Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, September 19, 2016

32 41 111 151 | 1:51, when Andrew Luck was stripped and the Colts were put away by the Broncos, September 18, 2016

If you missed the Colts at Broncos game, the Broncos earned their 13th win all-time against the Colts in the regular season, with first year starting QB, #13.  It ended a lot like Super Bowl 50, with Von Miller stripping the QB late in the game, deep in their territory, and that fumble leading to a quick score by the Broncos to put the game away.    Notice the time on the clock for the snap when Luck would be stripped by Von Miller, leading to the defensive TD, that made the score 32-20, then 34-20 with the 2-pt conversion.  The time is at 1:51.  Let us not forget the Carolina Panthers were 15-1 last year.  The number '151' is also the 36th prime.  9/18/2016 = 9+18+(2+0+1+6) = 36

Regarding the 32-points on the key play..... 
Denver = 32; Broncos = 32/41; America = 32; NFL = 32; 32-teams in the NFL; Super Bowl 32
***This game came exactly 32-weeks after the Super Bowl

ALSO, this game was played 151-days after the death of Prince, who died on a date with '41' numerology.  Again, Prince played in Super Bowl 41, won by the Colts and Peyton Manning.

4/21/16 = 4+21+16 = 41 (Super Bowl = 41) (Baltimore = 41) (Deflate Gate = 41)
*Chuck Pagano remains at 41-career wins after losing to the Broncos, September 18, 2016
***41 is the 13th prime number

1:51 is also 111-seconds.  Week 2 of the NFL season began with the 111th meeting between the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills.

I'm not worried about the Colts.  They were 0-2 in the Deflate Gate season.  The Colts and New York narrative is still in effect.  Don't call it a comeback.


  1. But did you mention that the colts going to win this game by the number?

    1. He did. And he got it wrong. Its the first one he has gotten wrong in awhile. Did you expect him to 100% ? Because i don't. My brain is complex enough to understand that this isn't easy.

    2. Hoai Le did he mention all his other winners by the numbers? I don't see you saying anything about that.

    3. No. I'm new to his channel. But yes he did say the other win by the number

    4. 60% is 6 correct out 10. Please point out the 4 incorrect out of the last 10 please.

    5. No this guy is correct, 2 right sun, 2 wrong sun, 1 wring just now bears. I could do better guessing them. Sometimes he'll give both teams in a prediction and delete
      the one that lost. You need to stop worshipping this asshole and all get a life!!!

  2. Yes it was on then got taken off, i put 500 in colts. Guess the numbers were read wrong!

  3. There was a big Prince tribute in the Vikings game at the very end of the first half. Packers on 3-8 with :44 seconds on the clock Rodgers gets sacked to make it 4-21.

    1. another 4 and 21 - were going to be documenting this number pairing alllllllllll season long.

    2. 4th and 21, is more common than you think.. Most teams pass on 3rd an 8, 9, or 10, with a drop back for a sack, you are often at 4th and 21.

      More taunting is the 33 yard extra point try. Reminding you all game.

      Intragame things like yards in a certain play or the time clock on a certain play are probably not as planned as the fumbles and penalties called, remember football players are not all that smart outside of QB.

      A flag can easily be thrown on any play.

      Rodgers had 3 fumbles last night, 3 different 'terror attacks'

      Yes everyone should do definitely their own work as I see on these strings. Pack loss should have been bet big. Colts, ha ha no! No no no.

      Now Baltimore is also on the 44th parallel with Minnesota and Green Bay. S.B.51 date numerology hits all 3 teams pretty hard. So Ravens friends work your magic yourselves and post it, cause I'm all in on GB and NE, also with GB and MN vikes Nfc Championship.

      Anyone else notice the New England v. Texans match up on thursday? Their logos are the same! Colors, direction, 5 point star for the all seeing eye (5 forms one of the pillars of freemasonry), our temple in town has 5, three-story pillars on all 4 of its sides of the building and no other significant architecture on the outside.

