Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, July 8, 2016

33 42 46 57 66 107 123 199 | "Vicsims", the reported police killed in the July 7, 2016 Dallas shooting hoax

Recall, the Governor's birthday is 129-days after the shooting.

Remember, this shooting came on 7/7/16, or 7/7/7.... 16 = 1+16 = 7

Police Officer = 77
Police Department = 77

Chaos = 46
Hate Crime = 46
Dallas Police = 46
Dallas, Texas = 46
Baton Rouge = 46

Notice Brent Thompson was a 43-year old woking for 'DART', or Dallas Area Rapid Transit.

Brent = 2+9+5+5+2 = 23
Thompson = 2+8+6+4+7+1+6+5 = 39/48
Brent Thompson = 62/71 (Mason = 62) (Alton = 62)

Brent = 2+18+5+14+20 = 59 (Kill)
Thompson = 20+8+15+13+16+19+15+14 = 120
Brent Thompson = 179 (179, 41st Prime Number)

BT = 2+20 = 22 (22 Chapters in Revelation)

Turns out Brent was publicly recognized as a Mason.

Notice the compliment about Brent comes from James Spiller, another police agent for the city.

His name also connects to 'Freemasonry'.

Patrick = 7+1+2+9+9+3+2/11 = 33/42 (Police = 33)
Zamarripa = 8+1+4+1+9+9+9+7+1 = 49 (Dallas) (Revelation)
Patrick Zamarripa = 82/91

Patrick = 16+1+20+18+9+3+11 = 78 (Name released July 8, or 7/8)
Zamarripa = 26+1+13+1+18+18+9+16+1 = 103
Patrick Zamarripa = 181 (181, 42nd Prime Number)

PZ = 16+26 = 42 (His initials)

Notice that he was a 'father' of 'two'.  These are fictional characters keep in mind.

The #PrayForDallas, is a nice touch as well.

Freemason = 122

Dustin = 4+3+1/10+2+9+5 = 24/33 (Police = 33)

Michael and Patrick are always the most commonly used names in these police stories.

Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33 (Police) (Patrick)
Krol = 2+9+6+3 = 20/29
Michael Krol = 53/62 (Shooting = 53) (Mason - 62)

Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51 (Conspiracy)
Krol = 11+18+15=12 = 56
Michael Krol = 107 (Shooting)

MK... Ultra?  Mind 'K'ontrol?

M = 13 = 4
K = 11 = 2

Governor born November 13, or 11/13 or 13/11.

The uncle's name fits the picture too.

Jim = 1+9+4 = 14
Ehlke = 5+8+3+2/11+5 = 23/32
Jim Ehlke = 37/46 (Dallas Police = 46) (Hate Crime = 46) (Dallas, Texas = 46)

Jim = 10+9+13 = 32
Ehlke = 5+8+12+11+5 = 41
Jim Ehlke = 73

JE = 10+5 = 15 (Fifteen = 38) (Death = 38)

Lorne = 3+6+9+5+5 = 28
Ahrens = 1+8+9+5+5+1 = 29/38
Lorne Ahrens = 57/66 (City = 57) (5 Dead, 7 Injured) (Scottish Rite) (Revelation, 66th Book)

Lorne = 12+15+18+14+5 = 64 (Reflection of 46) (Police Chief = 64)
Ahrens = 1+8+18+5+14+19 = 65
Lorne Ahrens = 129 (America)

The parting words from Sgt. Anthony Gunn fits the picture also.

Where the "fallen officer" worked, codes with 'Black Lives Matter'.

Notice the date!

1/23/2002 = 1+23+20+02 = 46

Conspiracy also synchs with thee date, 1/23.

In the police world, 'Michael Smith' is the same as 'John Smith'.

Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33 (Police)
Smith = 1/10+4+9+2+8 = 24/33 (Police = 33)
Michael Smith = 57/66

Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51 (Conspiracy)
Smith = 19+13+9+20+8 = 69
Michael Smith = 120 (Illuminati)

MS = 13+19 = 32 (America)

M = 13 = 4
S = 19 = 10 = 1
MS = 41 (Thirteenth prime) (Dallas = 13)


  1. Hey Zach didn't know how else to get ahold of you so in posting on this video.

    My wife and I were watching the movie Zootopia. We felt that something was weird the whole movie. It dawned on us that this movie was a direct prophecy to what is happening right now between the races and police. So I began looking for at least a 106. I found it in one scene where the 'animal news' in the movie posted about the crime going on.

    Long story short we thought this could be something you could look further into.

    From the date of zootopias release on 3/4/16 to Alton Sterling 7/5/16 is a span of 123 days or 4 months and one day. Or 41 that connects to the shootings. The run time of the movie is also 108 min.

    The scene that made it click in me and my wife's head was a scene where a weasel was selling pirated CDs and DVDs in front of a rundown store. The other interesting part was that the crime committed in the movie was done by 'sheep' they wore black in the movie. Which reminded me of the hat that one dude was wearing.
    Crazy man. My wife left to grab ice cream when I broke some of this down. She was pissed that this is what's going on.

    1. I just watched that with my kid. You are right! I will hafta rent it again and run it down.

    2. Good heads up, that is a date with '43' numerology and can be written 4/3. I will look into it!

    3. I know there is a lot but I'm not as quick. I also spotted 23 and 89. Again not quick on the connections but I know these are important ones.

      Last thing I noticed is from the time of that movie release to the next big shooting on 7/7/16 was a span of 125 days or 4 months 3 days (the reverse of the release date of Zootopia 3/4) and if you include the end date you get 44 = kill.

    4. Why would she be mad about posting to the blog? I don't get it?

      "Zootopia" = 117 = "White Rabbit"

    5. No not posting to the blog. Mad at the fact that society is like this. She was just like 'this is sick'

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry just seen ya already had it in your post, so removed my comment :D ha. Class stuff man.

  4. "Victims" is spelled wrong up top

    "Victim" = 76 [67 Reflection]
    "Blood Sacrifice" = 67

    1. Oh wait...were you making a funny? "Simulated Victims?"

      "Simulated Victims" = 199 = "Computer Program"

  5. A comment on you tube posted this link about Brent Thompson being a Mason

    also says this about Minnesota shooting:
    "Meanwhile, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota on its Facebook page this morning requested that their members change their profile pictures to a common image to show support of their member, Brother Clarence Castile, over the death of his nephew in a traffic stop Wednesday night. ...."

  6. For those not familiar with alphabet agency companies... DynCorp is an NSA company.

  7. >> Joe "STERLING" ... is the 1st reporter credited. The name is aligned EXACTLY under "Dalla" ... (& then) ... "slain" ... on the next line.

    DALLA + SLAIN sums to: (Jewish) = 206 , 31 (reduced) ; (Pyth) = 85 , 31 (reduced)

    Strange that BOTH Jewish & Pythagorean (reduced) sums = 31 ... or maybe not ... In Jewish/Hebrew - (R to L) ... 31 = 1+30 ... which is A + M ... ACCEPTED MASON(S)

    Using Bacon (capital D) & Pyth -- Dalla = 56 ; slain = 55 ... 56 + 55 = 1 1 1

    STERLING was placed there specifically to catch "a certain group's" attention ... & (it seems) was aligned in that precise way to convey information. This is going to sound strange, but here's what I think it could mean: "Dalla slain" is an anagram for ALL SALADIN. (I know -- bizarre -- but hear me out before skipping over this ... ;D)

    SALADIN is the historical hero of the Muslim world, who managed to fight off the Knights Templar & other Crusaders. He was born *1137* died *3/4*/*1193* ... at age *55* (55 is the Pythagorean sum for "slain").

