Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

43 79 | Alton Sterling family press conference, the Trayvon Martin t-shirt & the Miami Heat hat

Notice the man wearing a Trayvon Martin t-shirt in red.

Red is the color for this shooting, the same color the victim was wearing, Alton Sterling.

Notice also the Miami Heat hat in the background.  It comes into view during the fake crying episode during the "family" speaking out press conference, where the supposed 15-year old child of the woman speaking, begins to cry into the arms of the man in the Trayvon shirt.  Regarding the Heat, LeBron James was on the Miami Heat when the Trayvon Martin shooting happened, a Florida shooting, and it was LeBron James who really helped sell the "hoodie movement" for Trayvon Martin.


  1. What a bad time we are living in ... Just a little more time til shit hits the fan like nevr before

  2. "Red Shirt" = 47 & 101
    "Division" = 47 & 101

    He is wearing sunglasses:
    "Dark Sunglasses" = 44

    The microphones read 2 and 9...that could be 1+1 and 9 or 119

    "Hoodie" = 38 & 126
    "One Two Six" = 144

  3. Fake crying? I think that that child is showing more genuine greif than any of the family members who supposedly lost loved in the recent provable hoaxes. That's what real grief looks like to me, even with all those numbers. Maybe they did off someone this time.

    1. No tears. And think of how fast they're getting all of this out. News footage of killing. Family gathered for press conference. Tomorrow they'll probably be at the U.N.

  4. hey zach i found a video that shows the shooting. is the blood and reaction fake?

    1. Yes, I wrote about it in the post before this one.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. Right. More worried about "BLM" than anything else.

    2. I wouldn't worry, BLM will stick pretty close to the script.

  7. Baton Rouge means Red Stick in french.

    The kids shirt with the horizontal color bars...dunno but it's ringing a bell. Grey, yellow, turquoise, blue, and white. Hmm

  8. Hey -- we're onto something here. <<< I'd almost finished this post (previously) when my computer glitched & erased not only the post ... But also my History from the past few hours! Luckily though ... I WRITE SHIT DOWN WHEN I FIND IT! So I will post it again ... ;D:D

    1. How about the FLAG of -- THE BAHAMAS? ... HORIZONTAL YELLOW & AQUAMARINE ... WITH A BLACK TRIANGLE ... (As for the other colors in the shirt -- GRAY has been an ongoing theme ... 3 Gray winners at Belmont; movie "Gray State", etc. -- it's also the combo of WHITE & BLACK).

      Their "Independence Day" is JULY 10, 1973 ... Sunday will be the 43rd year of Independence from Great Britain.

      7/10/1973 -- 7/5/2016 == 2 2 4 3 wks (incorporates 3 2 2 .. & .. 4 3 - # yrs)

      15,701 days = sums to 1 4 ... 7 & 7 ..... 7 7 is the Bacon Reduced Sum for "TRIPLE S FOOD MART" (where "it" happened)

      Baton Rouge Mayor -- Melvin "Kip" Holden, Sr. -- is a member of:


      They are an (all black) affiliate of Freemasonry. This particular group has a LOT of ties & members in ... the BAHAMAS. (And of course "The Islands" ARE well known for their "Private, Off Shore Banking Facilities"). You can google his name & their "GUOOFAmerica 2015 Report" should come up. (There are a LOT of black males from the "Holden Family" involved with this group.)

      I've noticed that in a lot of past hoaxes, there seemed to be an inordinate number of Carribean immigrants involved ... even with The Pulse Event, they were claiming that the bulk of the victims were "Puerto Rican". I guess the threat of deportation -- or promise of new identies -- is a powerful tool ...

      GREAT EYES!! I'm SO glad you spotted that shirt! Heh heh -- YOU "SAW SOMETHING" ... SO YOU "SAID SOMETHING"!! Just doing your part, right? ... Like Homeland Security has been telling everyone to do ... Lol!! ;D:D

    2. So funny, I keep getting robot calls saying, congratulations you have won a trip to the Bahamas

    3. Look up IOOF, International Order of Odd Fellows. Also look up the American Anti-Masonry Parts. If you drive through small towns in the US it's not uncommon to see an old IOOF lodge.

    4. Meh, that should be Party and not Parts.

    5. Prunella -- that IS weird. A lot of bizarre shit goes down in the Bahamas. When I was a kid, my best friend's dad was in the Matzoh Mafia (Jewish mob). They were always going off to Freeport, Bahamas. The mom treated their (black) maid like shit (but she stayed on because "the kids needed her" -- which was true ...). Her brother's jumping horse was named Little Black Sambo ... some folks get their humor in "Odd Places"!! ;D :D

      Ed "Party Of The First Part" (lol) -- yep, the cemeteries around here are full of Odd Fellow markers ... & come to think if it ... I never see any mention of what they're up to Now. This Grand United bunch seems to be their own unique "brand" -- all the members are black & at least half are foreign (from around the world). Seemed like they could be fronting for scams ... like the one Prunella mentioned. ;D :D

    6. South Africa flag also has numerous different shades of colour in it. We just bought a used car that just so happened to have a SA bumper sticker.

      Oh, and guess how much to transfer the tag and tite? 223.30! It was just 220, until I used a bank card and they got their 3.30 in. LOL!

  9. So many people are waiting for shit to hit the fan, never knowing that the blades have been covered with dung for years. Its about to get so bad!!

    It is so bad, party people. Keep eating pringles.

    1. Yeh -- Pringles are pulverized human bones -- moistened with the tears of orphans ... Despair is baked into every bite -- that's why they never mold ... & why every new "flavor" is worse than the one before. ;D :D

    2. Mmmmm, Salty Unborn Birthday Cake Flavor is my FAV!!

  10. his red shirt is obviously brighter than everything within the camera frame you can tell this waz 100% political propaganda trying to push the same illusion

  11. Googled "Alton Sterling Obituary" didn't find one...

    1. Might be a little early yet. No death certificate either as of yet.

      With the red and black in play, I wouldn't be surprised if my hometown of Hannibal, Mo had an incident. Or school colors are red and black.

      A couple years ago, a drug peddler was driving recklessly near a movie theater. A friend of mine who was a cop at the time chased the guy down and fired some shots. No fatalities.

    2. If you look up Alton Sterling in IntelliSearch or PeopleTracker or whatever those sites are, you probably wont find him, either.


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