Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, August 19, 2016

135 235 | 'Swimmer: It was Lochte', the U.S. Olympic swim team blame game, 2016, Rio

235... (August 22, the day after the Olympics)

The Key of David = 135 (Prophecy coding)


  1. Zach have you been documenting the gold medal winners in this olympics? Nearly every single time the gold medal winner has there birth numerology of this year match either there name or the number of days from there birthday.

    For example.

    Asbel Kiprop - 30/6/16 = 52. 52 days from birthday to todays event in the 1500m. I'd imagine he will win as well.

    Anyhow connecting this to the McGregor fight. The fight comes 37 days after Conors birthday. 14/7/16 = 37.

    37 = 12th Prime. Mcgregors last win 12/12. 12X12= 144. 20/8/16 = 44. A Lot of connections to 'time' in this fight.

    I think this is more proof that conor wins this fight and his 'time' starts again - Since the last loss to Diaz he hasn't grown either in the ring or outside it. I think he beats Diaz and his career with really elevate from there. I expect to see him in some movies in the near future as well.

    1. Asbel Kirpop = 52.
      30/6/16 = 52.
      52 Days apart.
      Has Birth Numerology of 144 connecting back to todays 44 date numerology as well.

    2. Yes, I talked about these connections in the Conor McGregor video I made today. Great work as always and excellent observations. It would be something to decode the entire Olympics.

    3. I've generally just waited till the finals of each event, but the pattern has held true 8/10 times generally.

      I even got the winner on the 50km race walk, after that guy shat himself. Part of me wonders if that was pre planned because the guy with the numbers ended up winning the gold. He was 1.41 seconds in front as well. Which is 101 seconds. Gold = 101.

      Crazy, there going as far as shitting the athletes haha

    4. Yes, I think it is all planned. Thank you keeping up with this, you are an invaluable asset.

  2. USA threw two events. The women's track and the wrestling match to ensure 105 gold medals.
    Men's basketball will bring the final 106th gold for prophecy.

    1. Thank you!
      Now I'm starting to notice all the words with EL or LE. I think even the "L" by itself is telling. Let's see like fLood and Lousiana and Zika in fLorida.
      Think of Lochte , and hiLLary , nfL , eLi and Luck ect. The Zionist love the sound of "L". Like gun controL and bLm movement, I can do this aLL day. LoL

    2. Harry, have you noticed the pop singers of the last 5 years?

      Ellie Goulding
      Elle King
      Selena Gomez

      There are many more...

      EL vis(vis is French for see)
      See El

    3. Adele
      Delaware 1st state admitted to union
      49th largest
      REMember that comMERcial
      "Dude, your getting a Dell"

    4. I just caught the dELL commercial

  3. The word swimmers makes me think of sperm. Those swim caps and goggles dont help mattwrs.
    Fertilizing falsehoods

    The two pools, one clear blue, one murky green, submerged, subconcious, Summer, swimmers, slumber.
    Rumers, immersion, Merman, mermaids, murmuring, dreaming, REM,

    REM = 115, 216, 36/18
    114 FB method

  4. Sperm Carry messages info DNA.

    Dolphins do too.

    The USA swim team just overshadowed Phelps.

    What was the message???

    1. America is full of thugs, loud mouths , liars, buy their way out of trouble, entitlement.

    2. Suck it South America and the world kiss our 106 gold medals with our super athletes that do not use steroids (wink wink)

    Chime in folks , what's the message?

    1. False Flag narrative. You do something and then blame it on someone else, only this time they got busted. Maybe it is a foreshadow for a false flag to be uncovered and proven that America did it.

    2. Good point about Dolphins
      Sperm whales

      A Dolphin
      ADolf Hitler

  5. LE'veon bELL suspension reduced by the NFL by godELL

  6. Sorry

    Roger good-ELL

    They are so ducking evil, right in our faces


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