Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, August 22, 2016

Thinking about the curvature of the earth from a human perspective

Below is the circumference of the earth, or the supposed distance measured around the earth in a perfect circle.

If you divide the circumference of the earth by 360, the number of degrees in a circle, you are left with 69.169444444 miles per degree of curvature.  Thus each degree of the earth's circumference is 69.1694444 miles. (69, an interesting number)

Let us get from miles to feet.

5,280 feet per mile

69.1694444444 x 5280 feet is 365,214 feet

365,214 feet represents 1-degree of the earths curvature (365-days in a year?)

So every 1/360th of the earth's circumference, is a stretch of 365,214.6 feet.

To put that in perspective, that is 60,869 6-foot tall people lined up head to toe.

In meters, the number is 111,317.

With these numbers in mind, let us see what is said to be the distance from the human eye to the horizon if you are about six feet tall, and looking out at the ocean.

That is the same as 15,840 feet, or 2,640-people who are six-feet tall lined up, head to toe.  In theory, the 2,641st person, part of their body would be hidden from the human eye, and further more with each person until no longer seen.

Such an experiment could be conducted rather easily using proper measurement tools to put the argument to rest, is there curvature or not?  I would love to see some of the flat earth believers put in the work.  If you live in an area that is flat, for stretches of miles, like the middle of the United States, you can probably conduct a fairly accurate experiment.


  1. The problem i see with visual observations is that light and all forms of radiation is bending. This is proven. That means that the more distant an object is from an observer, the more is the light bent upwards (frame of reference in this case is the celestial Sphere, the magnetic core in the Center of the Concave Earth Model, which i think is true). Nature tells us that "Nothing ever travels in a straight line, all comes from a rotating frame of reference, all directon is curved, all motion is spiral (Law of generating matter) and this goes down to the lowest scale. If you look at CERN`s Experiments, when particles collide at the speed of light n a vacuum colder than -271 Celsius, they form complex and often intricate patterns, in fact Fibonacci Spirals. So, if you really want to measure the Curvature of Earth`s Surface, you have to do it with non visual, nonradiating devices. Just put a straight line, like this experiment proved that Earths Surface is concave:

    Its funny but there are also visual clues to this question, some flat Earthers claim that Auguste Piccard (In 1930, an interest in ballooning, and a curiosity about the upper atmosphere led him to design a spherical, pressurized aluminum gondola that would allow ascent to great altitude without requiring a pressure suit. ) saw the Earth as flat Disc and this is "proof" for the FE Theory but in fact whilst expaining his findings he said the Earth "seemed lika a flat disc with UPTURNED EDGES". From the Gematria Standpoint, i would say the "Blue Marble" and the "Flat Earth" lost the race, both share the Chaldean Gematria of 33. Im doing now research on this subject for quite a while and i looked deep in all theories...and what left is the Concave Earth Model, its easy to understand, gravity is no mystery anymore (its electricity / Magnetism), there is no need for mass inertia and other inventions, all movements and behaviour of celestial bodies are better explained, even why we seen a dome above our head finds its easiest solution (the stars above our heads appear next because the distance to the Center of the Celestial Sphere is the shortest, the stars near the horizon appear very distant because this light took the longest way while spiraling down to the observers eye, what creates the Illusion of a Dome, in fact its an inversion of the Central Sphere.

  2. spent a weekend camping on the beach at Mustang Island, TX, 30 feet from the water. plenty of oil platforms that vary in distance from 1-22 miles out, charted and mapped. these platforms provide excellent fishing and boats regularly travel out to them to haul in the big ones. also, there are tug boats that traverse the miles of distance between them, hauling large tankers at snail pace.

    you can watch fishing boats disappear from your vision and bring them back into full view with a good set of binoculars. same as watching the tug boats - they're not navigating a convex surface of water perpendicular to the direction of travel of the fishing boats headed several miles offshore. this is as much first hand experimentation as I have personally put into this debate with the resources available to me.

