Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

33 42 52 74 84 96 132 | Catholic Priest in France murdered by ISIS, July 26, 2016 propaganda reporting

This morning they reported that the 'Priest' was 84-yeas old, but they have since increased his age to 86.  Perhaps they decided the age of '84' was over the top in the wake of the '84' dead reported in France from Bastille Day.  What '84' connects to with regards to 'priest' and 'Catholic' is 'Jesuit'.

This supposedly took place in Normandy, July 25, 2016.

7/25/2016 = 7+25+(2+0+1+6) = 41

Jesuit = 10+5+19+21+9+20 = 84 (United States of America)

Again, Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope.  Last year, on September 27, 2015, he departed the United States through Philadelphia, on the Jesuit Order's birthday.

12/17/1936 = 12+17+19+36 = 84 (Jesuit)

Priest also has gematria of '33' and '42'.

Priest = 7+9+9+5+1/10+2 = 33/42

Recall how '153' is often paired with '42'.

Francois Hollande = 84
84-Dead on Bastille Day, 84-days after the release of the film Bastille Day, April 22, 2016

His name connects to 'Pope' and 'prophecy'.

Jacques = 1+1+3+8+3+5+1 = 22/31
Hamel = 8+1+4+5+3 = 21
Jacques Hamel = 43/52 (Pope = 52) (Prophecy = 52) (Vatican = 43)

Jacques = 10+1+3+17+21+5+19 = 76
Hamel = 8+1+13+5+12 = 39
Jacques Hamel = 115 (Freemasons = 115) (Killing = 115)

Recall the significance of the age of 86.

Symbol = 86; Triangle = 86; Pyramid = 86

Notice the emphasized phrase.

Society of Jesus = 191 (Official name of Jesuit Order)

Roman Catholicism = 74; Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74

Recall the significance of 19 to the Quran.  They said the attacker was 19-years old as well.

Just Welby, surely a masonic master propagandist.

Justin = 1+3+1+2+9+5 = 21/30
Welby = 5+5+3+2+7 = 22
Justin Welby = 43/52

Justin = 10+21+19+20+9+14 = 93 (Propaganda)
Welby = 23+5+12+2+25 = 67 (Italy) (Freemasonry) (Satanic)
Justin Welby = 160

JW = 10+23 = 33 (Priest)

Notice how the frauds encourage praying to Jesus.

Jesus = 74; Lucifer = 74; Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74; Occult = 74; Gospel; Messiah = 74
Roman Catholicism = 74

We will stand together = 87/96 (Freemason = 96) (Satanism = 96) (Priest = 87)

Manuel = 4+1+5+3+5+3 = 21
Valls = 4+1+3+3+1 = 12/21
Manuel Valls = 33/42 (Priest = 33/42)

Manuel = 13+1+14+21+5+12 = 66
Valls = 22+1+12+12+19 = 66
Manuel Valls = 132 (Catholic Church = 132)

Way to get a '67' in there CNN.


  1. There doesn't even have to be a terror group anymore. People just do it in their name now.

  2. Nice way to keep the fear porn going... ISIS could be right over your shoulder RIGHT NOW!!!


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