Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 25, 2016

33 42 74 93 226 | 19 killed in Japan knife attack, July 25, 2016

Propaganda is in the headlines.  Again.  and again.

'Nineteen' has gematria of '86', reminding of August 6, when Hiroshima was bombed.

That date was August 6, 1945.

8/6/45 = 8+6+45 = 59
8/6/1945 = 8+6+1+9+4+5 = 33
8/6/1945 = 8+6+19+45 = 78

The date of the attack, July 25, 2016, is also a date with numerology connecting to Hiroshima.

7/25/2016 = 7+25+20+16 = 68 (August 6 can be written 6/8)

I think they wrote this article just to mention 'World War'.

Japan = 10+1+16+1+14 = 42 (War) (World War)

War is death.

The name of the officer has a connection to propaganda.

Officer Satomi Kurihara = 226 (Two Hundred Twenty Six = 93)
Satomi Kurihara = 65/74

Notice the name of the district it happened it, it has '42' gematria as well.

The name of the attacker, age 26-years, also stands out.  His name gematria ties to the officer and masonic.

Satoshi = 1+1+2+6+1+8+9 = 28/37/46
Uematsu = 3+5+4+1+2+1+3 = 19/28
Satoshi Uematsu = 47/56/74

Satoshi = 19+1+20+15+19+8+9 = 91
Uematsu = 21+5+13+1+20+19+21 = 100
Satoshi Uematsu = 191 (43rd prime number) (Massacre = 43)

Most importnat, the story comes from broadcaster NHK.

NHK = 14+8+11 = 33

The name of the bureau chief also reminds of 'Hiroshima'.

13 are 'severely' hurt.


  1. Wow, you've been so VERY busy this month...telling us the true scoop about the many scripted events. Thanks very much for your dedication.

  2. This event also takes place 19 days after the July 6th release date of Pokemon GO, a Japanese franchise. Also, there is a hoax article the same day that I was decoding about a New York man being the first to catch all the pokemon in Pokemon GO. His name is 'Nick Johnson.' 'Nick' = 19 the small way. That same article made me predict there was going to be an attack in France soon, and one happened today.

    1. The article also says he caught all the pokemon on 7/21/2016 which has numerology of 7 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 19

    2. Someone got em all---171, 1026(126)

      The ole 126 confirmation number.

    3. Yes apparently there are 142 he caught. That's what I have seen.

  3. This must be related to shinobi, only a ninja can kill this many then calmly walk into police station confess, surprised he didn't insert samurai sword in his own guts 😑


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