Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Deep Zone | A reader's very excellent gematria blog

Thanks Tal!  Awesome work!

To read Tal's blog, please follow the link:

It's an excellent post Tal has put together, connecting dots that were previously unconnected.  Be sure to visit his numerous other postings, his work is truly excellent!


  1. Tal is always kicking butt over there.

    Another local Philly star is dead, Michael Brooks who played at La Salle. Gone at 58.

  2. Look at this bullshit that they came out with today... Funny that it's right after your planets decoding video/post

    The planet orbits it's star in "11.2 days". Riiiiiiight lol. I love how they say that it's the closest exoplanet to Earth, and they just now found it. Seems like they're getting ready to give us the alien hoax story any month now...

    1. Today is also Vince McMahon's bday (the WWE owner). Full name Vincent Kennedy (33) McMahon

      Born: August 24, 1945... 8+24+19+45=96 (freemason)

      Net worth: 1.2 billion USD (2016)

    2. Btw that planet is said to be only 4.2 light years away from Earth. 42 (freemason)

  3. Replies
    1. It's all to the good! I'm glad you liked it. Thank you for reading!

  4. Thanks everybody! it means a lot. Stephen, your insight and enthusiasm for gematria...thumbs up! Zach, I can't thank you enough. I always had these urges to write, but never really found my voice until I found your site back in March. Your example was life-changing.

    1. That's awesome Tal, you're doing a great job. Your site is great! You have skills.

    2. No problem, Mr. Golden. It is great being able to talk to awakened, intelligent people and help the work along any little bit I can.

  5. Stephen, I feel the same way, and right back atcha. I don't get to talk about this stuff with the people I run into, and everybody I know is probably sick of hearing about gematria by now. Zach, you're a great teacher and leader. I listened to the radio broadcast you were on.It was great!!! The host was truly astonished with some of the 911 info. It reminded me of when I first heard you talk about the Super Bowl. Major wake-up moment.

  6. Yes -- Tal has a GREAT site! He's a gifted writer & manages to put the facts & data together in a way that's not only interesting but also FUN to read. And his research is VERY thorough.

    So many Truthseekers who discovered Gematria through Zach have followed his lead & created terrific sites ... I only wish there was a way to get this into the hands of ALL KIDS -- so they could grow up embracing THIS KNOWLEDGE instead of the time-wasting piffle they're subjected to.

    But -- these discoveries ARE catching on ... & I do believe that day WILL come.

    Simply by showing people that Everything IS Connected -- has finally begun to awaken people that were "immune" to such ideas just a few years ago. What was that phrase NASA put into our heads?
    "One Small Step For Man ... One Giant Leap For Mankind".
    At last we can speak those words TRUTHFULLY ... & with PRIDE.

    High Fives to ALL Truthseekers out there -- enduring the rhetoric so that others can learn! ;D :D

    1. That heartfelt praise call to action made me cover my head in humility and gratitude. It's very moving to see young people with the flame of idealism that you have. Thank you!


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