    3. I'm sure you guys all saw stefon marsean diggs=79/97,106 get his last td at 2:11. Like 112th day in minny

    4. Diggs from "Maryland Gaithersburg" = 97/106 and 223

    5. Ooo good one. Also Diggs for a last name very fitting for a dback, if I'm talking the right guy.

  4. Yes it was on then got taken off, i put 500 in colts. Guess the numbers were read wrong!

    1. you're probably over doing it.

    2. You should be doing some intuitive thinking not following what no-one else says. I predicted the week 2 winners on this blog its on one of zach's post. I got almost all of them correct. I just got bengals-steelers wrong and i got saints-giants wrong because i said giants first and then i switched my pick to saints. I didn't pick some of them based on gematria. Some i did and i did the date numerology to find out some of the winners. I literally knew some of the winners because the nfl likes to hype up some of these players and quarterbacks before the game starts and predict their gonna win and when the game starts they play like shit. Like i saw on nfl countdown they were hyping up kirk cousins who is another actor helping out the elites, i saw the game hhighlights and cousins came out hot and they looked like thry were going to win the game until he threw a scripted int at the goaline and i mean he threw it straight to the db and after that he just stuck to the script and they lost. A complete fucking fraud. People who bet on it lost their money. You really shouldn't be betting on it if you know its scripted like this because its sometimes tricky to know whose going to win. We should be boycotting this crap because its a joke not betting on it and wasting our energy like they want us to because thats their trick. They wanna keep vegas rich, and keep us sad and confused. Im not saying don't bet because i don't rule over your life just be cautious and careful of the traps they set up. We have to end this fruad system not keep it going.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. U lost probably because thats all u care about maybe just maybe if u would've done the work u may have found something indicative to protect your investment. Let this be a lesson to all that are here for self gratification. Well done zach

    1. Oh yes, you must be NEO here to save humanity!! lol, by texting you're insignificant're really going to change the world aren't you.

    2. These are football predictions, what do you expect people to do with this info, numbnuts!!
      ERM, I'm gonna go with betting on it!! der!!!!

  6. When do we start considering the ravens legit. Half the clues are baltimore related and we so quickly call it a colts connection. Maybe the colts connections are ravens connections. The email i sent you about next year makes more sense to me but still. Sb52 or the date 5/2 for sb51. It really could be all for baltimore

    1. I always wondered the same thing, tho they have nothing really exciting. in SB 46 they had the Harbowl, plus Lewis retiring, ed reed, suggs, and other bigger names. Balt SB would be bad for businesss

    2. The Colts play in Houston 112 days before the Super Bowl, relax.

    3. You built your following by the NBA finals prediction...but guess what, that info was given out by ihatemanestream first, you saw his video and claimed it as yours, then you accuse some other dude of doing that. You're a faggor fraud, nothing more, I guess they lock you in the basement with your PC like a retard.

  7. I'm not mad because I lost 200 on the Redskins and the Colts game but guess what I got it all back last night on the Vikings and Packers game..Keep Working Hard Zack I really enjoy your work to the fullest.

  8. I'm not mad because I lost 200 on the Redskins and the Colts game but guess what I got it all back last night on the Vikings and Packers game..Keep Working Hard Zack I really enjoy your work to the fullest.

  9. Anybody that is complaining about losing the Colts games, should have known that the Past Superbowl Champion games would be symbolic and risky. You should have bet the Jets Big...The Vikings Big, and the Colts small.

  10. Zach, do you think the Minnesota and New York attacks might be a link to the Vikings and Giants in an NFC Championship game?

  11. Who else thought Luck was going to march down the field to get a winning TD, I sure did! Then the most obvious fumble happens on the very first play!

    Anyway, all the trolls come out when you lose, and talk shit about the 0-2 Colts start. You mentioned they went to the playoffs while 0-2 start, but let's not forget the 08 Giants, who started 0-2 and won the ship!

    1. 2007 season Giants but that's just splitting hairs. I'm with you on this one!

    2. I knew it was one of them years, too lazy to google it, haha!

  12. What's good Zach. I like your work but I had a question for you. Why do you call the Freddie Gray incident a hoax when that was a real event that took place. I have friends who were friends and grew up with him. You don't think that's insensitive to say to people who aren't from here that our brothers aren't really dying at the hands of the police but it's just media driven? Keep up the good work though exposing these frauds but you can't say all these deaths aren't real people.

