Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, July 14, 2016

38 46 58 157 | 'Day of Rage' scheduled for July 15, 2016, nationwide organized protest and locations

'Day of Rage', July 15, 2016?  The name reminds me of the new movie series, 'The Purge'.

Day of Rage also connects to United States.

Notice the cities participating.  Maybe you know something about these locations if you live near.

The one in my neck of the woods (Seattle) is at the Queen Anne Baptist Church, literally blocks from my old apartment, 211 Valley St.  Notice the address of the Church, 2011.... 211 is the 47th prime, and Seattle sits on the 47th parallel.  When I moved to 211 Valley St., it was the end of 2006, and I didn't know a thing about Gematria, or that 211 was the 47th prime, or that even Seattle was on the 47th Parallel... or that the Space Needle's restaurant does a rotation every 47 minutes.

The date of the event connects to 'death' and 'freemasonry'.  We'll see if anything transpires.

7/15/2016 = 7+15+20+16 = 58 (Freemasonry)
7/15/16 = 7+15+16 = 38 (Death)


  1. Reminds me of video game Streets of Rage, released 8-2-1991 or 9114 days before the Day of Rage event.

    1. The 911 in 9114 stands out to me. No coincidence the purge included 911.

    2. Also 8 years 8 months 9 days since the horrible song Riot by Three Days Grace was released. I was hoping for an 8 8 8.

      Anyhow, that song peaked at 12 and 21 on the US charts, for a little 33.

  2. I've sent an email to "Scott Cawthon" the developer of "five nights at Freddy's", a game that was once popular on YouTube, exposing himself.
    -David C.

  3. I've sent an email to "Scott Cawthon" the developer of "five nights at Freddy's", a game that was once popular on YouTube, exposing himself.
    -David C.

  4. More awesome work Zach! Thank you. This is crazy. I also thought of "The Purge" when I saw this.

    Be aware but not there = 203 (English Ordinal)
    Order through Chaos = 203 (English Ordinal)
    Chaos =46 (English Ordinal)
    Looting=38 (English Reduction)

    1. check us out fellas new blog site.

  5. Sounds like a good lawsuit should anything happen because the gubbermint hasn't called in the National Guard.
    There should be no opportunity for their race war if they were taking appropriate measures for this type of threat.

  6. How about the address on that Cleveland Library though...

    1. Not to mention it's at a LIBRARY. Let's go rage at the library.

    2. Library, church, any public place... is no place for "raging." Any way you slice it, it's all bad.
      Thankfully, none in my neck of the woods... which is pretty much why we live here. :)

    3. Awwe, Ed! You think I'll jynx it?
      Well, they best not try to come here. :)

    4. BLM has been known to confront people in restaurants and libraries! (I did see that someplace, didn't I?)
      I wonder if they intend to take this off the street too? This state is open carry, but I'm not sure about silencers (which simply aren't as quiet as lead to believe). Librarians everywhere shall have their work cut out for them!
      Ed, we were going to go to the library tomorrow too. I'll keep you posted.

    5. Just pointing out the irony there Mir. Library(shhh)/Rage

      I agree with you that the sheep have little to no business "raging", because they don't really know what the hell is going on.. Or for that cases like this.. Also What's NOT going on.. So they won't achieve anything real and just cause more confusion.

      But I also want to point out that "raging" however you want to define it, may be what it takes. For us who are awake to this and for those who awake one day, SHOULD be MAD. And the right rage directed at the right people and circumstances may achieve something. Check out Zach's work on Ghandi. He makes great points about the non-violence conditioning I think you would agree with.

      And Churches.. They actually deserve a good rage in my opinion. I think collection baskets should be physically knocked out of preacher's hands in the same way the Bible says Jesus flipped over the tables in righteous anger at the temple where things were being bought and sold under the name of God. Whether you believe some, all, or none of the Bible is true, Jesus did the right thing in the context of the story. I think body cameras should be strapped onto these preachers just as much as on cops. I say we strap them down with microscopic go-pros unbeknownst to them and then let them loose, having their day to day activities live streamed for the congregation before every sermon they go to, if they still wish to go, so they get to know the warped mind of the un-Christ-like man that tells them to be more Christ-like as he takes their money.

    6. And let me correct myself on one thing... Not only am I pointing out the irony.. I'm also pointing out what could be a clue to something bigger... Think about it.. They scheduled this cities day of rage at the LIBRARY. They like to mock. Well, I'm trying to look at the bigger picture for clues based on certain things I know they like to do. One thing is mock..

    7. +mad1dog, Iiiiii gotcha', lovey!
      And I agree... the key is making sure that rage 'counts' and is directed towards the right people! Unfortunately, short of stringing up the lot of the untouchables who rule from afar, not sure we can get the upper level minions! :)
      They also appear to have scheduled a church. You could be right that it's something bigger.
      I dunno, you know? *insert shrug here*

    8. Right on. Yea, the lone church also stood out to me like the lone library, as another place often considered as quiet and rarely associated with rage.

    9. Even though there's some rowdy church folk out there in certain churches..

    10. check us out fellas new blog site.

  7. 37 locations
    Count all the Ctates
    1406/326/182(B) all add to "11" 5th prime and is master number
    234(Eng Gem reduced) like 234+432

    Count all the Cities
    313(B) 76th prime
    151(J) 36th prime like "Jesus Christ"(EO)
    413(EO) inverst Pi code

  8. In LA - Leimert Plaza Park has held alot of protests and rallys. The most recent I believe was the Trayvon Martin one.

  9. I live by newark nj. I also work in new York city. Should be interesting tomorrow

    1. check us out fellas new blog site.

  10. I live by newark nj. I also work in new York city. Should be interesting tomorrow

  11. Yep the one in Atlanta is happening in Decatur I'm sure for the zip code 30030. They sure love their 33

  12. They scheduled it on the anniversary of Jade Helm...
    Jade Helm started on July 15, 2015, and ending on September 15, 2015.
    Day of rage..7/15/2016 = 7+15+20+16 = 58 (Freemasonry)
    Jade Helm in Simple Gematria Equals: 58


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