Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

44 | Mastectomy gematria +Shannen Doherty cancer update, August 2, 2016

Mastectomy = 4+1+1/10+2+5+3+2+6+4+7 = 35/44

Cancer = 44; Chemo = 44

Shannen Doherty was 44-years old when she reportedly discovered her cancer, just like my sister, who recently got a mastectomy.  For this post, I just wanted to acknowledge the gematria of the procedure.


  1. Replies
    1. You have to wonder why a celebrity in 2016, doesn't have this knowledge... I know the big pharma shills will just slam any potential natural remedies, but what the fuck does chemo do other than speed the death process up?

  2. There was a video of her on MSN that was 44 seconds long.

  3. Never liked her. She has uneven eye placement and it drives me crazy. Ya, that's right, totally judging her on looks alone cause there ain't much else.

  4. She probably was the least attractive of the Charmed girls lol.

  5. I'm very sorry for what your sister is going through ... & realize that no one can say for sure what they'd do until they're faced with it. Last week though, I learned of a woman in her 80's who's about to go through the same rigamarole ... & unfortunately suggestions that this "treatment" will likely do her more harm than good (especially at her advanced age) just enraged the family.

    A very wise oncologist explained that the vast majority of "early detected cancers" are SLOW-GROWING -- taking more than 20-30 years to fully metastasize if left untouched. However, the current "treatment protocols" are GUARANTEED to immediately compromise both quality of life & overall health -- ultimately resulting in a shorter life. He felt that managing the symptoms of a slow-growing cancer was preferable -- & that it enabled people to actually continue LIVING life.

    BTW: Should "Radiation" be mentioned, I hope your sister thoroughly researches the impact it will have on her close family -- because she will literally be transformed into a Walking Dirty Bomb -- shedding Radioactive waste particles onto EVERYTHING around her (even used toilet tissue is supposed to be considered Biohazardous Material ...). Probably not something she wants to expose her kids to.

    My best wishes go out to her & all who love her. ;D :D

    1. That, and a study just released that indicate that chemo may actually speed up cancer, since it destroys the immune system.

    2. Now THAT makes complete sense -- why is it so hard for others to see it too? Chemo has never cured anyone I've ever known ... all I've seen is otherwise healthy people with a slight problem (or simply a "LAB Diagnosis") become deathly ill ... an "event" they never fully recover from. ALL of them died -- & not from the FIRST diagnosed cancer. It was always from a "chemo-induced, side-effect cancer" or from organ damage done by their treatment. And I've seen many who've also had to endure the foreclosure of their homes & farms -- stolen by this industry that promises miracles & cures ... while ensuring they go deep into debt to chase that illusion. It's all so Evil it defies description. Thanks for the info! ;D:D

    3. And if the medical system doesn't get all of your money, the rest home system will.

    4. Besides, they will never cure cancer. there is way too much money in "finding the cure".

  6. Radiation has many definitions.

    (Biology) - divergence from a central point, in particular evolution from an ancestral animal or plant group into a variety of new forms.

    Dougherty/Dough-playdough, Plato, do ray me, dough -bread, money, geld

    1. Good points all around!! You've given me much to ponder on ... Treating with radiation has NEVER made any sense -- yet it's used for a variety of maladies. Overactive thyroid? We'll zap your thyroid gland into oblivion with radiation -- though of course THEN you'll need thyroid supplements just to stay alive ... miss a dose or two & you're toast.

      Everywhere uranium has been mined or processed, you'll find huge populations routinely having their thyroids irradiated -- meaning the whole region becomes even more toxic -- from the release of these Human-Form Dirty Bombs.

      You mentioned diverging from a central point ... uranium = big money ... the sham of all things nuclear ... Shaman. Yes, you've given me plenty to think about. Thank you!! ;D :D

  7. I enjoy your blog and channel. I hope you are aware of the geo engineering program.
    Dane Wigington saw the truth at a young age and questioned why his parents couldn't see it, like you.
    I follow Jim Willie, he talks about financials and the Satanists. His life was threatened and he lives in Costa Rica now. I bet there is alot of numerology in the Lehman and Bear Sterns collapse.
    Keep up the fight. You make this world a better place. God Bless YOU!

  8. ZACH, thank you! been watching your videos for the past few weeks, and started back to ep0001...determined to get through them all! Speaking of numbers and illness, have you ever heard of Royal Raymond Rife, the inventor of electron microscopes and so much more? Doctors who are caught using his machines on patients lose their it's obviously amazing stuff!! I have NO financial interest in telling you this and probably am taking a risk by even mentioning it. I feel like I'm wearing the glasses in They Live now...There's someone around here running ads for congress named Mike Miller. I've driven past the signs hundreds of times, but saw it yesterday, and immediately remembered Michael = 33 and Miller = 33! If voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it...I say let's take a page from Richard Pryor in Brewster's Millions and write in "None of the Above"


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