match can go both ways.

    39. If it's gets tied Sam winning

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Yup Sam beat Djokovic for betters to gamble on him again typical Vegas mind tricks

  19. Replies
    1. 60 euros but shit i'm getting low on money since i learned about gematria :D one thing for sure i'm not betting anymore

  20. What if all this scripted stuff is not true, and they're really playing their hearts out lol? not trying to throw shade I'm really asking since the predictions being off lately

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Would you give a link to that site?

    3. Geses good looking bro it makes sense those two win

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. lol it does, have you made money with them though? for that price

    6. Geses thanks but I think I'm easing up on betting cuz so much different info randomly picking games it's too risky

    7. No money n betting with those two anyway Murray & Serena but Cavs & Denver was obvious and easy to predict so I believe France win with all this going against them that's my pick

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Geses that sounds accurate Portugal never won a Euro & everyone will emotionally bet on France with all that's going on, wales play Portugal so it's possible they upset them and France beats Germany regardless?

    10. Yea, france advance finals

    11. Thanks prolly extra time or regulation? They may score high just to sell the upset if they planned to lose to Portugal

    12. Nobody knows for sure, it's just france advancing

    13. Geses right it's a toss up

  21. It's kind of hard predicting each game. Championships games are easier to bet on. How I think is if there's money involved there's fuckery to follow.

  22. 2-0 Portugal. is that too much hype so the common the bettor favors Portugal to win?


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