Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 16, 2016

33 42 102 108 | Alex Bregman, young Astros star, about to be called up, July 16, 2016 hype

Alex = 1+3+5+6 =15
Bregman = 2+9+5+7+4+1+5 = 33
Alex Bregman = 48

Alex = 1+12+5+24 = 42
Bregman = 2+18+5+7+13+1+14 = 60
Alex Bregman = 102

3/30/1994 = 3+30+19+94 = 146 (Number constantly coded with Cubs last two years)
3/30/1994 = 3+30+(1+9+9+4) = 56
3/30/1994 = 3+3+0+1+9+9+4 = 29
3/30/94 = 3+30+94 = 127
3/30 = 33 (Bregman)

This article comes 108-days after his birthday.  That's the number tied to my Cubs and Astros World Series prediction.

Baseball = 18


  1. Have to love that 44 thrown in there.

  2. In the new Linklater film (who's films are always pretty coded up), Everybody Wants Some, about a fictional college baseball team in the '80s, one of the players randomly muses that he thinks the Astros will win the World Series this year. The film's first wide release was in France on 20/4, a date with 40 numerology, like Houston Astros = 204 simple and Houston = 40 pyth. I'm sure there's more, that's just from a quick look.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Gary the Numbers Guy? Is that you?

    2. Hey it's that guy trying sell T-shirts again. No thanks, bro, I'm good.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. RFG chosen one = 66
      misdirection = 66
      retard = 66
      queer = 66

    5. Hey RFG you seem think that it matters how much money you make. I don't give a fuck! Clearly you live in the ego and are obsessed with materialism. You are the one who needs to wake up, mate.

    6. Ships hoodies and t-shirts to 20+ countries, ran out of gear so he needs to sell his pics for a whopping 10 bucks.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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