  3. 69.16944..

    Eye of Ra=75
    New World Order=75



  4. It seems VERY interesting to me that 1 degree of curvature works out to 365,214 feet. There are approximately 365.24 days in a year. I feel like there has to be a connection there.

    The reason I don't believe the Earth is flat is the stars in the southern hemisphere.

  5. Dr. Samuel Rowbotham conducted many tests in support of a Flat Earth. I really hate the term "Flat Earth" though, because it makes anyone who believes the theory look like someone who thinks we live on a pancake or something. Clearly there's valleys, mountains, etc... We just argue that the Earth is not moving (which by our observation it's not), and that it's not a sphere (which is obvious when you can see Chicago from Lake Michigan). You also fall in the realm of a "coincidence theorist" if you think that The Sun and The Moon just so happen to be in the perfect position in so called space, to appear the same size in our sky. It's more likely that they are the same size, and created by a "creator". Who that creator is, I don't know... Death is likely when we'll truly know is my belief.

  6. Considering we all probably live in some kind of artifical program which is capable of changing its own perspective based on the perceptions of each and everyone of us on an individual and collective basis, the Earth probably doesn't even have a shape.

    How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

    1. Bingo, I see both round and flat be conclusively debunked so the only answer is that its all a program or to be more spiritual, its all a dream!

    2. The Concave Earth Theory (Cell Earth, not hollow Earth) has not been debunked yet, Earths surface is not a program, its how nature works. Life starts from Cells, Eggs, its inside the Body, not outside like on the globe.

    3. Don't hate Freemasons because 20% some of them are Jews. Hey, at least the Jews helped pacify the world by sharing Christ. Plus it seems like everyone thinks Zionist, Jew and Freemason are one and the same. Most of us on here get it, but some need to sharpen your tools.

  7. Zach, this guy, anti-flat-earther, already did the experiment, and many others. You should watch this:

    This will be the same link I put in the comments on your youtube site.

    Take care,


  8. The supposed curvature is 8 x the miles squared divided by 12 to find feet below the curve. When says that visibility is ten miles, you have to wonder why. Because at ten miles, the curvature would be 66.666' below line of sight, so that a 50' lighthouse at ten miles would be 16.666' below the curve.

  9. We cannot forget that their are still unexplored corners of the earth that might explain alot. Forget experiments, and theories. If someone can obtain physical, visual proof or findings, then we can put the debate to rest. But those places are so heavily gaurded the chances of that happening are non existent. That's the sad truth about the entire discussion. Their are forces out there who really don't want us to know the real mysteries. We can't get caught up in the confusion, we have to remained focused, and uncover there plot. Not squabble

  10. We cannot forget that their are still unexplored corners of the earth that might explain alot. Forget experiments, and theories. If someone can obtain physical, visual proof or findings, then we can put the debate to rest. But those places are so heavily gaurded the chances of that happening are non existent. That's the sad truth about the entire discussion. Their are forces out there who really don't want us to know the real mysteries. We can't get caught up in the confusion, we have to remained focused, and uncover there plot. Not squabble

  11. Maybe the Earth is a place in the way an Internet address is, like a fixed location but one that's always being added to and having things deleted so it's shape is constantly changing.
    People are constantly being born and dying every day.

  12. Is the earth flat? Ancient cosmology suggests it is. The firmament. A dome. Idk if its true. Is the earth an oblate spheroid spinning at thousands of miles per hour while going around the sun at thousands of miles per while going thru the universe at thousands of miles per hour? Fuck no. Fuck nasa bullshit

