Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, July 15, 2016

33 58 96 111 137 176 | Suleyman Demirel, the last Turkish President to experience a coup, February 28, 1997

This is the last Turkish President to experience a coup'd'etat, February 28, 1997.

Notice he became Prime Minister in '93.  On October 29, Turkey will turn 93-years old.

Also notice his 111 birthday, reminding of the current President.

Recep = 18+5+3+5+16 = 47
Erdogan = 5+18+4+15+7+1+14 = 64 (Israel) (Zion) (Thelema)
Recep Erdogan = 111 (666, English Gematria)

His middle name connects to 'Freemason'.

Tayyip = 20+1+25+25+9+16 = 96 (Freemason)

The 9th President's name also connects to his death.

Suleyman = 1+3+3+5+7+4+1+5 = 29/38
Gundogdu = 7+3+5+4+6+7+4+3 = 39
Demirel = 4+5+4+9+9+5+3 = 39
Suleyman Gundogdu Demirel = 107/116 (Suleyman Demirel = 68/77)

Suleyman = 19+21+12+5+25+13+1+14 = 110 (President)
Demirel = 4+5+13+9+18+5+12 = 66
Suleyman Demirel = 176 (Dead 17/6)

His middle name connects to the year he became President, '93.

Gundogdu = 7+21+14+4+15+7+4+21 = 93

Notice he died on June 17, or 17/6.

11/1/1924 = 11+1+19+24 = 55
11/1/1924 = 11+1+(1+9+2+4) = 28
11/1/1924 = 1+1+1+1+9+2+4 = 19
11/1/24 = 11+1+24 = 36

Again, his death corresponds with his name.

6/17/2015 = 6+17+20+15 = 58 (Freemasonry)
6/17/2015 = 6+17+(2+0+1+5) = 31
6/17/2015 = 6+1+7+2+0+1+5 = 22
6/17/15 = 6+17+15 = 38 (Death)

This year the Coup began on a date with identical numerology, July 15, 2016.

7/15/2016 = 7+15+20+16 = 58 (Freemasonry)
7/15/2016 = 7+15+(2+0+1+6) = 31
7/15/2016 = 7+1+5+2+0+1+6 = 22
7/15/16 = 7+15+16 = 38 (Death) (Martial Law)

The coup this year, is taking place largely on July 16, or 7/16, the same numbers reshuffled.  He died 137-days before what would have been his 91st birthday.

137, the 33rd Prime Number
Armenian Genocide = 137
Authority = 137

Notice the date of the Coup in '97.

Turkey = 28
United States of America = 228

2/28/1997 = 2+28+19+97 = 146 (Ankara, Turkey)
2/28/1997 = 2+28+(1+9+9+7) = 56 (President = 47/56) (Ankara, Turkey = 47/56)
2/28/1997 = 2+2+8+1+9+9+7 = 38
2/28/97 = 2+28+97 = 127

Compare that date with the date of the one yesterday, July 15, 2016.


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