Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, August 18, 2016

42 96 188 213 239 330 | 'There was no robbery', August 18, 2016 headlines (Rio Ryan Lochte robbery story)

What a headline.

There = 2+8+5+9+5 = 29
was = 5+1+1 = 7/16
no = 5+6 = 11
robbery = 9+6+2+2+5+9+7 = 40
There was no robbery = 87/96 (Freemason = 96)

The '96' numerology ties in with today's date, and the location of the event, 'Rio'.

8/18/16 = 8+18+16 = 42
Rio = 18+9+15 = 42
Gun = 7+21+14 = 42

The divisors of '42' sum to '96'.

There = 20+8+5+18+5 = 56
was = 23+1+19 = 43
no = 14+15 = 29
robbery = 18+15+2+2+5+18+25 = 85
There was no robbery = 213 (French Republican Calendar) (Nimrod)

Remember, today is August 18, or 18/8.

The Bavarian Illuminati was established May 1, 1776, just before the American Revolution and is credited with the French Revolution.  We've seen a lot of Bavarian Illuminati and Revolution tributes as of late between the U.S. and France, as documented.

From the start of the French Republican Calendar, which is a product of the French Revolution, to today, is the 331st day of the calendar, or 330-days since New Year's Day, September 23, 2015.

You have to also appreciate the 47-weeks.  Authority = 47; Obey = 47; Judge = 47


  1. The O in that Pit Stop sign looks like a crescent moon, like Islam.

    So, swimmers vandalize a gas station, and report false robbery...why? This Rio Olympics gets more bizarre by the day.

    Ryan Loch te/ET loch lock
    Silver haired swimMER/ REM swim
    Silver #47 ElemenT
    47 is the 15th prime
    New Mexico is the 47th state
    Roswell ET story happened in 1947

    1. Loki=47

      The God with the Silver Tongue. I showed how Silver Hair and Silver Tongue gematch up.

      Silver Hair=1002 Jewish
      Silver Tongue=167, 1002 English

  2. Has anyone else see the trump statue left on Union square NYC.. Shit is hilarious !!!!!!!!


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