Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

33 42 | 'Goalpost' conversation +NFL/College Field Goal observations

What I have noticed from watching NFL and college football, is often times '44-yard' kicks will be missed, directly off the goalpost.  I honestly think this is a tribute each time, with these men showing just how good they are.

Field Goal = 6+9+5+3+4+7+6+1+3 =  44

I bring this up because people are ranting about France's close goals off the 'goalpost'.  As a kid, my best sport was baseball and I could hit the ball anywhere I wanted in batting practice.  If you told me to hit it off first base, I would, if you told me to hit off third base, I would, if you told me to take the pitcher's shins out, I would.  I was a kid.

Can grown men who play soccer for a living kick the ball off the goalpost on command?  I don't see why not.  There's a reason these guys are getting paid millions of dollars.

Goalpost = 7+6+1+3+7+6+1+2 = 33/42


  1. I found this article and thought is was interestings.

    Vikings = 37
    Lesner = 37 with the S exception
    The picture shows him wearing #69
    Texas = 69
    Texas is state where the SB is played this year

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really good point, Z! I think a lot of that probably has been/is going on. I remember doing football and wrestling stats as a kid and in high school (chart girl), and I found it infinitely more interesting than watching the plays per se. I'm sure the Els must be the same way.

  3. Or kick it near and the magnet will do the rest ,there is a chip already in the ball to see if it crosses goal why not a magnet?? Or maybe the chip is decoy for the magnet

  4. Yes they have magnets everywhere even on boxers/mma faces to ensure perfect punches at the right time. In golf the holes are magnetic, in soccer the goal posts, and in baseball the field. Easy to see

    1. Even though ur a troll that was pretty funny. Magnets in nba though seems plausible to me; plausible but not certain

    2. He's right, they use them in all sports. Did Zach forget about the magnets already?

    3. You didnt appreciate the sarcasm in mannings words

    4. I don't know about the boxing, but in soccer, baseball, basketball, golf, hockey, football ... there is no doubt.

    5. Yea I can see that to be plausible, manning is being a troll tho cuz he said theres magnets on mma fighters faces lmao

    6. If you think its bullshit you need to wake up. Do you think that kick from holm to rouseys face was just by timing? of course not. They have invisible strips on their faces, palms and feet

    7. Mike Manning, you're trolling today is making me laugh. If you can at least bring some funny with your idiocy, maybe there is a place here for you after all.

      And for those bringing up magnets, it is an excellent point. Thank you.

    8. Im dead serious. I have never trolled your blog once. I harassed Milo but never troll

    9. I wonder what ever happened to good old Milo lol

    10. Don't forget that Mike sometimes gets really drunk and posts some crazy ranting shit. I love those posts.

    11. Yea when lebum was throwing games Manning was gettin real sad lmao

  5. This is a video capturing a blocked field goal Alabama vs Clemson in the championship game there is a sticker on the ball it's not a Clemson paw either..I'm pretty sure it was a 44 yard attempt if not 33 yards

    1. Sticker fell off after it was blocked if u look closely

    2. Anybody seen or know what the sticker is on the ball ? Played football 5 years never seen such a thing

    3. Great eyes, never in my life have I see anything on the back side of the football..any special logo's/patches/stickers in special games are always on laces side

  6. They also moved the extra point in NFL to be 33 yards.

  7. Theres videos online of these pro soccer players playing the crossbar challenge. Obviously its second nature to these guys.

    1. this is so funny!!!


  8. Did you guys see this series of videos that came out about 7/8 years ago. Tell me how much of this is editing and what is real.

    1. I remember these, you really get a sense for what pricks these guys are by watching this. Definitely FX with the dry wall.

    2. In the second clip with Jason Campbell you can clearly see the ball move upward in an unnatural way after he throws it. So mostly digital editing.

    3. I agree. Most of them look pretty fixed with digital enhancement. Mason Crosby kicking the ball off the church bell was cool looking.

  9. "Goal Post" = 33 & 105

    "Wide Right" = 58 = "Freemasonry"

    "Off the Goal Post" = 165 & 553 = "A Foot in the Door"

    [The Goal represents the Doorway for the Vesica Piscis]
    A Doorway between the physical and the spiritual.

    "United Nations" = 165
    "Divide and Conquer" = 165
    "The AntiChrist" = 553(Jewish)

    "Vesica Piscis" = 53 & 134

    "Fifty Three" = 122
    "One Hundred Thirty Four" = 115

  10. I think its more magnets in football, if you watched the shot it was on the turn and he almost mishit the ball into the ground so it bobbled, hit the inside of the post and came out. I've played high level football and i dont think that could be done naturally.

    It was the last seconds of the game so if he'd have got that wrong and scored france would have won the tournament. Magnets are deffo in play.

    Look at Sanchez' goal against Poland. Came in the 33rd min and it was meant to be scored in the 33min,(check his background and stats and you will see why) The strike was from outside the box, it glanced of the defender in front of him and arrowed into the opposite corner.

    Striking a ball from 30 yards out and making it look convincing enough to beat the keeper is to hard to do naturally every single time. There has to be magnets in the ball, just like the NBA and Golf.

    If one sports rigged through magnets i'd imagine they all are, technology is ridiculously advanced they just dont share it with us. We could be living in cities in the sky propped through magnets right now if we wanted to, but thats not in there interests.

    1. Completely agree with your take on the tech that is available im this world especially to those in power. Magnets in many sports is drfinitely a plausible theory from a physical persepective


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