Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 10, 2016

33 53 105 | More propaganda on the Vicsims, July 10, 2016

It's also a fitting date for police propaganda.

7/10/16 = 7+10+16 = 33 (Police) (Race War)
7/10/2016 = 7+10+20+16 = 53 (Shooting)


  1. zach is a 1000% right about the propaganda

    For any non believer go on YouTube in type in lil ex Damien world Wendy Williams interview from 2004

    He exposes the secret society in he talks about how they fake deaths etc

  2. You can also Google 911 VicSims report September Clues and take a look at the names and pictures of the fake victims. It's so ridiculous it's laughable.


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