Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, September 19, 2016

33 97 | Destiny Vaeao, #97, causes Jay Cutler to fumble for the 86th time, MNF, September 19, 2016

#97, 'Destiny', just forced the fumble on MNF.  Again, this is the 97th season of the NFL.

This was another '33' tribute.

In college, Destiny also wore #97.


  1. Zack off topic but did you catch last week Adrian Peterson 19 carries 31 yards you se it and in 74 and 92 Minnesota was around the Super Bowl 666 connections what do you think

  2. A possible final score is 16-17 for a total of 33. Bears would have to get a field goal and touchdown and hold of eagles or be the first team in a prime time game this year to make their field goal winning point. Which makes me think thats why they got their "missed" field goal out of the way early in the first among other reasons.

    1. Never-mind... LOL every-time I go for a score predictions it drastically changes quick

  3. LMAO kicker fakes a leg injury, and misses the extra point to keep it 22-7.

  4. 22-7 Pi or PHI.. cycles and circles

  5. lol missing the extra point to make it 22-7 like Pi and 227 is also the 49th prime, Wentz has prophecy/revelation going for him tonight it seems.

    1. That's what I was afraid of. Darn it. I was hoping it would be used against him.

    2. Nailed that kick with ease lmfao

  6. The Bears are who we thought they were.

  7. currently, Cutler has 157 yards (37th prime)

    1. Haha
      Brian axel hoyer=157

      One hundred fifty seven =239 big
      One hundred fifty seven=113 like hoyers bday 10/13=113

  8. lol they called an offsides on the bears because the eagles didn't get the TD on 4th down, no one was even close to offsides, they got another chance and it's now 29-7

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. He is documenting the info, in the process he's also saying what side he thinks it favors and even admits sometimes he reads the script wrong, get your panties out of a bunch.

  11. Another person that dropped his lunch $.

  12. I think I favor some numbers over others when I should look at it objectively as possible... the 9-7 home loss record was starring me in the face all day but because 10-6 looks like prophecy I thought it was stronger but then we see a string of 97 tributes throughout the game. I can't wait to get better at this. Gotta keep it going

    1. ay man, we're all in this together. as a community, this knowledge will progress. to the doubters - take a step back one time and realize how badly your appeal to authority is showing. you rest your laurels upon future telling. literally. seriously, get the fuck off the blog.

  13. The names of these players... Smallwood... Cox... Clinton Dix lolol

    1. Just like wwe they have fake names.

    2. I'm starting to realize that,maybe..a lot..On a sports forum a guy said he saw Roger Staubach in a air port and asked him if he was Roger S.. Roger said " I use to be"..the dumb kid had no clue what he ment

  14. notice how on the punt return they just happened to start with the overhead view and leave it there...? just lucky huh

  15. I'm surprised they didn't go for two to make it 44 total.

  16. box score quarter by quarter kinda looks like

    36, 137


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It appears to bes two narratives to these scripted games and I also no those in the shadow's watch ALL so with that said maybe just maybe they see what zach is doing
    ( predictions) as well as destroying contrived news stories...

    1. Perhaps, or maybe just maybe Zach doesnt know what hell he doing his damn self. Cant say stuff is rigged and then keep calling the games wrong. Three game losing streak, better luck next week

    2. You don't find it Ironic that Peyton Manning wins the Superbowl the year he retires? How about the Patriots winning the Superbowl in first Superbowl after 911. How about the Harbaugh brothers meeting in the Superbowl with a 33 min Blackout? What about the goal line interception on the final play in 2015, in which the Patriots filmed themselves practice the exact play over and over and over with the guy who ends up making the interception? Or the Bad Snap on the first play of the Bronco Seattle Superbowl?

      All Coincidence?


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