Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, August 7, 2016

44 45 46 48 74 128 139 215 | The death of Big L, February 15, 1999, New York City, NY, +Death of Gerard Woodley, June 24, 2016

9/13/1996 = 9+1+3+1+9+9+6 = 38 (Tupac's death)
3/9/1997 = 3+9+1+9+9+7 = 38 (Notorious B.I.G.'s death)

Masonic = 4+1+1/10+6+5+9+3 = 29/38
Jewish = 1+5+5+9+1/10+8 = 29/38

Lamont = 3+1+4+6+5+2 = 21
Coleman = 3+6+3+5+4+1+5 = 27
Lamont Coleman = 48 (New York = 39/48) (Evil = 48) (Illuminati = 48)

Lamont = 12+1+13+15+14+20 = 75
Coleman = 3+15+12+5+13+1+14 = 63
Lamont Coleman = 138

Big L = 2+9+7+3 = 21 (Lamont)
Big L = 2+9+7+12 = 30 (Saturn)

Notice he was born in '74.  Rapper = 74; Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74

May 30 is the day that leaves 215-days left in the year, he would end up being killed February 15, 1999, or 2/15.

5/30/1974 = 5+30+19+74 = 128 (11) (New York, 11th State)
5/30/1974 = 5+30+(1+9+7+4) = 56 (11)
5/30/1974 = 5+3+0+1+9+7+4 = 29 (11)
5/30/74 = 5+30+74 = 109 (Danger Zone)

Here's the chorus from Big L'S song 'Danger Zone'.  Can you say Freemasonry?  Remember, Tupac Shakur died September 13, or 13/9.

Tupac Shakur died September 13, or 13/9.  He died 213-days after his 2/13 release of All Eyez On Me.  February 13 is the 44th day of the year.  It is a date connected to the death of Big L.

Big-L was killed in a 'drive-by-shooting', with the suspects never caught.

Notice the address he died at, 45 West 139th Street.  Hip-Hop = 45 (Dead on a date with '45' numerology).  The last full day of his life was the 45th day of the year, February 14.

He died in the time of Lupercalia, which happens from February 13 to February 15.  The 13th is the 44th day of the year and February 15 is the 46th.

2/15/1999 = 2+15+19+99 = 135 (The Key of David)
2/15/1999 = 2+15+(1+9+9+9) = 45 (Hip-Hop = 45)
2/15/1999 = 2+1+5+1+9+9+9 = 36
2/15/99 = 2+15+99 = 116 (Powerful) (911 upside down)

Again, dead in the time of 'Lupercalia', an ancient Roman Festival about remembering the dead.

He died on the '46th' day of the year, February, like Vanity in 2016.  Vanity = 46

With regards to him dying on the 46th day of the year, it connects to his other alias, 'Most Valuable Poet'.

Notice he died at age 24, the reflection of '42'.

Notice his alias was Corleone.

He is the NYC legend.

New York City, NY is the birthplace of Hip-Hop.

Also notable is the first hip-hop trio he a was a third of, known as 'Three the Hard Way'.  That group has the same gematria as 'murder'.

The man who put out his second album after his death, 'Rich King', also has the '79' connection.  It reminds how Eazy-E's final album was released 79-days after his 7/9 or September 9 birthday, in 1995.

The man who was momentarily accused of killing Big L, Gerard Woodley, was killed at age 46 on a date with '46' numerology.

6/24/2016 = 6+24+20+16 = 66 (New York the 11th State) (When you sum 1-11, it totals 66)
6/24/2016 = 6+24+(2+0+1+6) = 39 (New York = 39) (NY = 39) (Empire = 39) (7/26/1788)
6/24/2016 = 6+2+4+2+0+1+6 = 21
6/24/16 = 6+24+16 = 46 (Sacrifice = 46) (Big L dead on 46th day of the year)

The name 'Gerard Woodley' also ties to the title of the album released after his death, 'The Big Picture'.

It's murder by numbers, ABC, 123.

Big L died 105-days from his birthday.

With regards to his first album (and only while alive), it was released March 28, 1995, the 88th day of the year in leap years.

Hip Hop = HH = 88

The song that shares the title of the album, 'Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous', is the ninth track, and it runs 3:22 in length.

The name of the album and song reminds me that the government has a vested interest in destroying black americans.

Five = 6+9+22+5 = 42
Nine = 14+9+14+5 = 42


  1. 1-11 Multiplied. 1×2×3×4×5×6×7×8×9×10×11=39916800.
    3+9+9+1+6+8=36. 1-36 added is 666. Prophecy=666


    1. Wow, nice work. Big L talked about '666', being 'Satanic' and a lot else.

  2. got thirty five bodies buddy don't make it 2+1+5+1+9+9+9=36

    Great pieces! open up these cases

  3. Damn! Can we have some light shed on the murder of Jam Master Jay? 50cent is allegedly connected in some way....

  4. "BIG L" reminds me of your recent post about Trump's use of the terms "BIG LEAGUE" & "BIGLY". Big L -- meaning Capital L -- would indicate 50 in Roman Numerals (& the last Super Bowl Game -- with their lame excuse for not referring to it in that way) ... & also Big EL -- as in Judaism's "Most High God" ... Interesting ... ;D :D


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