Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 4, 2016

74 | July Fourth, Thanksgiving, Gematria, the English Language, the Bible & the Freemasons

G-d, 7-4

July Fourth is known as Independence Day.

Remember, this nation was created by the Jewish Masons.  Christopher Columbus was Jewish and sent over by the Catholic Church, CC, CC.  *We'll talk about 33 and 74 soon.

The practice of coding numbers into words is Gematria.

Gematria is based on the alphabetic order.  The English language is credited to a music composer, Robert Wylkynson.

Remember the significance of the 'holiday' Thanksgiving and '74'?

The first was celebrated November 26, 1789, by George Washington.  Lincoln made it an official holiday 74-years later, November 26, 1863.

The story of the Pilgrims has some Freemason clues as well.

Notice the date they left Plymouth, 9/6.

Thanksgiving = 96

Notice the detail about '102' passengers.

United States of America = 102
Key of David = 102
Slavery = 102
Fuck You = 102
al-Qaeda = 102 (9/11 attack lasted 102 minutes)

If you can believe it, 'July Fourth' has a '911' connection.

Remember, New York City is on the 74th Meridian?

The firm that built the World Trade Centers was named Magnusson Klemencic Associates; they're located in Seattle on the '47th' Parallel North.

Magnusson = 4+1+7+5+3+1+1+6+5 = 33/51
Klemencic = 2+3+5+4+5+5+3+9+3 = 39
Associaties = 1+1+1+6+3+9+1+2+5+1 = 39/66
Magnusson Klemencic Associates = 111/156 (New York = 111) (Sept 11 leaves 111-days)

September 11 is New Year's Day for Coptic Christians.

Coptic = 66
Christians = 66
Thirty-Three = 66
66-Books in the Bible (39 Old, 27 New)
If you sum 1-11, it totals 66 (New York is 11th State) (WTCs were "11")

Remember, the World Trade Centers existed for 33-years and were open for 28-years.

When they rebuilt 'One World Trade Center', they made it 1776-feet tall, and 104-stories.  This is why.

7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104

With regards to thirty-three and '156', checkout this collection.  Keep in mind February 2 is the 33rd day of the year and "As above, so below" is represented with the hexagram.

Remember how '33 and '74' come together?  Periodic table, hurricane scale, geography, science, spirituality, sports, and more.  They say Jesus was crucified on the 'cross' at '33'.

This year the 4th of July falls on a date with '47' numerology.

7/4/2016 = 7+4+20+16 = 47

Who is the authority?

Notice the original recognized publishing date of the Bible, March 22, or 22/3.

The original published Bibles were known as 42-line Bibles.  It reminds of how the New Testament begins with the "42 Generations leading up to Jesus".

G is the 7th letter (7 is the 4th prime)

G sums to '42' in English Gematria

G sums to '33' in Francis Bacon Gematria

a-z = 1-26; A-Z = 27-52; G = 33


  1. This is an amazing post, I'm guessing some of this is straight out of your book.

    Napoleon's horse died at age 33 and was stuffed and is being restored. Just bizarre story.

  3. If you follow the Orlando Hoax people who say it really happened always use the phase "my cousin" was there or died there. Simple english my cousin = 119 or 911.

    1. I could see them using that verbiage and then justifying it with the "six degrees of separation" theory.
      six degrees of separation
      110(B) reduced,
      156(Eng Gem),
      137(EO) 33rd prime,
      110(P), 137(P,s)

  4. This stuff has opened up my eyes but it kinda ruined sports for me lol...

    1. I used to love sports and want to be an athlete so bad - after this knowledge it makes you realize the illusion

    2. Doesn't mean you have to quit loving to play. I'd stay with that.

    3. Washington National play tmrw 4th of July - 1st game of the day 11:05am. they are 50-33* they play the Milwaukee Brewers whom they got their 44th loss from. Max Sherzer pitches tmrw who lost 9 days ago 6/24 to the same team... 9/11 about 15 years ago - this will be Max's 15th game on record... He is currently 9-5 / 3.3 era
      Washington beat Cincinatti today 12-1 today for a total of 13 of coarse

    4. Whom they got 31st loss on 6/24 **++ not 44 - 31 the same number as max Sherzer ... Washington got their 44th win agains them I meant on 6/26

    5. So, what are you adding this up to?

  5. What if we are a programmed reality then the numbers are part of the script. Are truth seekers also programmed to see the reality that others do not. We all want the truth but maybe just maybe going through life Awake is scripted and we are chasing our tails. Our family members and friends think we are all CRAZY even when we show them these fake stories. Are we chasing our tails is what it seems.

