Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, September 5, 2016

33 62 78 125 | The reason CM Punk (Phil Brooks) is getting his debut UFC fight in Cleveland, Ohio, September 10, 2016 (UFC 203)

Let us begin with the date UFC 203 is happening.

9/10/2016 = 9+10+20+16 = 55
9/10/2016 = 9+10+(2+0+1+6) = 28
9/10/2016 = 9+1+0+2+0+1+6 = 19
9/10/16 = 9+10+16 = 35

Let us also examine the city, Cleveland, Ohio.

Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4 = 33
Ohio = 6+8+9+6 = 29
Cleveland, Ohio = 62 (Phil Brooks = 62, CM Punk's real name)

Cleveland = 3+12+5+22+5+12+1+14+4 = 78
Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47
Cleveland, Ohio = 125 (Phil Brooks = 125, CM Punk's real name)

The nickname CM Punk, connects to 'Cleveland'.  CM Punk, the former WWE star, will get his UFC debut in Cleveland in this fight.

CM Punk was born October 26, 1978, emphasis on '78.

Chick Magnet = 49/58; Freemasonry = 58/67; Secret Society = 58/76

And now let us decode the opponents.  Oh wait, I did that already, January 21, 2016:

Notice Mickey Gall is associated with 'Miller' Brothers MMA.

Miller = 4+9+3+3+5+9 = 33 (CM = 33)

What do you know, more '33'.

Mickey = 13+9+3+11+5+25 = 66 (Thirty-Three = 66) (CM's birthday leaves 66-days in year)
Gall = 7+1+12+12 = 32
Mickey Gall = 98 (Prophet)

Notice the gematria of '66', a number of focus and a number connected to CM Punk, born on October 26, the day that leaves 66-days remaining.

Mickey = 4+9+3+2+5+7 = 30
Gall = 7+1+3+3 = 14
Mickey Gall = 44 (Prophet)

His initials, MG, also have a connection to 'Ohio'.

M = 13 = 4; G = 7; MG = 47 (Ohio = 47)

This fight comes 88-days or 2-months and 27-days before his 25th birthday.

1/22/1992 = 1+22+19+92 = 134
1/22/1992 = 1+22+(1+9+9+2) = 44 (Mickey Gall)
1/22/1992 = 1+2+2+1+9+9+2 = 26
1/22/92 = 1+22+92 = 115

Phillip = 16+8+9+12+12+9+16 = 82 (Phil = 16+8+9+12 = 45)
Jack = 10+1+3+11 = 25
Brooks = 2+18+15+15+11+19 = 80
Phillip Jack Brooks = 187
Phil Brooks = 125 (Cleveland, Ohio)

Phillip = 7+8+9+3+3+9+7 = 46 (Phil = 7+8+9+3 = 27)
Jack = 1+1+3+2 = 7/16
Brooks = 2+9+6+6+2+1 = 2+9+6+6+2+1 = 26/35/44
Phillip Jack Brooks = 79/88/106 (Prophecy = 106)
Phil Brooks = 53/62/71 (Cleveland, Ohio = 62)

Notice he is born on October 26, the day that leaves 66-days left in the year, and the same day the fighter Dos Anjos was born on.  Last year Dos Anjos won in 66-seconds, defeating Donald Cerone, the same night Hillary was taking jabs at Donald Trump in the Democratic debate, with Hillary also having an October 26 birthday.  The date of that fight and debate, was also a date with '66' numerology.  Interestingly enough, like Hillary, CM Punk is also from Chicago, IL.  Of course this fight comes in Ohio, a state having gematria matching President, '47'.

CM Punk's current age of 37 connects to 'Chicago' as well.

The fight come 46-days before his 38th birthday, or a total span of 47-days.  46 also connects to Chicago, and of course 47 connects to Ohio and President.

10/26/1978 = 10+26+19+78 = 133 (Government) (White House)
10/26/1978 = 10+26+(1+9+7+8) = 61
10/26/1978 = 1+0+2+6+1+9+7+8 = 34
10/26/78 = 10+26+78 = 114


  1. Zach.. I want to try to break down week 1 of nfl. What should I look for. Like the panthers broncos game is on 9/8/2016. Which can be added numerous ways.. what else should I look for? Birthdays? Jersey numbers?


    1. The 33 I know is a special number..

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Trevor Siemian named week 1 starter for Broncos. He's 24 years old. Which matches one of the date numerology. And I don't know why my posts be posting twice. It's actually irritating me its doing that.

    4. Trevor Siemian named week 1 starter for Broncos. He's 24 years old. Which matches one of the date numerology. And I don't know why my posts be posting twice. It's actually irritating me its doing that.

    5. Study last year' Week 1 and draw parallels. I'll do a preview for Panthers and Broncos in a moment.

    6. Don't worry about the double posts, it's a google glitch, not you.

    7. Any thoughts on FSU and Ole Miss tonight?

    8. I didn't see any number connections to the date. I did notoce that the last time they played was 55 years go in 1961 where Ole Miss won 33-0. There is an ESPN 55 second clip up about FSU. Clue?

