Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, August 1, 2016

58 | Teddy Bridgewater's new 'Purple Rain' line call for 2016-17

'58' was a big part of the reason I picked Colts and Giants, a rematch of the 1958 'greatest game ever played'.  It could still happen, but not matter what does happen, '58' will be the number again this year.  (Also, from 1958-2016 is 58-years)

Oh, and here's the part of the article that gave me a laugh, treating the fans of the NFL as if they're retarded.

8-8... 29-41 yards....

Football = 29
Super Bowl = 41 (Prince dead on date with '41' numerology) (Prince in SB 41)


  1. Gary the numbers guy has beef with you lol

    1. How many hours a week are you paid to troll my blog for? I need to talk to your employer.

    2. I dont troll your blog. I help share my knowledge on betting to help ppl make $$$ and break their system. You are too blind to see this. All u do is call ppl faggot and discredit other truthseekers

    3. Btw if u wanna meet me in person, come to LA and if you wanna settle it we can. I bench 275 and will have my way with you Little Zachy

    4. Mike says "I Help Share my Knowledge"

      You mean the knowledge you got from Zach?

      And then you come here and make the typical Dumbass threat? Pathetic!

  2. He only shows up on sports related articles. Never mind the BIG picture.

  3. Zach: off topic... Do u still like Astros? Do you see possibly Texas Rangers since Houston is in Texas.

  4. Zach: off topic... Do u still like Astros? Do you see possibly Texas Rangers since Houston is in Texas.

  5. Speaking of 58. The Vikings and Colts both have 58's with interesting numerology.


    Brandon Watts = 151 ordinal
    Can be read as 51 (super bowl 51)

    Birthday 1/21/1991
    1+21+19+91 = 132
    Reversed 231 (Super Bowl Fifty one)

    Drafted in 7th round 223 pick
    223 = (Masonic)


    Trent Cole = 112 ordinal (Houston)

    Age 33. Colts are in 33rd season in Indianapolis.

    He also went to the University of Cincinnati, which may foreshadow a match up with Bengals.

  6. Speaking of 58. The Vikings and Colts both have 58's with interesting numerology.


    Brandon Watts = 151 ordinal
    Can be read as 51 (super bowl 51)

    Birthday 1/21/1991
    1+21+19+91 = 132
    Reversed 231 (Super Bowl Fifty one)

    Drafted in 7th round 223 pick
    223 = (Masonic)


    Trent Cole = 112 ordinal (Houston)

    Age 33. Colts are in 33rd season in Indianapolis.

    He also went to the University of Cincinnati, which may foreshadow a match up with Bengals.

  7. A missed 27 yard field goal?
    "Twenty Seven Yard Field Goal" = 111 <===

    Kick missed by Blair Walsh?
    "Blair Walsh" = 42 & 105 [Freemason Zionism]

    In the NFC Wildcard game?
    "Wildcard" = 38 & 74 <===

    "NFC Wildcard" = 52 [Prophecy]
    "NFC Wildcard Game" = 123 [Conspiracy]

    And now practices and went 8 for 8?
    "Eight for Eight" = 137 [33rd Prime]

    Drilling Attempts from 29 to 41 yards?
    "Twenty Nine to Forty One Yards" = 126 <===
    "One Two Six" = 144

    701 is the 126th Prime:
    "Seven Hundred One" = 74 <===

    "Twenty Nine to Forty One Yards" = 369
    [369 + 3*6*9] = [531 + 135] = 666 <===

    His birthday is 01/08/1990 = 118 [Death]
    His nickname is college was the Athens Assassin:
    "Athens Assassin" = 42 [Freemason]

    He is Twenty Six years old this year:
    "Twenty Six" = 42 [Freemason]

    "Placekicker" = 49 & 94 [Reflections]

    227 is the 49th Prime [Reference to Revelation and Time]
    491 is the 94th Prime
    "Four Hundred Ninety One" = 111 <=== [Same numerology as the "Twenty Seven Yard Field Goal" he missed.

    This guy is going to kick a game winner to get in the Super Bowl or win the Super Bowl with a game winning kick this year.

  8. I dont know if this was mention but I just watched that Blair Walsh missed FG. He made 3 FG attempts prior to that which were 22, 43 and 47. Add those up...

  9. Perhaps will it end-up being an AFC championship of Colts at Bengals home field and Colts upset the favored Bengals to goto SB51, and NFC championship of Vikings at Packers home field and the Vikings upset the favored Packers on a Blair (Vikings) field-goal to make it to SB51?

  10. Is there any specific reason why in SB50 they used the arabic-numerals of 50, where as for all other SB's they have been using roman-numerals? Even the wikipedia page made for SB has it as XLIX (49), 50 (50), LI (51)

  11. Super bowl 51 will be falcons featuring the return of Mike Vick, the black qb did the crime got jail timetime,10 years ago and on his final run in the nfl vs the Steelers featuring Ben Rothlisberger the white qb who was accused of rape but never was charge. Zach that make one hell of a race war for the final superbowl before martial war.



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