Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 16, 2016

33 | September 16, 2016, the last 'eclipse' of 2016 (CNN's very '33' reporting)

I wonder how a flat earther explains an eclipse?

Notice that tonight's eclipse will make the moon orange.

Perhaps the significance of 'orange' and '33' is in part attributed to this lunar phenomenon.

You have to love that they have the photo from 'Kobe' for the 'eclipse'.

Kathleen, GA is just a hair off of the 33rd parallel north.

And of course they had to go to Semarang for another picture of the 'eclipse'.


  1. take a look into the black sun and eclipses. also, take note that the Royal Astronimcal Society has documented something to the effect of over 50 instances in recent centuries where both the sun and moon are visible above the horizon during an eclipse.

    Ra/Amun Ra/Amon Ra are all attributable to this ancient Vedic explanation of eclipses, in name.

    1. If this is so, perhaps this is what Saturn really is.

    2. also, the word Amen is right in the mix of this sun god symbolism and Amon and Amen are likely interchangeable, in linguistics. perhaps there is more meaning to using that word in modern religion than we understand.

    3. Is that similar to the Mesoamerican belief in two suns. The young male sun which is what we see and the ancient old female origin black sun? I will have to look more into it. I have heard before that the sky itself is that other sun, and stars are somehow actually holes in it. Really hard for me to grasp out there stuff, but basically, there is a lot less up there than we think.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Masons use the word *IAOM* to identify each other. the syllables are interconnected and the full facial expression for each syllable is exceedingly significant. Masons learn this word, in part, syllable by syllable over the course of their ascension up the masonic ladder. it's pronounced "eee-aaa-ooo-mmm"

      take the transition from E to O and M and think about the corresponding lip orientation/facial expression that you constantly see Trump with. lips always in a little oval shape, always always always.

    6. that's a good question brotha, I know nothing of what you describe! I too will look into that.

    7. I know I see the I AM all over the place. In a little pyramid, I on top AM on the bottom. I bet that plays into it too. These guys are playing with some sticky black shit.

  2. "I wonder how a flat earther explains an eclipse?"

    Ask Jaren.

  3. Very interesting Zach. I am always interested in stuff like this! The Eclipse is in the sign of "Picses" (26/35 71) Also in baseball today...Cubs win today with 106 (Prophecy) days left in the year. They also score 2 runs in the 5th inning (52) (Prophecy) Beating the Brewers who have 66 wins (Revelation). As I mentioned before, during the All Star game this year the 4 Cubs in the starting lineups had a combined jersey number total of 106.

    1. Cubs also rested starters. When they were down 4-2, I was thinking these guys are going to win 5-4. They tied it in the 9th and then walk off HR in the 10th. Lol

  4. Amon-Ra was the fusion of the Egyptian god Amon and Ra/Re. It can also be called Amen-Ra, and it seems likely that it's where the word amen comes from.

    Other important Egyptian gods are Isis and Osiris. Their son's name is Horus, which is where the word "hours" comes from. Also interesting is that obelisks, like the Washington monument, represents the penis of Osiris. No joke.

    1. which is also why obelisks are almost always paired with domes representative of the pregnant belly of Isis.

    2. I think maybe they are paired together because they are supposed to represent a sundial. And that's why their son's name is Horus.

  5. And it should be noted that Israel was named after Isis, Ra, and El. El is another name for the god of Saturn.

    1. I knew that bit about Israel's name, I did not know about Amon. It is fascinating to me the more the old world religions rear their heads to this day. How anyone can believe a "new" religion like Christianity isn't based entirely on an older faith is beyond me.

    2. Osiris even had a brother named Set. HA! Like Sunset. It's so obvious our world is based on ancient occult worship.

  6. If you look at Colts odds. They are at (33x1)

  7. Eclipses are easily explained by Flat Earthers - in fact they are proof of flat earth.

  8. Eclipses are easily explained by Flat Earthers - in fact they are proof of flat earth.


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