    9. Did a little more investigating. Today is a date with 50 numerology, 9+5+20+16 =50
      Jimbo fisher is 50 years old.
      Davin Cook, rb for FSU was born in '95, with todays date being 9/5.

    10. Report what you find dude... Im in the process of doing this with premier league football (Soccer to you guys)

      I've found the same numbers in all the games so far im just piecing out the puzzle as we speak. Every single game in every single sport is decodeable im absolutely convinced they all have to work on the same pattern, thats the only way everything lines up in finals and championship matches.

      If i can crack the weekly games then it should i imagine hold the same pattern for all sports.

    11. Trying to get hold of a ex pro premier league player he's my friends brother but my friend is into zach's work also.. His bro definitely knows what's what. Do you have e-mail mate?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like FSU to roll, dont see another top 10 team falling. 3 is most likely the magic number

  4. THANK YOU ZACH ... You are a champion

  5. I've not worked to much on this one to be honest, as you can see all seems to align for punks big debut but nothing that clearly suggests he'll win it.

    His birth Numerology for this year is 52/72. He was signed 6/12/14 a date with 52 numerology as well.

    The fight takes place in the Quicken Loans Arena = 72 (Birth Numerology)

    Exactly 92 weeks between the date he signed and his first fight.
    Ninety two = 46...?

    Debut win = 35/98. 35 = Date numerology. 98 = Mickey Gill...?

    I'd go with punk on this one even though he's a massive underdog. Seems unlikely they'd have a big name on there roster for 2 years than have him lose his first fight.

    At 37 there's probably not much time to milk him before he gets to old? A bit to much guess work with this one for me to bet on.

    Im about to turn my attention to the Kell Brook fight on the same day in England.

    Kell Brook is 33-0 and GGG is 34-0 in there careers. Super fights tend to me easier to predict.

  6. sherdog the website has him as phil brooks (CM PUNK).
    Joe rogan also said he fights under phil brooks and not Phillip brooks like wiki says.
    Phil cm punk brooks - 203 in English ordinal the small way. Ufc 203

  7. FSU qb is starting his first football game at his home field in Orlando, the neutral site was selected a year in advance. Seminoles are 5-1 in these games I bet they win big tonight . Hurricane Hermine knocked out the power @FSU home field. So they most likely would have played in Orlando. ESPN announcer says " you can't script a college football game any better for Deondre Francois " .

    Fate? 😈

  8. Brock Lesner lost to Frank Mir on his debut back in 08 to Frank Mir ... who knows what they'll do with Punk. UFC very pally pal with WWE last few months. I ain't watched in it ages. Still ain't watched the last McGregor Diaz fight :) ...

    Me brother told me a while ago, where the 'CM' in Punk's name, apparently means, 'Chick Magnet' :D ha.
    'Chick Magnet Punk' = 66 and all.

    At UFC 181, CM Punk's deal was announced and what not ... Urijah Faber fought a lad called Francisco Rivera at UFC 181. Faber fights again at 203, only against a Jimmie Rivera :D . Travis Browne will have fought at both. CM Punk the star of both in a way.

    The best part :D Both show titles are the same.

    'UFC 181: Hendricks vs. Lawler 2' = 89
    'UFC 203: Miocic vs Overeem' = 89

    I'll have proper look when get some sleep. Work has me battered the last few months.

    All the best man, Dar!

    1. 'Chick Magnet Punk' = 156 in simple ( Thirty Three )

    2. Ohh and the Mickey Gall lad born on Jan 22nd ... the fight is 33 weeks after his 24th birthday.

  9. Cleveland Indians and reds record is 79 and 57

  10. Punk is 37 and has been training is Milwaukee also equals 37 - equals sacrifice among other things

  11. So does punk win or lose ? He is a massive under dog and currently his odds continue to drift and get bigger each day.

    Punk said " I see my hand getting raised"

    And also a finish by tko.... recently in his last interview.

  12. Funny :D Pun is big fan Chicago Cubs
    UFC 203 Countdown: CM Punk vs Mickey Gall - video on youtube , on the wall is the dress ( Jack Hayden - he played in Chicago Cubs in 1908 :D 1908 won the WS :)

  13. You all missed a very big fact. his full name equals 203
    Phil "Cm Punk" Brooks = 203 (that's what they will introduce him as)
    Fighting in UFC 203 in CLE....... (lebron #23 )

    1. April jeanette mendez = 203, cm punk wife . and what ? :D

  14. Hope this is correct.
    He had (Back surgery) -130EO
    Ufc said he was fit to fight (Feb,12,2016) to (Sep,10,2016)
    Is a span of (30weeks 1 day) include end day 30weeks 2 day (ufc 203 and his name)
    Goes in (3-1) underdog, 31 tatt behind ear, 13 years 3month 13 day age difference.

  15. Fox sports -CM punk on 'poetic' (32) Debut in the same building where he quit WWE for good...

  16. I am curious if there were any clues in today's college football games, I will take a look now


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