Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, August 18, 2016

42 181 188 | Police: Lochte fabricated story about robbery (Rio Olympics)

181, the 42nd prime number
Rio = 42; Freemason = 42; Zionism = 42

Notice this news comes on August 18, 13-days after the Olympics began.  The date can be written 18/8, a lot like '188', the number for the Bavarian Illuminati, which began with 13-families.


  1. Replies
    1. Silver Hair--121, 726, 1002

      Silver Tongue--167, 1002, 1306


  2. Look at this... A naked Donald Trump mysteriously appears in Union Square in NYC, right by where I work!

  3. Hey Zach. Had posted this on your Lochte vid ... Just with UFC 202 comin up on Sat.
    McGregor's nickname or as he calls himself, 'Mystic Mac' = 666 in Jewish and 106 in simple. Just like Prophecy.
    PaddyPower $ Bet-Fair ( Same people ), are doing a special if you sign up. McGregor to win 6/1 odds.
    'Six to one' = 121 in simple and 49 in reduction, just like 'Revelation.
    The year or REvelation & Prophecy keeps on givin' it seems.

    Class stuff as always man. Have a class aul weekend, Ciao, Dar!

    1. Ohh and when Israel became a state back in 1947 ... It was Resolution 181 that was being voted on.

  4. Ryan Steven Lochte was born August 3rd , 1984 (8-3).
    His Father Steven R. Lochte is of German, Dutch & English Descent. Bavarian Maybe ?

    Steven R. Lochte" in the English Reduction system equals 58

    Ryan" in the English Reduction system equals 22

    Ryan" in the English Ordinal system equals 58

    58-22= .. 36 .. (2016)

    Thirteen Families" in the English Reduction system equals 83 .... (Aug. 3rd)

    Steven R. Lochte Illuminati" in the English Reduction system equals 106

    Ryan Steven Lochte Illuminati" in the English Reduction system equals 119

    Ryan Lochte" in the English Ordinal system equals 121

    Ryan Lochte" in the English Reduction system equals 49

    Revelation Story" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    Rob Story" in the English Reduction system equals 42

  5. Can't spell USA without Jerusalem 😜

  6. GE= General Electric
    R many/lots
    Copiers, clones, Boys from Brazil
    Germs - invisable things that will supposedly make u sick. If u get sick everyone blames germs.
    Nazi's/Not see

    I'm really interested in the Aerospace industry. I used to live in SoCal and it dominates the place along with the military. Is there any real difference between the military and supposed civilian world? Douglas, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, what are they and what kind of weird bullshit is going down in the desert and why should I keep cooperating like a good lil slave when I'm not allowed to know wtf is going on and all my attempts to educate myself are constantly blocked?

  7. Totally a "don't fuck with the cops" story. Even if you are a rich kid, daddy's money, spoiled little swimmer, don't fuck with the police.

    Don't Fuck the Police--187, 1122


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