Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 10, 2016

92 112 182 | Dallas shooter supposedly left the message 'RB' in blood, July 10, 2016 news

What could RB mean?  We know this is a riddle left by the powers that be, not the hoax shooter.

R = 18 = 9
B = 2

RB = 92

It would be something to find out that gematria is the reason behind stereotyping black people with 'fried chicken'.


  1. I Saw a White Banner Fly Across the Screen during a Fox News report with "Upside Down Stars" on it. It was fast so I'm not sure how many there were:

    "Upside Down Star" = 188 = "Bavarian Illuminati"

    It represents a "Baphomet":
    "Baphomets" = 36 & 99

    "Three Baphomets" = 65
    "Six Baphomets" = 52 = "Prophecy"
    "Nine Baphomets" = 60

    "Sixty" = 97 = "Civil War"
    "Fifty Two" = 43 = "Civil War"
    "Sixty Five" = 49 = "Revelation"

    "Sixty Five" = 139 = "Freemasonry"

  2. Look at the Words (Reduction):
    "Caution" = 29 & 83
    "Warning" = 41 & 86 = "Symbol"

    If we write out the numbers and there Reflections:
    "Twenty Nine" = 149 = "Skull and Bones"
    "Ninety Two" = 145 = "Numerology" = "Order of Thelema"

    "Eighty Three" = 67 = "Blood Sacrifice"
    "Six Seven" = 36 & 117 [711 Reflection]

    "Thirty Eight" = 149 = "Skull and Bones"
    "One Hundred Forty Nine" = 234 & 144 = "Mark of the Beast"
    [234 + 432 = 666]

    "One Four Nine" = 136

    Look at the Phrases (Ordinal):
    "Caution - America" = 83 + 50 = 133
    "Warning - America" = 86 + 50 = 136 = "One Four Nine"
    "Caution - USA" = 83 + 41 = 124
    "Warning - USA" = 86 + 41 = 127

    1. And now the Word "Warning":
      "Warning" = 41 & 86 [USA = 41]

      "Forty One" = 46 & 118
      "Fourteen" = 41 & 104 [or 14]

      86 is like a "Mirror" 68
      "Symbol" = 86
      "Eighty Six" = 54 & 126 ["Reflections" = 126]
      "One Two Six" = 144

      "Sixty Eight" = 56 & 146
      "Global Control" = 56 & 146
      "Open Society" = 56 & 146 [George Soros Connection]
      "The Apocalypse" = 56 & 146

      If we look and Obama and Trump in reference to Dallas:
      "Barack Obama" = 68 [89 Mirror]
      "Donald John Trump" = 68

      In reference to Donald Trump specifically:
      "Master Mason" = 138 & 828 [82 + 28 = 110]
      "Donald Trump" = 138 & 828

      The Theme here seems to Be:
      "I Am" = 138
      "July Nineth" = 138
      "Secret Code Key" =138
      "George HW Bush" = 138
      "Great Architect" = 138
      "Ku Klux Klan" = 138

      If we Look at 110 we get words like:
      "President" = 110
      "Ronald Reagan" = 110
      "Osama Bin Laden" = 110
      "Adolf Hilter" = 110
      "Rockefeller" = 110
      "Martial Law" = 110
      "Nine One One" = 110
      "Apollyon" = 110
      "Minnesota" = 38 & 110

  3. RB =82 in Jewish and 8/2 is 777 weeks after 9-11. Barack Hussein Obama II =82.

  4. Not surprised, it was Brother Berg that pointed out that it was 711 numerology was the reason that Arabs are stereotyped as owners of Seven Elevens.

  5. "Seven Eleven" = 47
    "Convenience Store" = 78

    "Forty Seven" = 149 = "Skull and Bones"
    "Seventy eight" = 159

    Notice the theme with 159:
    "Barack Hussein Obama" = 159
    "Bilderberg Group" = 159
    "Economic Armageddon" = 159
    "November Ninth" = 159 [Measure against 07/07/16 or 777]

    From 07/07/16 thru 11/09/16 [Note the 119 (911 Reflection)]
    4 months 3 days
    18 weeks
    126 days

    Civil War" = 43
    "One Two Six" = 144

    Also Note that from 06/06/16 thru 11/09/16:
    156 days [911 is the 156th Prime]
    "Thirty Three" = 156

    and 1 month 4 weeks and 4 days before 11/09/16 is September 7th.

    97 & 79

    "Civil War" = 97
    "Nine Seven" = 44 & 107

    I suspect September 7th to be another Puzzle Piece:
    "Puzzle Piece" = 144

  6. When I think of RB and Dallas I think of Emmitt Smith, Drafted 1st round 17th pick in 1990. Back that's just me.

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