Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

38 42 142 | NASA shuts down Space Station live feed, July 9, 2016, because of 'mysterious UFO'

This story comes on a date with '35' numerology.  The news is from July 9 however.

NASA = 14+1+19+1 = 35
7/12/16 = 7+12+16 = 35

Also, UFO is one of several three letter, 42-summing words.

UFO = 21+6+15 = 42 (Freemason = 42) (TV = 42)

So, reportedly, a UFO, shutdown the 'Space Station' feed.

The emphasized phrases has gematria of 163, the 38th prime.

Remember, Freemasonry is international.


  1. Been expecting fake aliens sometime soon.

  2. In order to believe this story,you must first believe there is an ISS circling the globe with thousands of satellites that can't take pictures of the earth.

  3. In order to believe this story,you must first believe there is an ISS circling the globe with thousands of satellites that can't take pictures of the earth.

    1. Pretty much. An alien deception story is coming within a few years, perhaps sooner. They can use that further their NWO agenda. Reagan once made mention of this scenario in a speech of his.

    2. Checkout the '84 Olympics in Los Angeles. They had a 'UFO' tribute for either the opening or closing ceremonies, it has been a while since I watched it.

    3. John Dewey, back in 1917 gave a speech at some world peace conference that it would take an attack by an external planet to unite the nations of the world. That goes back a long time.

    4. +Ed, I'm sure it's only a matter of when, but I firmly believe it's a major component of their plan.

    5. Hello, Mir, I researched UFOs and aliens a bit in the 90's. The basic conclusion I came to was the UFOs are built and flown by the US, British and Russian governments. And the real reason they don't expose the alien "truth" is that they can't create realistic, believable aliens yet.

    6. +Ed, I'm sure the moment they feel they have a reasonable facsimile to use against us, they will not hesitate to use it as the biggest lie ever. I think a lot of the mind games that occur, and 'bending' our perception of good/bad, etc... is all in preparation for us accepting that big lie.
      I have no proof. I only have my gut instincts based upon a good many symptoms over the years. The 'vibe' isn't a good one, for sure.
      I'm one of those people who knows when they're being lied to. It's really been a problem over the years. As you might imagine, my husband doesn't even attempt to lie. LOL

  4. Thanks for doing this, Z!
    My dream is that someday we'll get this fixed to...
    "Speck of dust flies in front of Hubble telescope prop in Room 237 resulting in cessation of fake Space Station feed"

    1. Oh! I also saw today that Tarantino was saying he was only going to do two more movies. He's no Kubrick, but that surely seems related also.

    2. Lol Tarantino's such a douche. He can certainly direct a movie, though.

    3. Yeah yeah.... his douchey affluenza self wouldn't know what to do with himself without his divisive directing. IMHO, he hasn't done anything worthwhile since Kill Bill.

    4. And... WTH was that? I got a "Captcha" pop-up on that last comment! When did they start doing that? LOL

  5. I think the image quality from NASA's camera's was better in the 70's ... :D holy mother :) Just a random blur ha :) ... NASA is almost a religion at this point sure ... nothing can change the mind of a Nasa'holic.

  6. The name of the lad who apparently caught it, 'Streetcap1' = 35

    1. ha :D Brilliant. The perfect name.

    2. "Streetcap One" = 51 & 789 [789 + 987] = 1776

      USA was hatched in born 1776.

      "One Seven Seven Six" = 126
      "One Two Six" = 144

      "One Thousand Seven hundred Seventy Six" = 149

      "Fourth of July Seventeen Seventy Six" = 142
      "Forty Two" = 142
      "Freemason" = 42

  7. In your opinion zack, is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? Or is it simply a lie and we truly are alone? Sorry if it's a stupid question.

    1. Don't be fooled we are in for an alien deception don't fall for the lie,
      all 'unidentified flying objects' are military man made air craft, were the centre of the universe planets are nothing more than fake CGI images

    2. They exist but if you use the right telescope an look up at the night sky 'planets' are just mere blobbs of light they don't look circular


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