Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 3, 2016

33 | Napoleon's stuffed horse gets a makeover, July 3, 2016 news

Notice the horse lived to 33 and died in the year '26.  Something else.  Also, that is fairly old for a horse.


  1. OMG, Z! Get out of my head, dude! LOL
    Seriously though, thanks for doing this analysis!
    Please ignore my previous comment on your post before this one. :)

  2. Good day, sir! Hope you're having an enjoyable weekend.
    I think a lot of them seem to have had white horses. Look at how little this one is at the shoulder??? I knew Napoleon was a little feller, but had no idea he was that small necessitating such a small critter too.

  3. Sorry off topic - why are all of these actor athletes posing nude? Essp male athletes ...

    1. 10 men / 9 women annual "body issue"

    2. I noticed that earlier today also... very weird. Reminded me of the naked Greek/Roman gods/goddess statues of old.

    3. And you aren't OT. I was catching up on Z's other stuff...

    4. Yep, you nailed it. The athletes ARE the modern day representations of the classical Greek/ Roman gods/hero's of old, hence the nudes . We r just now seeing them mostly printed in magazines and ads instead of in paintings or sculptures. The medium is the only thing that's changed. We still worship, they had temples, we have TVs.

  4. Zach i recently watched a show on ahc called freemasons: national treasure decoded. Aparently the washington monument is a timeline to "armagedon". When combinging the great pyramid and the washington monument the tip of the pyramid reaches 2009. 13 yrs later in 2022 is said to be the end. Just curious of your thoughts on this.

    1. I need to read up.
      Hell = 222 (English Gematria)
      Revelation is Hell on earth and is 22-Chapters
      2022, the nation based on Revelation, that timeline sounds within the realm of possibility for their "grand disaster" or wherever they're taking us.

    2. Zach, 2202 also appeared in one those anonymous letters posted to you.

  5. Can you please look into the Morrison Bakery Warehouse fire (in England) as a possible "tribute" to Jim Morrison's 45th death anniversary today? The reason the elite might make a tribute is because they may have caused this death. Thanks for all the work you do in this column. As someone new to the truth movement, I can say that you've helped me separate the facts from the fiction more than anyone else.

  6. Horses usually represent freedom,
    wHite horses are associated with sun chariot, I think.
    Then there's pale horse, pale rider.
    White Knights/heroic Prince on white horse

    Old paintings, mythology, fairy tales, and Shakespeare, these things r clues to decoding the headlines just as much as the numbers. The numbers tell u what and how, the symbolism tells u why

  7. On the back leg of the horse:

    Crown + N

    3+9+6+5+5 + 5 = 33
    3+18+15+23+14 + 14 = 87


    7/3 to 11/8 = 4 months 5 days (45th president)


  8. Damn -- I just now found this one! "Original My Little Pony" -- that's a good one!! Lol WHY DIDN'T THEY STATE THIS "IMPORTANT" HORSE'S NAME?? Besides ... This horse is WAY Too Small (even with the "Arabian Stallion" caveat) ... & ... it has the conformation of a YOUNG HORSE (if it's even a REAL horse at all ... which I'm VERY inclined to doubt). Really old horses have specific traits of Bone & Hair -- NEITHER of which this grotesque exhibit displays. >> MORE "MUSEUM FAKERY"!! ;D :D


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