Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, August 8, 2016

44 | Obama headlines August 6, says he isn't quitting, he is being 'forced out'


  1. aka im gonna stage a false flag to stay in

    1. It's either that or an "assassination". I just can't see this man going peacefully into the sunset. He's too valuable of a piece to not use in a major false flag.

  2. Hey Zach... Now they're pushing this narrative that girl joggers can get killed at anytime, with the other one in Howard Beach last week, and now this. Check out the length of the video in this link... Do I even need to say it?

  3. "Officials would not say how Marcotte died but mentioned a 'horrible set of facts'"

    "Horrible Set Of Facts" = 84

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. In other golf news Jim Furyk shot a record low PGA Tour score of 58 at the final round at the Travelers Championship in Cromwell CT.

  5. This is most likely completely irrelevant, but I'm on a website called SoundCloud. It's where bands post their music for other unsigned artists to hear. It just alerted me that changes will be made August 22nd. SoundCloud has an interesting gematria of 38, 128, 911. Also interesting is "The Donald" also has a 38 gematria. Just putting this here for documentation. Again, probably means absolutely nothing lol.

  6. Obama is the tiger woods of phsyop president actors guild.

  7. It's called a Term of Public Service. You don't quit or get forced out. People are idiots.

  8. interesting powerball/mega millions numbers posted on today's date $67/$38 million, respectively. today is 8/9

    I read it as $blood sacrifice/$death on kill.

    blood sacrifice = 67
    death = 38
    8/9 - (kill = 89)

    the lotto billboard I saw is in San Antonio driving on I-90 just before Cupples Rd exit. (shout out to Prunella and the cup references!)


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