Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 10, 2016

33 | Murray defeats Raonic, July 10, 2016

7/10/16 = 7+10+16 = 33 (Murray = 33) (Raonic = 33)


  1. You had to know a Canadian had no shot against a Brit. Not this year.

    1. Plus, 57-days from Murray's birthday.

    2. 57 days eh? That's why they had it a week later than usual!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You've wondered about WHERE they produce their Manchurian/ CLONED Athletes ...

    ANDY MURRAY & his brother Jamie -- who are both SCOTTISH -- were students at DUNBLANE Primary school at the time of the 3/13/1996 "Massacre". (And around this time his father reportedly "walked out on the family" -- & seemingly "disappeared?" -- which Murray claims "Affected Him Deeply".)

    MUCH MORE "interesting" though ... The "Inconvenient Timing" of the shooting ... CAUSED A Miraculous Scientific Break-Through TO GO UNNOTICED.

    On 3/ 7 /1996 -- 7 days earlier -- MEGAN & MORAG -- were born at ROSLIN INSTITUTE LAB -- which is just DOWN THE ROAD.

    Born a year BEFORE DOLLY -- these 2 lambs were the 1st SUCCESSFUL CLONES ... (& were More Special than Dolly -- because she was "simply" an exact duplicate made from an ADULT CELL) ... "M & M" were created from undifferentiated cells.

    ITN News (UK) quietly mentioned it on 3/ 7 /1996. Then the "Massacre" occurred a FEW MILES AWAY ... & it was never mentioned again.

    On 7/ 20/ 2001 -- published, "DOLLY, POLLY AND BOYS FROM BRAZIL" -- an article that said this about the Birth Of Megan & Morag, "In an ironic twist, their notoriety was stunted WHEN ONLY A FEW DAYS AFTER THEIR BIRTH a gunman shot and killed schoolchildren in the small Scottish town of Dunblane."

    NOW FOR "THE MANDELA EFFECT" (!!) -- Wiki & other recent sources claim that MEGAN & MORAG were born on JUNE 17, 1995 -- which is COMPLETELY FALSE. They (naturally) make NO mention of the Dunblane shooting nearby --- nor how it wiped their birth from the news.

    Because of THIS ALTERATION OF THE FACTS -- they've had to get murky with the dates about Dolly & Polly, who came later.

    So -- WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS ... UNLESS IT'S RELEVANT that the shooting came days after their birth? Distraction? ... Or were "imperfectly" CLONED CHILDREN actually killed? You have to wonder ...

    ROSLIN LABS was founded by The SINCLAIR FAMILY -- the "HEREDITY GRAND-MASTERS OF SCOTTISH RITE FREEMASONRY" (not my words -- direct from source material!)

    I think there is MUCH TRUTH in your statements about CLONED ATHLETES! ;D :D

    1. Did you ever watch Farscape? It was a pretty brilliant sci-fi show that had a short run. It was based in Australia, the production I mean, and those Aussies always make some wickedly out there shit. Anyhow, they had this episode where the protag was being forced to marry this alien princess because there blood wqs compatible. In it they had this tech that could pick every little detail out for your unborn child, so you could have just the one you want. Maybe in the future, Nike will design your kid for a price.

      And I think a lot of tech and tech abilities have been around for much much much longer than we could imagine. Chosen precisely when to made public.

    2. Did you ever watch Farscape? It was a pretty brilliant sci-fi show that had a short run. It was based in Australia, the production I mean, and those Aussies always make some wickedly out there shit. Anyhow, they had this episode where the protag was being forced to marry this alien princess because there blood wqs compatible. In it they had this tech that could pick every little detail out for your unborn child, so you could have just the one you want. Maybe in the future, Nike will design your kid for a price.

      And I think a lot of tech and tech abilities have been around for much much much longer than we could imagine. Chosen precisely when to made public.

    3. Whoa -- this is trippy!! Someone had JUST given me Season 1 of FARSCAPE -- & I'd watched a couple of episodes RIGHT BEFORE finding your comment! Okay ... now I completely & unequivocally accept that "Person Of Interest" is absolutely, 100% real & true!! Lol, lol ;D

      I watched FARSCAPE years ago, but since everything looks so different now (through my fresh perspective), I've been watching a lot of "old" sci-fi ... & marveling at how ACCURATE it is. Still -- THIS much "coincidence" is wild! (No more picking my nose while watching TV, I guess ... no telling WHO might get grossed out! Wait ... on second thought -- that means MORE picking! Lol)

      Prior to that I'd been watching the (only?) season of "CRUSADE" -- & noticed that both the CRUSADE & FARSCAPE logos had the EXACT same wave-like S in the center of the name. Ran through the credits but didn't see anything in common -- so it wouldn't surprise me if there's some symbolic significance in that S.

      Right offhand I don't recall the episode you mentioned -- hopefully it's in Season 1. And yes, I definitely AGREE that they've been manipulating genetics ... for a LONG time. I also think SOME of the things attributed to MK-ULTRA were actually part of much deeper, genetics-based projects -- & "leaking" info about their "Old Tech" became a method for covering up some of the anomalies they were producing.

      Years ago, when I learned about the "Spider Goats" (that squeeze out spider silk tougher than Kevlar -- instead of milk) -- THAT was my "confirmation moment" -- when I KNEW that my suspicions about such things had been correct. Whenever they're earnestly trying to "sell" us on an idea -- especially based on how great it will be for others -- then you KNOW it's already being applied to a "human format".

      Have you seen the movie "CAPRICA"? It's a prequel to the Battlestar Gallactica series (B.G. had human-like Cylons who could download their consciousness into a newly fabricated body whenever they "died"). CAPRICA explains how this all started -- & REALLY gives you a lot to think about. If you haven't seen it, you sure ought to.

      We now know that from post-WW2 on, the gov has been continuously "screening" kids all over the country (& world) for "Potential Future Use" (documented via MK-ULTRA disclosures). Add that to the Genetics Research ... & there's no telling what might actually be going on inside MANY of us. (Do you recall kids being given "FluorideTreatments" at school in the '80's -- where they were ordered to swish & then spit BACK into the bag that had their name & social security number on it? That was DEFINITELY covert DNA Collection!)

      Who knows -- Genetic Manipulation may even be playing a role in why some of us can "See" so much more clearly than others ...

      Meanwhile though -- Stop Spying On Me!! Lol -- hell, you know I'm just kiddin' -- I'm used it -- haha, lol lol!! ;D :D

  3. Murray won this in 36 games.

    His birth Numerology this year = 36.

    Fernando Santos just won Portugals first championship he also has 36 birth numerology.

    July tenth = 36.

  4. Didn't you predict Murray to win Zach? I think you did! Well Done.


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