Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, August 7, 2016

37 41 | Andrew Luck's birthday, the cancelled Hall of Fame Games & Zurlon Tipton's death, June 28, 2016

From today's cancelled game to August 7, 2016, to Andrew Luck's 27th birthday, is 37-days, a number with a Super Bowl parallel.  Zurlon Tipton wore #37, and died 223-days before the Super Bowl, February 5, 2017.  Masonic = 223; The Synagogue of Satan = 223

It's a span of 41-days from the date of Zurlon Tipton's death until the Hall of Fame Game cancellation.  He died June 28, 2016.  The last time the Hall of Fame Game was canceled, the New York Giants won the Super Bowl over the Patriots in Super Bowl 46; that was the 2011-12 season.


  1. It'll be funny if we see Mars related stories around Super Bowl 51. Mars = 51

    1. Now we're talkin ec. In my opinion, If astrology or geometry isn't involved the birth date numbers are weak. They say in a class full of 25 students two kids often have the same birthdate. Using the same ill-logic you can pull 2 players out of any team to get the dates to work against any said date, that's just calculus based statistics. Including, not including the end date you are out to about an 8% chance On Any Team.. what I'm saying doesn't prove anything, just casts my own doubt. Yesterday there were some pretty good head bangers and nice number rollouts.

      Field turf needs to reach 200 degrees before it starts to melt. Obviously something going on in Can't on. (Intentional word play)

  2. Luck looks like an MK ULTRA victim in his photos lol.

    1. Agreed!! Sans beard, he also bears an eerie resemblance to ANDY MURRAY -- the SCOTTISH tennis star (who just won Wimbledon).

      MURRAY was reportedly a student at DUNBLANE Primary School -- present when "THE MASSACRE" occurred. This school is VERY close to ROSLIN LABS -- where MEGAN & MORAG were the FIRST "REAL" CLONED SHEEP.

      But -- this "Groundbreaking Achievement In Cloning" was -- "IRONICALLY" -- supplanted in media coverage by THE MASSACRE -- which occurred The Very SAME WEEK In Which The Cloned Lambs WERE BORN.

      IMPORTANT: Disregard wiki's dates about Megan & Morag -- they've been altered.

      Instead -- LOOK UP: "Dolly, Polly and boys from Brazil" -- 7/20/2001 -- @
      It's the ORIGINAL, informative article ... & yes, they actually describe this "Unfortunate Coincidence" in timing as "IRONY"!!

      It's The Original Manchurian Athlete "Farm" -- brought to you by ROSLIN LABS -- owned & operated by The SINCLAR Family -- creators of nearby ROSLIN CHAPEL, & Founding Scions of SCOTTISH RITE FREEMASONRY!! ;D :D

    2. Cloned Lamb-81

      Cloned Lamb of God-292J=The God Code, Made in God's Image, Albert Pike, Genetic Defect

    3. Wow! After reading the article, and A|B of Luck and Murray, I can see it. The Roslin Labs connection is wild. I'm going to have to look into this more.

    4. Hey LOA! I thought these would sync, too.
      Gold / Adolph / Black DNA / Legend = 81 JG

    5. Good syncs!! I believe the Sinclairs (also St. Clair) are also tied into the Oak Island Mystery. They were founders of Sinclair Oil -- the oil & gas company with The BRONTOSAURUS Logo. Will have to look deeper, but I'm fairly certain they were around during Adolph's heyday ...

      If you haven't seen the movie "The Boys From Brazil" -- 1970s, with Gregory Peck -- you should! It's on YT -- & there's a GREAT, easy-to-understand "mini-doc" within it that explains how "easy" cloning is, & how long they've been working at it. It also gives added meaning to the notion of "Murder By Numbers"! ;D :D

    6. Lord of Allusion -- you listed "Genetic Defect" ... sometimes I've wondered if "The Massacre" was a cover-up for culling out some Defective Cloned Kids. Clearly there was a Gun Grab Agenda attached as well ... but the "Ironic Timing" ... & having ROSLIN Labs nearby ... seems a little TOO convenient. Besides, the "reasons" given for "The Shooter's Actions" make about as much sense as those purported for every other hoaxed event.

