Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 11, 2016

49 137 | That 'green' building in Dallas, TX they keep showing in the wake of the Dallas police shooting, July 7, 2016 +Dr. Brian Williams crisis actor

Recall the recent prophecy headlines and that Dallas has gematria matching 'Revelation', the book of prophecy.  The headline above also ties in.

That green building has been shown a lot in recent days in the wake of the Dallas police shooting.  Let's talk about green, a color they say create the feeling of "trust".

Green also has that '137' gematria, the 33rd prime.  Dallas is one off the mark in Jewish Gematria, summing to 136.

The name of the doctor also fits in with the masonic coding.

D = 4; R = 18 = 9

Dr. = 4+9 = 13 (Dallas = 13) (Dallas = 49)
Brian = 2+9+9+1+5 = 26
Williams = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4+1 = 35/44
Dr. Brian William = 74/83 (Masonic = 74) (Jewish = 74)


  1. A Green
    R GENius
    GRENdel the monster in Beowulf


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