  13. ok fair enough naybe its scripted but where does it go from here ? my best friend i grew uo with sunce i was 5 played for the detroit red wings for a couple years and not one time was a game discussed with him to make or break.. and honestly can all these proffesional players really be trusted to keep there mouth shut ?...this us all a good theory zac but its dead eneed even if your right which is questionable if i was rich and powerful i would have better things to do then give away clues on a hash mark or football play....

    1. What if the players were part of the Military?

  14. ok fair enough naybe its scripted but where does it go from here ? my best friend i grew uo with sunce i was 5 played for the detroit red wings for a couple years and not one time was a game discussed with him to make or break.. and honestly can all these proffesional players really be trusted to keep there mouth shut ?...this us all a good theory zac but its dead eneed even if your right which is questionable if i was rich and powerful i would have better things to do then give away clues on a hash mark or football play....

    1. Soccer players come out all the time before and after they except the money to throw the game especially goalies..

  15. Will colts get their first win on 9/25?? Vs chargers=43,79=champion?? That leaves 97 days left in the year??97 is the 25th prime like sb date 2/5 The date can be read 9/7 9/2+5= 9/7.did Andre luck need to get 106 career td passes before he can win his first game of his Super Bowl season or similar?? Donte moncreif bday is 50 days before 9/25 which has numerology of 50 9+25+16=50.the date zurlon Tipton died 6/28 and 9/25 (possible first win for colts) have the exact same numerology 25,34,43,50,70.
    One hundred six=70/79
    One hundred and six=179
    June twenty eighth=79
    September twenty fifth=97

    DONT FORGET WWE is having an event in Indiana named clash of champions same day 9/25 at bankers life field house on 125 s Pennsylvania st.
    Bankers life field house=125
    It's on 125 Pennsylvania
    It is will smiths bday ,will smith=125
    From the death of zurlon Tipton 6/28 to 9/25 is 12 weeks 5 days..
    Zurlon has 125 career receptions..

  16. How about Darius Butler, magically pulling his hamstring, so he purposely can't score a pick-six, how do people not see this?

    “I was feeling fine throughout the game. (But) once I made that interception, I went to open up and it grabbed on me.”

    Of course you were feeling fine Darius.

  17. Zack,

    The Colts vs Vikings game on December 18th is the "51st" week of the year. Just like Super Bowl 51.

  18. Hey Zach, ive been trying to dig deeper into the colts super bowl win this year and i found something interesting. I came across this blog where the author had found a player each year that was acquired the same year that team had won the super bowl. A few days ago, September 21, 2016 the colts signed "Devin Street" to the active roster from the patriots practice squad. There are a few things i have noticed..
    Devin Street in english reduction = 51 (super bowl 51 connection)
    Devin Street in simple english gematria = 141. The only numbers that devise 141 are 1, 47 (47th modern era super bowl), & 141. 47+47+47=141
    Date he was signed- 9+21+20+16 = 66
    9+21+16 = 46
    From his birthday March 30th to the date he was signed was 25 weeks, kind of like the 2/5 date of the super bowl. This is the best part, from his birthday to the date of the super bowl will be exactly 10 months and 6 days OR 44 weeks and 4 days.106 + 25 = 131 = Championship, Super Bowl. LOL I had to laugh when i saw this.
    In his biggest game of his high school career he caught the winning touchdown pass to win the state title with a score of 28-21 like 49 revelation coding. He lead his team to a 15-1 record that year kind of like what we just saw with Cam Newton. He finished that season with 49 receptions for 882 yards and 2 interceptions (he started as defensive back also). 49 - 2 = 47. Im seeing revelation coding and 47 coding for this years 47th modern era super bowl.
    He also played for university of Pittsburgh, in 2013, he caught 51 passes and earned 3rd team all acc. In 2011, he had 53 catches and just 2 touchdowns. 53-2 = 51. This stuff is nuts.
    Keep up the great work Zach, ive been learning a ton from you! Hope to hear back from you. Thanks for your time!

    This is the link to the blog i was talking about.....


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