    1. I think we're making progress. So no.

    2. Which would you prefer? You can find evidence to support either, so maybe it all boils down to which way you would rather have it play out

  6. Keep up the good fight and thanks for sharing your wisdom!

  7. Less history, more sports. Need a post on Euro 16 Zach

    1. WTF is wrong with you? From all I've seen you're nothing but a barnacle. How about STFU and stop being such a USER.

    2. You just dont get it do you? I made 30k from Cle in finals. Made over 50k this yr in sports betting alone. Gambling is the only way we can take down the masons, everyone needs to do their part. Regurgitating meaningless history isnt doing anybody any favors. Please wakeup

    3. None of the history is meaningless, to be able to accurately predict sporting events you need a broad understanding of what is going on in the world. Its all synched up, to just focus on sports is very narrow minded and would decrease the strike rate.

      Plus why wouldnt you want to know what else is coming? Knowledge is and always will be power.

    4. And why dont you do your own research? Instead of waiting for Zach... Zach aint in this for the money but he's taught you the skill to go and use it as you wish.

      Maybe you need to wake up and start doing your own research?

    5. Never listen to Zach. I make my own picks, but use Zach as a reference. Dont need gematria to beat the book

    6. Why do you want to take down the masons Mike? If the history is meaningless, you have no reason to want to take them down..

    7. reread your sentences you just wrote smh. I swear Im the only one who graduated from a top college and makes six figures on this site.

    8. Ok i re-read them. The question still stands. Why do YOU want to take down the masons?

    9. By the way, you should re-read your sentences a couple comments up.. "never listen to Zach AND I use Zach as a reference" all in the same breath.

    10. So you never listen to Zach but you use him as a reference? I dont think anyone from a top collage would be able to contradict themselves in the same sentence.

      But you call everyone else an idiot :)

    11. Chill out lads,
      Who you going for to win the Euro's Mike? :p

    12. Mike Manning strikes me as the guy who either bullied or paid the smart kids in college to do his assignments and copy off their papers.

    13. This is too much. First, Mike Manning, you make six figures? Money is only printed paper. That printed paper can be re-printed, digitalized and made to disappear. Sorry to hear that you graduated from a "top" college and can only get by. Most of us here are intelligent, have made the money, gone to school, etc. We are in a different space. This is where common sense, life experience and core values come into play. I personally do not care about money anymore. I care about humanity, morals and the truth. I want to know what is really going on in this world, why, and how to change things.

    14. This is too much. First, Mike Manning, you make six figures? Money is only printed paper. That printed paper can be re-printed, digitalized and made to disappear. Sorry to hear that you graduated from a "top" college and can only get by. Most of us here are intelligent, have made the money, gone to school, etc. We are in a different space. This is where common sense, life experience and core values come into play. I personally do not care about money anymore. I care about humanity, morals and the truth. I want to know what is really going on in this world, why, and how to change things.

  8. Zach... We keep seeing the number 41 everywhere this year - Celeb deaths to sporting championships often attached to the underdogs as well...

    Forty One = 46/118 - 46 - Sacrifice - 118 - Death.. Its also the 13th prime which is classed as unlucky. So all in all not a good number. Perhaps were seeing it so often because all these things are sacrifices for whats to come?

    I'll be interested to see what happens Week commencing October 10th which is the 41st week of the year... Coincidentally Fernando Santos Portugals manager who im sure are winning the Euro's was born on October 10th.

    1. The tennis player, the American, Sam Querrie was ranked 4 1st in the world before his upset in the Wimbledon prelims..

    2. He (Querry) a sure Manchurian, was on one of those "the Bachelor" type of shows, just last year, apparently..

  9. Hey guys first post on Zach's blog, stop arguing isn't that what the Freemasons want? Seems like some of you have enhaled too many chemtrails lol, i come across numerology a couple of weeks ago I've seen all the past predictions from different people I'm starting to get an undertstanding of it all, really love your work Zach appreciate how much information you get out there I just really want to see something done on the Euro 16 tournament there's 4 teams left and I've seen people predict teams here and there from what I've seen France Germany Wales and Portugal are all gonna win the euros haha :/

  10. Just scrolled by this tweet:

    Jayson Stark
    ESPN Senior Writer

    I have a strange urge to play 6-6-6-6 in the lottery! C.J. Cron & Wilmer Flores are the 1st players ever to go 6-for-6 on back-to-back days. But ... Wee Willie Keeler & Jack Doyle once did it on the same day for the same team, on Sept. 3, 1897 (for the old Baltimore Orioles, in a 22-1 win over the St. Louis Browns).