    1. It`s not correct. Yes it is told that cosmological transition is from geocentric convex in the Middle Ages to heliocentric convex in the enlightenment era until today. All ancient world “globe” maps should therefore be convex, yet they are nearly all concave. Something is glaring missing from history.
      This has a reason, i know that the inventor of Cartography thought the Earth was concave and many brilliant minds like J.W. Goethe, Astronomers like
      Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), Giovanni Cassini (1625-1712), Edmond Halley (1656-1742) also did. So its obvious, the flat Earth is a distraction from the Concave Earth Model and it simply doesnt work, what people can easily see when they study the nightskies, especially the southern hemisphere and the different directions of rotating stars around the Celestial Poles. So its a divide and Conquer Strategy, believe in Globe or get the Flat Head (i say it so because they want to mock people don`t believe in Heliocentrism), and the sad thing about is, the true shape of the Earth gets out of Focus. So, fck NASA, Fck "Eric Dubay" = 33, "Math Boylan" = 33, "Flat Earth" = 33, "Blue Marble" = 33...and research the undebunkable Concave Earth Model.

    2. True i will. Ya flat earth 100% controlled all of em love flashing devil horns all ober their videos

    3. Cool, if you are interested in Symbolism, think this is the truth about the Devils Diamond, the masonic Rhombus, its another Black Sun Symbolism, it s all about Sun Worship and Saturn Worship, both are stand ins for the Black Sun:



    6. Ya signs and symbols rule the world. Almost every single celebrity, famous politician, household athlete, etc on earth u can find pics of doing the devil horns, 666, one eye, finger to temple, pyramid, shhh, or whatever the case may be. Thats how they show what team they play for. I couldnt make out the pics too well on my phone. From the research ive done and just thinking about it i believe its a half melon and flatish on top. Something keeps us in here cause all that moon bullshit was fake. Maybe the firmament. Below the first layer the hell that has been talked abot since beg of time. Funny thing is a lot of people say thats wher the underground bases w lizard demons r including Donalf Marshall. Idk how zach feels about him but I wouldnt be surprised if hes telling the truth

    7. Phil schneider too

  13. Interesting that when I search oblate this is the number two hit:

    I have two questions: for those who propose a disk earth model, wouldn't a simple sailing trip counting clicks around 55ºS settle the debate one way or the other? And the other question is: what is to be gained from the fe cosmology? I find my vivid imaginings of the vast variety of interstellar and trans-spatial life and habitat both humbling and uplifting.

    I guess that brings up more questions...
    Do we really (still, like our oppressed and lied-to ancestors) believe that the 'cosmos' is axised upon humanity, or even the earth for that matter? Why should it be, when all observable life as well as empathic teachings affirm that each node of consciousness is at once the center of the universe and utterly peripheral to the whole of it? What of various forms of chemical dating that describe aeons-long histories of particular elements like gold and titanium? Or how about the asteroid impacts which have many times over transformed Earth's climate and geography, with hugely obvious remnants?

    I don't profess to know any of this -- and in my way I see FE and GE as a both-and situation, where, when experienced from a 4th dimensional plane (after death and before birth, or in visionary states) our roundish earth is as a circle, and in the 3rd dimension it is a sphere or something like it.

    Anyhow Zach thank you for including this post -- the gematria of these numbers is striking and speaks to the deep magic that was involved back in the day when this imperial system of measurement was first created.

  14. Doesn't matter what shape this prison is made of. The real question is there a way out?

  15. where do humans come from, who or what created us, what's our purpos

    3 basic questions that no one can answer

    1. A. That's actually only two questions.
      B. See Genesis 1.

    2. @Newark.

      I respect that work but thats not Complete, too much editing.

  16. Interesting, my comments on youtube to this Video Planets of the Milky Way & Freemason ownership over Science & Space +Flat Earth vs Sphere Earth doesnt show up. I wanted to discuss the Concave Earth Model but some Entity is censoring me...

    1. JEWTUBE sucks!
      The revolution will not be online!

    2. definetely, it in the mind! graphic

  17. Lucifer in the Sky with Diamonds...

    1. "Rhombus", pythagorean Gematria = 33
      "Diamond", pythagorean Gematria = 33


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