Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

33 39 42 113 132 211 | William Henry Holtzclaw, founder of the first black college in America & the death of his son

Is it a coincidence this article is written 13/9?  Freemasonry = 139

Henry Holtzclaw (and his father Henry Holtzclaw Sr.) are family members of a friend.  This friend asked me to decode his name and date of death as a favor.  The son passed at the age of 84-years old, January 17, 1995.  The date of his birth is not known, and same is true for his father.  In regards to his father, his date of death is not known either.

United States of America = 84

William = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4 = 34
Henry = 8+5+5+9+7 = 34
Holtzclaw = 8+6+3+2+8+3+3+1+5 = 39
William Henry Holtzclaw = 107 (William Holtzclaw = 73)

William = 23+9+12+12+9+1+13 = 79
Henry = 8+5+14+18+25 = 70
Holtzclaw = 8+15+12+20+26+3+12+1+23 = 120
William Henry Holtzclaw = 269 (William Holtzclaw = 199)

WHH = 23+8+8 = 39 (Holtzclaw)

Notice the re-release of the book written by William Holtzclaw was March 9, or 3/9.  That ties in nicely with 'Hotlzclaw' and 'WHH'.  The Jewish faith goes by the 39-Books in the Old Testament.  But who are the real Jews?

The = 2+8+5 = 15
Black = 2+3+1+3+2 = 11
Man's = 4+1+5+1/10 = 11/20
Burden = 2+3+9+4+5+5 = 28
The Black Man's Burden = 65/74 (Masonic = 74)

The = 20+8+5 = 33
Black = 2+12+1+3+11 = 29
Man's = 13+1+14+19 = 47
Burden = 2+21+18+4+5+14 = 64
The Black Man's Burden = 173 (173, 40th Prime)  (United States = 40)

I cannot find the specific dates of birth or death of William Holtclaw, but I can find the date of death for his son.  The date of his son's death appears to be very much by the numbers.  It is assumed that Mr. Holtzclaw was connected with Freemasonry, and likely his son as well.

1/17/1995 = 1+17+19+95 = 132 (Grand)
1/17/1995 = 1+17+(1+9+9+5) = 42 (Freemason) (Zionism)
1/17/1995 = 1+1+7+1+9+9+5 = 33
1/17/95 = 1+17+95 = 113 (Scottish) (Mainstream)

As for where he built the first black university, it is clear why Utica, Mississippi was chosen.

Utica = 21+20+9+3+1 = 54
Mississippi = 13+9+19+19+9+19+19+9+16+16+9 = 157 (United States)
Utica, Mississippi = 211 (211, the 47th Prime Number)

Recall, Euclid's 47th Problem is about establishing foundation, a starting point.  Think about that in terms of this being the first university built with the intention of empowering a people.

Utica = 3+2+9+3+1 = 18
Mississippi = 4+9+1+1+9+1+1+9+7+7+9 = 58/94
Utica, Mississippi = 76/112 (Master = 76) (112, reflection of 211) (Mathematics = 112)


  1. This is very interesting. I've done a little research of my own on my family, Check this out. My great grandfather FA Seiberling co founded Goodyear tire and rubber with his brother and was known for his fair treatment of workers being the first major industrialist to hire blacks. Get this, he and his brother are forced to resign from Goodyear in order to refinance on Friday 5/13 1921 a date with 58 numerology like Freemasonry. Of course Friday the 13th too being one of their gag holidays because of what king Phillip of France did to them on that date historically. I don't mean to go off here, but they wanted to make an example out of a philanthropist as industrialism began to rise. And that event has fucked my family ever since.

    1. Friday the Thirteenth = 223
      As we know, the gang is very controlling, and seems to apply lethal consequences when their rules are not followed.

    2. Without you I still wouldn't have any idea (like most of my family) why he was forced out and bled of his resources. Of course the 223. In his autobiography he damns the bankers but he didn't know who the powers that be really were and why he wasn't allowed to go any further with the company.

    3. If he knew it was the bankers, maybe he just wasn't willing to say the rest. After all, it is politically incorrect to call out the real tyrants.

    4. Haha of course. I will say his autobiography was never published. Only one hard copy exists, the one he wrote, and beyond that I've read it on a transcribed word doc. One interesting thing I want to note is that that fateful day was 5/13 and the hospital told my parents I was born at 5:13 pm. Not coincidental. I noticed numeric alignment with things I've been doing since I was 17, but it's never something I was contriving. It was always just ebbing and flowing along with what I was doing in life. I'm sure you've noticed the same, Pythagoras told us that All is number.

    5. Both the post and your comments were great.

    6. Thanks so much for sharing your family's info -- it's fascinating!! Like you, there are many of us who are beginning to unravel family "mysteries" -- thanks to having (finally) acquired this hidden knowledge of Gematria. Many murders will be revealed -- deaths that were never before suspected as such. OUR eyes are open -- & we WILL speak for those who can no longer be heard.

      Revenge is not supposed to be "in our best interests" ... But I Firmly Believe In Seeking What Doc Holiday Espoused -- That there MUST be a "RECKONING" ...

      RECKONING: (Jewish) - 244 ; (Pyth) - 96 ; Bacon - 330 ; (Eng) - 576**

      Another Pyth - 96 ... & ... Eng - 576 == FREEMASON
      (Remember: The "Numbers Door" swings for EVERYONE -- "They" do NOT "own" OUR Numbers -- they've merely hidden them from US!! lol)

      ** 576 ** == 5 ... & ... 7+6 = 13 ... **There's your 5 - 13 combo ... **

      Looks like you've been designated to be "The RECKONATOR" for your family -- So please keep making sure this TRUE story gets heard by ALL ... & go get Your Reckoning!! ;D :D


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