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I hope you fall into a volcano. =) I repeat.. I hope you fall into a volcano.

  12. Nba news Durant chooses warriors.

  13. Nba news Durant chooses warriors.

  14. Do Warriors become greatest team in NBA history with Kevin Durant? --> greatest team in NBA history

  15. "Greatest Team of All Time" = 227

    22/7 = 3.14 = "Pi"

    "GOAT" = 43 = "Civil War"

  16. FUCK THE USA. WHY DO PPL CELEBRATE THIS FUCKING NATION? It's ashame I have to witness and experience this bs.

    1. After everything i have seen on this blog i feel the same way.

    2. After everything i have seen on this blog i feel the same way.

  17. If anyone wants a nice little double bet...

    Querry to beat Ranoic 5/2
    Cilic to beat Federer 5/2

    Double pays around 11/1, thank me later!

    1. Are you sure.. Federer's yet to drop a set?

    2. why can't federer win this year....

  18. Sams year and the numbers line for Cilic. What everyone needs to remember is player form generally has fuck all to do with things, infact more often than not the players who are in the best form end up losing its all just a ploy.

    If the player whos meant to win comes out and starts dicking everyone all the money would go on him. They dont want that.

    Marin Cilic = 49
    6/7/16 = 49

    Cilic last wiped the floor with roger back in the US open two years ago on a date with 49 numerology again.

    There current head to head record is 5-1 in favor of Federer. Cilic win would make it 5-2. 52.

    From the 6/7/16 to Fedreres birthday is 33 days. His birthday is also on a date with 52 numerology this year.

    Cilic beats Federer and possibly ends Federers legacy at wimbledon, at 35 we may not see him compete here again.

    1. feel sad right now cuz i'm a big fan of him...who will win it all?

    2. Sam Querrey looks good at the moment. Querrey v Murray Final.

    3. Okay jmontz thanks for the heads up I'm gettin a bet placed now :)

    4. JMONTZ, when you say Cilic last wiped the floor with roger back in the US open two years ago on a date with 49 numerology again. What date was that? I looked it up on 9/8/2014 and it doesnt give me 49 numerology


    5. Ok thank you for the clarification

    6. The odds for both Querrey and Cilic are raising all day!! Hope it's a bluff from the bookmakers!

    7. both predictions were wrong on this one

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  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Thanksgiving
    Gematria Jewish 1021
    Gematria Reduction 60
    Gematria Summerian 846
    Gematria Ordinal 141
    Gematria English 861

    Gematria Jewish 795
    Gematria Reduction 28
    Gematria Summerian 600
    Gematria Ordinal 100
    Gematria English 1315

    White Meat
    Gematria Jewish 1158
    Gematria Reduction 41
    Gematria Summerian 624
    Gematria Ordinal 104
    Gematria English 968

    Dark Meat
    Gematria Jewish 231
    Gematria Reduction 28
    Gematria Summerian 438
    Gematria Ordinal 73
    Gematria English 361

    Gematria Jewish 526
    Gematria Reduction 37
    Gematria Summerian 708
    Gematria Ordinal 118
    Gematria English 766

    Gematria Jewish 458
    Gematria Reduction 39
    Gematria Summerian 612
    Gematria Ordinal 102
    Gematria English 678

    Pumpkin Pie
    Gematria Jewish 483
    Gematria Reduction 58
    Gematria Summerian 780
    Gematria Ordinal 130
    Gematria English 643

    *From July 4 to November 24 = 144 days

    1. The 144th day of this year was May 23rd.
      May 23 to July 4 = 42 days
      July 4 to August 14 = 42 days
      August 14 is "ten days after" Barack Obama's 55th birthday on August 4th.
      August 14 is the 227th day of the year with 139 days remaining in the year.

    2. July 4, 2016 to January 20, 2017 = 201 days. (Reversed 102)

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