Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

35 58 106 119 | Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton July 12, 2016, 119-days before the election, November 8

Today's endorsement comes 119-days before the November 8 election.  It will be 11/9 UST when the people of the world know who is the next President in the U.S.

Bernie Sanders upcoming birthday is September 8, and Hillary's is October 26.  It is 58-days until Bernie's birthday and 106-days until Hillary's.

The location of the announcement, New Hampshire, also ties to 'Freemasonry'.

The location was right for 'Bernie Sanders' to make the announcement.

Notice they made the clip 156-seconds long.

New Hampshire was even established on a date with '33' numerology, June 21, 1788.

6/21/1788 = 6+2+1+1+7+8+8 = 33

Hillary is born in October, the only month with '33' gematria.

Remember, the birthdays are key.  From Hillary's birthday to inauguration day is 87-days.

The announcement comes on the day of the 87th All-Star game as well.

It is no coincidence Bernie got the most recognition of his career at age 74, as a Jewish man, working for a masonic government.

7/12/16 = 7+12+16 = 35

Bernie has always been a stooge, that is why he speaks about the hoaxes in the media as if they are real.  He is here for the sheeple, and sadly, most people are sheeple.


  1. Remember how so many people said sanders was different... Now this. I wonder if those same people are gonna go vote for Hillary? This was yet another move to make her more acceptable in the eyes of the public. Sanders was probably the most liked candidate I'd say. There's no way she won't be in the Oval Office come January.

  2. Replies
    1. Good one! I used to love watching the All Star Game... before I knew that the entire sport was rigged.

    2. Same here I never thought in a millions years someone or thing can make me not interested in sports, but I'm forever greatful

      And ever since kinsler let chipper jones get that single in his last all star game I knew they all worked together I know it was just a meaningless allstar game but just the communication and know how of kinsler made me think(before I ran into zachs work)

  3. Because...
    "toe the line"
    113/50(B and EO!)
    66/48(Eng Gem)
    50(P) because it's all about the division

  4. Today's date is 7/12 or 12/7

    Hillary Clinton = 172

  5. The show Parks and Rec did a pretty good job foreshadowing and preparing the sheep for a female president. Except Knope is fictional and not EVIL.

  6. I don't get it. The whole point of the super delegates is to give the convention the sheen of a democratic process. The winning candidate can't completely control the process because the super delegates are somewhat neutral. The losing candidates can appear to swing the votes back and forth in a bid to get some of the ideas they campaigned on added to the parties platform.

    Bernie should be going in to the convention with a huge block of delegates and lots of support by super delegates. It should have been a fun convention with lot's of rhetorical fireworks with dramatic speeches, and later a cathartic concession speech by Bernie right before a dramatic acceptance speech by St. Hillary.

    Lots of Bernie supporters are going to be very unhappy about this.

    Yes, I know it's fake. I'm just surprised they are throwing their usual script away.

    1. Remember the Meeting between Bernie & Barry?

    2. Lol, now I do. But the activists will be looking for a big floor fight, because, you know, the Democratic Party is so democratic.

  7. New Jill Stein article reads "Bernie Hearts Are Breaking" - equals 116 (119 reverse?) also 215? Any links?

    1. Country = 116
      Thursday = 116
      Illuminate = 116
      Powerful = 116
      Nuclear War = 116
      Eighty-Nine = 116

    2. Country = 116
      Thursday = 116
      Illuminate = 116
      Powerful = 116
      Nuclear War = 116
      Eighty-Nine = 116

    3. "One One Six" = 48 & 120 [Exact Match to "illuminati"]

      it's also like:
      "Key of David" = 48 & 102

      If you turned the 116 Upside Down you'd have 911
      As above so Below = 156 [911 is the 156th Prime]

      "Nine Eleven" = 105 = "Zionism"
      "Six Eleven" = 115 = "Scottish Rite Freemasonry"
      "Three Eleven" = 119 = "All Seeing Eye" = 119 = "Star of David"
      "Eleven" = 63 [Sum 1 thru 63 = 2016]

      2016 is a lot like 216
      "Two One Six" = 144 = "Mark of the Beast"

      Yesterday was 7 - 11:
      "Seven Eleven" = 47

      Coming up will be:
      "Eight Eleven" = 58 & 112 [Alt 911 Dialing Code]
      "Freemason" = 58
      "Fifty Eight" = 115 = "Scottish Rite Freemasonry"

      "December Eleventh = 74

  8. Because...

    "Ends Justifies the Means" = 83 , 137 [33rd Prime]

    "Division" = 47

  9. You guys have A LOT of time in your hands. Actually, it would be pretty awesome if what you kooks believe was true--it would mean no one was really ever killed by a terrorist, the people in power know exactly what they're doing and have the skill to keep these vast conspiracies secret from most everyone (except you few awake people) and there are no coincidences or accidents and everything happens for a reason!


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