    *JULY 4, 1187* -- Saladin Regained JERUSALEM from the Christians -- capturing GUY, King of Jerusalem (recall the Queen's horse "GUY Fawkes" that was put down during Ascot?). Saladin was also an expert on ARABIAN HORSE PEDIGREES (recall the restoration of Napoleon's ARABIAN STALLION at the Louvre? It had been a gift from EGYPT -- a land that Saladin freed from the Crusaders.)

    Richard the LION-HEART regained lost territory for the Christians in the 3rd Crusade (1189-1191) -- (LIONS keep popping up in the news prior to "events" ... & every hoax survivor has a "broken HEART"). However, Saladin was able to negotiate & RETAIN MUSLIM CONTROL OVER JERUSALEM, SYRIA & PALESTINE. (We know who's STILL got their panties in a twist over THAT ... despite it being 825 years ago! Lol)

    Modern depictions of Saladin are almost wholly based on the "The Talisman" by SCOTTISH writer SIR WALTER SCOTT ... After both World Wars, there were numerous BRITISH references about "Finally Having Finished Defeating Saladin" (& "Winning The Crusades -- At Last!").

    NOW maybe it's more clear why I think SALADIN might have been incorporated into their "Playbook" --- "Dalla slain" (left margin - heading, placed atop STERLING) = = ALL SALADIN (anagram) ... (Also: The phrase "ALL IN" became popular post-9/11, & is the title of the book written by General Petraeus' mistress -- much of it about their time together in IRAQ ... another land freed by Saladin's armies).

    (Jewish) - ALL = 1+20+20 = *41*; SALADIN = 165 (1,11) ... 1+6+5= *12* (# vicsims)

    SALADIN reduced = 30 ; 30 = M ... (MASONS , MASONIC)

    In Pyth, SALADIN = 60 ; 60 in Jewish = P ... (POLICE)

    (The list of relevant words corresponding to these sums is WAY too long to list!)

    Weird, it is. But -- this bunch DOES love rehashing Old Middle-Eastern Feuds! ;D :D

    [Damn -- I hope this post shows up ... Pertinent or not, it took awhile to put this shit together, lol! ;D]

  8. One of the VicSims from another shooting was named Sterling too. I forget which it was a few days ago. Sterling silver.

    That stuff about Arabian horses rEminem me about how the name Barack Obama is supposed to mean lightning from heaven and Barack was the name of Muhammed's horse.

  9. Yep -- ALTON STERLING -- "shot" in front of a SILVER car ...!

    That's interesting about Mohammed's horse's name -- didn't know that! The article said that the (now stuffed) horse of Napoleon's was 33 yrs old ... but when I read more about it, he was actually *41* -- which is ancient for a horse but not impossible (41 is coded all over these recent shooting stories).

    Your comment also reminded me about the 3 SILVER (grey) horses that won the top 3 places at the Belmont (which was unprecedented in racing history -- but I never saw much said about it). HORSES / HORUS is really interesting.

    King Henry VIII was 1st mentioned in his grandmother's diary -- called "The Book of HORUS" -- they "Claim" it was a misspelling of "HOURS" -- I don't think so!!

    "HENERY THE EIGHTH I AM" -- a '60's pop song -- was the fastest selling record in history (at the time). It repeats "I AM" over & over -- like the INVICTUS Games ads!

    After the WALTER SCOTT shooting I read up on Sir Walter Scott ... & since then have found parallels with his writings in EVERY "event". So the addendum to the Playbook probably isn't Saladin after all -- but instead is Scott's writings. (He WAS known as "The Wizard Of The North" ...!)

    The Scott Monument in Edinburgh is in the PRINCES St. Gardens -- at:

    55 . 57' . 08.82" N ... 3 . 11' . 35.94" W ... (All are familiar numbers, eh?) Wiki opens with a mention that it sits "across from JENNER'S dept store" (Bruce/ Caitlyn reference!).

    AUGUST 15 will mark 176 years since the cornerstone was laid -- 170 since it's "inauguration". Perhaps something "important" is planned to mark the occasion -- we'll have to remember that date! ;D :D


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