Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, August 7, 2016

129 131 | A-Rod to play his final game in MLB August 12, 2016

From the start of the MLB season to A-Rod's final game is 131-days, a number connected to 'Championship'.

World Series = 57 (A-Rod won World Series in 2009)

Fifty-Seven = 131
Championship = 131
Super Bowl = 131

The Yankees however, played their first game of the season April 5, against the Astros, who are 54-years old this year.  The date April 5 can be written 5/4.  Baseball = 54

From that game until A-Rod's final game is 129-days.  This corresponds perfectly with his name, and 'America'.  Baseball is "America's pastime".

Notice his debut came July 8 and his announcement for the end of his career comes August 7... 7/8 and 8/7.

Here are his most current stats, 3,114 hits.

From the start of his career to the end will be 8071 days.


  1. Made his mlb debut 7/8 or 8/7
    Made his announcement 8/7 or 7/8

    1. Hall of fame game 8/7
      Brett Lorenzo favre=8/7 (main hall of famer being inducted this year)

  2. Can you do a post on Leicester v Man Utd Zach? I saw afew connections floating around before hand and bet on Utd which they won 2-1

  3. Check out my post on the Aroldis Chapman Trade. That August 12th date is very significant to World War/Also the day the MLB strike began in 1994.

    1. That is the President of France's birthday. Terrorist Strike = 224 (224th day of the year) This year it is the 225th, but typically.

  4. Wonder if they're gonna give him the same rigged treatment they gave Jeter and Kobe more recently lol, would not surprise me to see him 3 out of the park or a walk-off hit. Gonna be funny to see either way, it'll likely be another prime example of the rigged sport no one else can see, it just sounds ridiculous anyway retiring with 2 months to go in the season, bad season or not, no one retires in the middle of it, they're even saying he was pretty much forced to do it and it was 100% because of date spans.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if he is humiliated. His home runs and hits are pretty solid right now. 696 HRs, 3,113 hits.

    2. If it goes the other way and he has a great final game, I think you can pretty much count on 6 hits to bring it to 3119. As a player representing New York, 3119 will be the number.

    3. Sorry, 5 hits. If 3114 is what he's at now.

  5. Alex Rodriguez=75
    Born in 1975

    His birthday: 7+2+7+1+9+7+5=38

    His birthday: 7+27+19+75=128
    His last game: 8/12 or 12/8
    His debut for the Mariners: 7+8+19+94=128 or 7+8+1+9+9+4=38, matching his birthday and gematria of "A-Rod"

    As you noted, from the start of the season to his last game is 131 days.
    Performance enhancing drug=131.

  6. Replies
    1. his career 162 game averages are nicely coded. 118 runs scored, 181 hits. 32 doubles and 41 home runs. 121 rbi's, 19 stolen bases. 133 strikeouts, 339 total bases. all of this is from 22 years of mlb service. 22, of course.

      I mean, shit, these are numbers you repeatedly document. as of right now, he has 44 hits this year.

  7. Hey Zach, you just gotta love Houston's record after yesterday's game (the day Arod announced his retirement).
    Houston is 57-54.
    57=World Series

  8. Houston is 7.5 games out of first the reflection of 57.


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