Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 11, 2016

39 | Black Lives Matter releases 10 point manifesto, calling for police body cams and more, July 11, 2016

Manifesto = 39/48/102
Ten = 12/39

We know who likes to write the manifestos.  They go by the 39 books in the OT and control the media, as well as the controlled opposition, Black Lives Matter.


  1. 10 point manifesto -- 177/(69/78)/591

  2. Black lies matter= 151 as does American Freemason.

    Saw in the news a min ago Jessica Disu is calling for complete disarming and abolition of the police.

    Jessica Disu = 119

  3. Do the black lives matter movement/corporation have figure heads pretending to be owners of it, but in truth the freemasons are running the business? Is this the case? If so then what they show on BET is all a show/lie and blacks and all who watch that chanel are being dup without this insight.

    1. You seem to be mistaken thinking all Freemasons are white. Those like Jay-Z are Freemasons. Must look to see who really owns them. This isn't about a black/white thing. This is all division for he sake of division... for the sake of anarchy. This is their shot at 'order out of chaos'.

    2. Thanks for the correction. You are absolutely correct. I was blinded by that fact not realizing it's about division, conquer for the sake of anarchy as you stated. Black/white is what they want us to believe, but now I can see the light of truth in this. Thank you!

    3. +Kenny, no problem! Hang in there. For a while, we have to keep shaking off their very pervasive brainwashing! It is super hard when they are obfuscating who our true enemy really is.
      Hang in there. :)

    4. So again, published without finishing...
      "hang in there"
      Should be a rather nice, encouraging phrase, but is like 64 Pythagorean!
      Anyway, just keep applying the concepts. English language be damned!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Yes sir...I totally understand what you mean and I agree. :-) We are in this illusion together, but may we are all come out and see the truth of who we really are.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Gematria application helps lend some much needed perspective. I really try to read/see and actually understand/listen to everyone, but most of what is reported just doesn't meet the smell test.
      Gematria helps clarify that which I had no tool with which to quantify why I felt things were suspect. It's definitely a missing key set.

    9. You bring out a good point. Me as well. BTW how do one know when the numbers are for example Freemason number? I know from watching Zach the number always equal 39, however there are so many clues within a news media I sometimes get lost in how to match the numbers up with a word like Freemason, Kill, Propaganda to name a few.

    10. Few of us are gematria savants like Zach, but many of us just decode - a lot. In another post, I thought someone was arguing in the comments... not sure if he/she was, but regardless... a comment down, a few tools were posted. Let me find it and I'll post that post here. I don't think I can post the exact comment, but scroll down to read that conversation and all the way to the bottom and you'll find several posted links.

    11. This post of Zach's:
      Start of comments w/ lists here:

    12. Got it. Thank you so much. I appreciate the extra assistance.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A manifesto how predictable was that!

    1. Not very. Have been expecting it. I am surprised by the people who are surprised. LOL
      After all, the Missouri BLM had their manifesto. Our last domestic terrorist had a manifesto, and they have to eek as much out of it as they are able. It is absolutely sick that no one will admit seeing it or are so altered, they spin it into something it isn't.

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