Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

42 106 726 1010 | Bill Clinton takes the stage of the DNC July 26, 2016 at 10:10 PM EST

By the numbers!  Today is July 26, or 7/26.  Again, Philadelphia is the city named from Revelation.

Also, it was a fitting date for the 42nd President.

7/26/2016 = 7+26+(2+0+1+6) = 42

Her = 8+5+9 = 22
most = 4+6+1+2 = 13/22
fervent = 6+5+9+4+5+5+2 = 36
advocate = 1+4+4+6+3+1+2+5 = 26
Her most fervent advocate = 97/106 (Prophecy = 106)

Again, the DNC convention began 106-days before the November 8 election.

His speech would end at 10:53, a lot like '153', the number often paired with '42'.  Of course Bill was the 42nd President of the United States.


  1. He looks he ready to get a B J under that Podium:

    "Blue Tie" = 74 & 444 [Sumerian]
    "Aqua Tie" = 74 & 444 [Sumerian]

    from the "Podium" = 33

    Wearing a:
    "Blue Coat" = 79
    "Blue Jacket" = 90 [Ninety" = 33]
    "Blue Blazer" = 41 & 104 [Reflections]

    "Navy Blazer" = 126 ["One Two Six" = 144]
    "Navy Jacket" = 112 [Alt 911 Dialing Code]

    1. "Charcoal Jacket" = 666

      "Gray Coat" = 90
      "Ninety" = 33 <==

  2. Change Maker
    Gematria Jewish 190
    Gematria Reduction 50
    Gematria Summerian 516
    Gematria Ordinal 86
    Gematria English 230

  3. CNN's headline above:
    "Bill Clinton calls Hillary a Change Maker" = 152

    881 is the 152nd Prime:
    "Eight Hundred Eighty One" = 123 & 231
    "Conspiracy" = 123 &
    "Hillary Rodham Clinton" = 231 <==

    And then Hillary's name finds the Speed of Saturn [9.69 km/s]:
    231 + 2*3*1 = 237 + 732 = 969 <==

  4. The BEST part of his speech: (speaking about Hillary) -- " was obvious that THIS WOMAN would NEVER Be Satisfied ... (paused -- then stumbled over the rest) ... with the status quo." Best Freudian Slip Ever!! Hillary-ous!! Lol :D ;D

  5. 10:53 is the time that they wanted the balloons to drop at the RNC.

  6. Election Fraud, keeping hundreds of Bernie supporters outside, and the "media" silence on such matters, is controlling the narrative.

  7. any chance of shape shifting AT the DNC?


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