Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

33 42 44 87 113 137 144 227 235 | The death of William Jefferson Blythe Jr., revisited

5/17/1946 = 5+1+7+1+9+4+6 = 33
5/17/1946 = 5+17+19+46 = 87

Notice how the 137th day correspond with the name 'Clinton'.

Notice the birthday of William Jefferson Blythe, February 27, 1910.

2/27/1910 = 2+27+19+10 = 58 (Freemasonry)
2/27/1910 = 2+27+(1+9+1+0) = 40 (United States = 40/58)
2/27/1910 = 2+2+7+1+9+1+0 = 22
2/27/10 = 2+27+10 = 39 (New York) (Where Clinton dynasty is from)

Recall, if you divide 22 by 7, you get the number for Pi, and if you sum the first 144 decimal points of Pi, it totals 666.  We'll talk about '666' and prophecy in just a moment.

5/17/1946 = 5+17+19+46 = 87
5/17/1946 = 5+17+(1+9+4+6) = 42 (Freemason) (History)(Bill Clinton 42nd President)
5/17/1946 = 5+1+7+1+9+4+6 = 33 (Clinton) (Federal)
5/17/46 = 5+17+46 = 68

The name of the town reminds of the Illuminati card game.

Bill Clinton's father died in '46, on the side of a road, from supposedly an accident.  Seemingly, this was part of the ongoing man made prophecy we're living out.

The full name of the location of the death also pops out.

One can only wonder, was there really ever even a William Jefferson Blythe Jr.?  Manchurian politicians, this could be further proof.

His father was traveling from Chicago, Illinois, where Hillary was born, to Hope, Arkansas, where Bill Clinton is from.

If Hillary becomes the next President, she will be the 45th, matching the Gematria of Illinois.

42+45 = 87 (Bill, 42; Hillary, 45) (Clinton = 87)

As for where Bill is from, 'Hope', it sums to '44'.  Hillary will become the 44th person to be President, follow Obama, also from Illinois. 


  1. I was always piecing together the Bush - Clinton relationship. George Bush SR was the CIA Director when Bill Clinton was young. I always thought Clinton and Obama were groomed from a young age.

  2. On yt, look up "The VANDERBILTS - An American Dynasty" @ John Wilson. Skip to 25:28 ... then 32:08 & 33:08 ... The resemblance between WILLIAM KISSAM VANDERBILT I (12/12/1849 -- *7 / 22 */1920) ... & BILL CLINTON ... is uncanny!

    WILLIAM KISSAM VANDERBILT, III (#1's grandson) reportedly "DIED IN A CAR CRASH IN S.C. WHILE RETURNING HOME FROM FL TO NY" -- on 11/15/1933 ... or 11/16/1933 ... There is ONLY ONE article to be found about his death -- from the 11/16/33 CHICAGO TRIBUNE. Nothing about a funeral & NO wiki page.

    W K V, III was 26 -- born 11/27/1907 -- would've turned 27 either 12 or 13 days after the RIDGELAND, SC WRECK.


    His "father" was born *2 / 27*/1910 ... 2/27 is a reflection of 7/22 -- WKV, I's birthdate. He worked for: MANBEE Equip. Co. ... MAN "B" perhaps?


    Middle Names: K For KISSAM = 11= 2 ... B for BLYTHE = 2

    William Jefferson Blythe Clinton (III) = W J B C = 3 8 = *11* + 27 (III) = 3 8

    William Kissam Vanderbilt (III) = W K V = 5 6 / *11* + 27 = 3 8

    ALL the W K Vanderbilt's were known as "WILLY K" ...

    Clinton was known as "BIG WILLY" ... (Recall the recent "TRAPPED WHALE" article ... Reminiscent of "Free Willy"??)

    There are too many "Similarities" between Bill Clinton & this Branch of The Vanderbilt Clan to list here ... But this might be worth looking into. You've always said that Bill was a "FARMED or BRED CANDIDATE" -- I think this might the "STABLE" that produced him!!

    WKV, III -- Bill's possible REAL Biological Father -- WAS a "horse breeder" ... & close inspection of this "One & Only" Source Article leaves you thinking that WKV, III did NOT "die" -- & perhaps lived on to "SIRE" Bill ... either naturally -- or "scientifically" (recall "The Boys From Brazil" ... & ... "The World According To Garp" -- starring Robin Williams).

    Also in the video: @ 20:44 there is a woman who looks exactly like HILLARY!! (A socialite who attended a ball thrown by WKV, I's wife Alva (who resembles Barbara Bush). The Hillary "twin" is wearing a TAXIDERMIED WHITE CAT FOR A HAT -- & a Black & White Choker "Collar" that says "PUSS". ("Cat IN The Hat ...?! Lol) ;D :D


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