      Dunblane also had allusions to pedophile rings -- but I think that was all squashed with the "Death" of the "Shooter".

      Genetic experimentation may also play a role in the stories that occasionally pop up in the UK (& Canada) about mass burials of children. They're always quick to blame "The Nuns" from generations past ... but I'm thinking that excuse has now been way overused (& their "proof" was always scanty at best anyhow). ;D :D

  3. In the new show vice principals starring Danny mcbride, the two rival schools were playing eachother. One blue and one purple. Danny mcbrides school is blue and hadn't beat the purple team in 9 years. With 10 seconds left #12 the qb threw a game winning touchdown to beat the purple team 24-20. Colts beat Vikings hint? This episode aired yesterday

    1. season 3, episode 2 (3-2 or 32) of Silicon Valley, Richard goes into the office of the CEO who replaced him and there's a massive illuminated blue horseshoe that is all but the Colts logo. later in the episode, the two meet again at the stables where the CEO is talking about how he paid $150K for the stud horse and he would like to watch it. in to background is a WHITE bronco/stud straight slaying this brown mare - quite detailed I might add.

      white stud horse literally fucking the brown mare? perhaps there's some race war symbolism with that as an allusion to who will win SB 51?


    Did anyone see this story? 27 year old driver dies. The 27 is what got me interested, but the numbers of his name are also interesting.

    Bryan-523, 60, 360
    Clauson-404, 85, 510
    Bryan Clauson-927, 145, 870(87)

  5. The commercial where he blows his "lucky hair" in the fan is really weird. Lucky fan hair = 57. Who knows. I did see that story about the accident!

    Have WILD connections in this article. Purple & worms = 88 EO Purple & serpent = 34 ER Purple's history goes back to serpent worship and ancient dye industry. It'd great to hear what you guys think about it.

    1. Damn -- I wrote out a really good reply & it crashed my device! You've got a wonderful site -- somehow I've missed it til now, but will be working my way through your posts. Lots of excellent History & Gematria -- looking forward to some great reads!

      Looks like you've got Purple covered really well. I was just throwing my two cents in about Venice & the "Mysterious Phoenicians". Seems like whenever I bring them up, things get glitchy. Apparently that's a topic "someone" is determined to keep under wraps, lol! ;D :D

    2. Thanks! I really appreciate that. There's even more to go through, that's also pretty amazing stuff. Long forgotten wars, with surprising connections. I think it might end up being part of a book or a documentary. I'm still learning a lot and getting some feedback like that is awesome.

    3. I'm so glad to hear that -- you've definitely got the material for excellent books AND docs! It's good to know that there ARE people out there trying hard to unravel this confusing tangle they call our "History" ... people like you & Zach who are also willing to make the effort to document & share what they discover.

      I'm convinced that it's the ONLY way that ANY Truth will survive. Today's LIES & Distortions WILL become the "FACTS" of the future -- unless we all work hard to preserve the things we DO KNOW.

      If you haven't visited the YT site of "newearth", I highly recommend it. Like us, she's trying to keep an open mind & constantly learning -- & many of her vids have inspired me to question & research things that I'd previously taken for granted. She makes a VERY compelling case that ALL of "History" was rewritten during The Reformation -- & so far my own studies have proven this to be the case.
      Should you visit her site, I'd suggest starting with "The Unknown History of America - it was all very different ..." or any vids from the "Survivors" series -- listed under the Playlists section titled, "When The Atlantis And Hyperborea Survivors Wake Up". (Don't be put off by some of the titles -- there IS solid info in these vids, lol!)

      Meanwhile, I'll be telling others about your site! ;D :D


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