Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

58 106 | 'Two' US swimmers pulled off plane, August 17, 2016 headlines (Ryan Lochte robbery hoax)

Prophecy = 106
Michael Fred Phelps II = 106
The U.S. Olympic team has 106-returning medalists

Remember, these Summer Games began August 5, or 5/8.  Notice the 10:58 post time.

The names of the swimmers sound suspicious just on the surface.  Look at them in numbers.

Rio = 42; Freemason = 42; Zionism = 42; Muhammad Ali = 42

Prophecy = 52

Forty-Two = 142 (Rio = 42) (Jack Conger = 42)

Let us examine the stats more closely on these two.

John = 1+6+8+5 = 20 (Jack = 1+1+3+2 = 7)
Conger = 3+6+5+7+5+9 = 35
John Conger = 55 (Jack Conger = 42)

John = 10+15+8+14 = 47 (Jack = 10+1+3+11 = 25)
Conger = 3+15+14+7+5+18 = 62
John Conger = 109 (Jack Conger = 87)

9/26/1994 = 9+26+19+94 = 148
9/26/1994 = 9+26+(1+9+9+4) = 58 (Freemasonry) (Ryan) (Two)
9/26/1994 = 9+2+6+1+9+9+4 = 40 (United States)
9/26/94 = 9+26+94 = 129 (America)

He is being pulled into this propaganda story 40-days before his 22nd birthday.

It is also a span of 41-days.

8/17/16 = 8+17+16 = 41 (U.S.A. = 21+19+1 = 41)

Joseph = 1+6+1+5+7+8 = 28/37 (Gunnar = 7+3+5+5+1+9 = 30)
Bentz = 2+5+5+2+8 = 22
Joseph Bentz = 50/59 (America = 50) (Gunnar Bentz = 52/61)

Joseph = 10+15+19+5+16+8 = 73 (Gunnar = 7+21+14+14+1+18 = 75)
Bentz = 2+5+14+20+26 = 67
Joseph Bentz = 140 (Gunnar Bentz = 142)

1/3/1996 = 1+3+19+96 = 119 (All Seeing Eye) (Star of David)
1/3/1996 = 1+3+1+9+9+6 = 29
1/3/96 = 1+3+96 = 100

Notice he was born in Atlanta, on the 33rd parallel.

This story comes 31-weeks after his birthday, and this is the 31st time of having the Summer Games.

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