Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, August 4, 2016

38 44 91 163 213 | 'Make America Great Again' & 'Barack Hussein Obama' +The death of Will Smith (Saint)

"Make America Great Again" also connects to 'Liberty' as well as the current President.

Make = 4+1+2+5 = 12/21
America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32
Great = 7+9+5+1+2 = 24
Again = 1+7+1+9+5 = 23
Make America Great Again = 91/100

Barack = 2+1+9+1+3+2 = 18/27
Hussein = 8+3+1+1+5+9+5 = 32/50
Obama = 6+2+1+4+1 = 14
Barack Hussein Obama = 64/73/82/91


Donald Trump is running to be the 44th person to be President, Barack Obama is the 44th President.

Trump and Obama have been connected since 2008 through the 'birther' argument.

The recent death of Will Smith, the 'Saint', was very much centered around '44' and '91' as well.  I bring his death up because it comes in a curious distance of dates from the election.

From the death of Will Smith, April 9, to election day, is 213-days, a number connected to killing.  February 13, or 2/13, is the 44th day of the year.

38, 44, 213... these are the numbers of political assassination.  Doesn't it all seem like a little too much?  Doesn't it seem to be just a bit over the top?  The red hat?  A cherry?


  1. Tomorrow marks 106 days since Prince's death. Perhaps a prophetic event will take place.

    1. The Big One =85, like 8/5. August Fifth =138. Donald Trump =138. Master Mason =138.

      The Big One =226. Trump August Fifth =226.

      If we use the Will Smith date count - 4/9 to 8/5 =118 days. Death=118. 11x8=88. Trump=88. Both 4/9 & 8/5 =13.

      From 8/5 there are 148 days left in the year - Donald J Trump =148.

    2. Nice! August has a lot of days to look out for. With all of these subliminals being sent with Ryan taking Trump's position, I think August could be the month...

    3. Purple Rain = 58
      Freemasonry = 58
      August 5, or 5/8

    4. Paul Davis Ryan=163 He was born on 1/29 became Speaker of the House on 10/29. "Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton"=129 "Michelle Lavaughn Robinson Obama"=129 "President Barack Hussein Obama II"=129

  2. Will Smith was born in New York and played for New Orleans Saints. Perhaps Eli Manning of the NY Giants will win SB51? Eli grew-up in New Orleans

  3. Zach Zygi Wilf the owner of the vikings father died yesterday at age 91.


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